Podcasts > SmartLess > Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

By Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, Will Arnett

Join Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes on their uproarious adventure to Madison in a live episode of “SmartLess,” featuring surprise guests Tracey Hayes and Hollywood luminary Matt Damon. The trio starts with their trademark humor, inviting the audience into their whimsical world, complete with slapstick memories and a loving nod to their special rapport with the city of Madison. The humor continues as they share on-the-road tales, including life’s little quirks like food mishaps and snacking habits, painting a delightfully human picture of life as touring podcast hosts.

Dive into the personal histories and hilarious musings of their guests as Tracey Hayes recounts her days on the police force while Matt Damon brings his own star-studded anecdotes, from being a 'cool dad' to family softball games. Enlightening talks range from the origins of “Good Will Hunting” to the dedication needed for Damon’s iconic roles, shedding light on the industry's realities. The episode wraps up with a self-reflective look at podcasting and a playful debate on potential format changes, embodying the SmartLess signature blend of laughter and longevity in showbiz.

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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

1-Page Summary

Podcast Dynamics and Personal Connections

Live Episode Antics: Kicking Off with Humor

The SmartLess live Madison episode with hosts Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes begins with a display of playful humor, featuring antics like a pretend slapping exchange. They ensure to remind the audience about the show's policy on flash photography and recording, setting a comedic tone for the evening's event.

Madison Moments: Hosts’ Connection to the City

The trio shares their special connection to Madison, equating the visit to a home game experience. They recount how this connection once led to an amusing encounter with a frozen lake, showcasing their unfamiliarity with such cold climates, being from Los Angeles.

Tour Talk: Lifestyle Quirks and On-the-Road Stories

On their tour, the hosts delve into the quirks of their lifestyles, discussing snacking preferences and room-sharing habits. They bring humor to everyday scenarios, like Jason’s food order mix-up at a restaurant, providing a glimpse into their lives behind the scenes.

Guest Interactions and Shared Stories

A Cop's Tale: Tracey Hayes' Experience in Law Enforcement

Arriving as a special guest, Sean’s sister Tracey Hayes shares anecdotes from her past as a police officer. She brings a light-hearted perspective to dealings with routine crime and discusses the practical challenges of policing, such as operating motorcycles in snow—all while managing a sense of recognizability due to the podcast’s popularity.

Damon’s Take: Fame, Family, and Formative Years

Matt Damon joins the conversation, sharing various personal anecdotes ranging from softball games with the Olsen twins to his children's views on his TikTok aspirations. He humorously discusses what it means to be a 'cool dad,' poking fun at his attempts to stay trendy.

Nostalgia and Narrative: Matt Damon’s Early Acting Days

Damon and Hayes take a trip down memory lane, discussing their early encounters with Ben Affleck in Boston and the influence of a memorable drama teacher. The shared nostalgia includes Damon recalling his high school production of "Pippin" and a comedic mishap when Damon wore a T-shirt with Hayes' face on it.

Entertainment Industry Insights

Script to Screen: The Genesis of "Good Will Hunting"

Damon credits the origin of the film "Good Will Hunting" to the frustration he and Affleck felt with their acting opportunities—or lack thereof—which eventually led to an Academy Award for their script. The conversation highlights the creative challenges and defining moments of Damon's career.

Celebrity Realness: Relatable Moments with Icons

The episode peels back the curtain on the normalcy of celebrity lives, with hosts and guests sharing relatable encounters with other stars. Whether it's bonding attempts with Jack Nicholson or puns about "Benjamin Button" with Brad Pitt, these stories humanize figures often regarded as untouchable.

Mastering the Craft: Damon’s Dedication to Acting

Damon discusses his rigorous approach to his roles, including his intensive training for the "Bourne" series. He contrasts his own stunts with those of Tom Cruise, emphasizing his cautious approach to action scenes. The hosts also reflect on Damon's diverse acting credits, from "The Departed" to "The Talented Mr. Ripley."

Reflections on the Podcast Format and Production

Meta-Musings: Discussing the Podcast's Inner Workings

Taking a step back, the host banter pivots to discuss the podcast format and production quirks that they consider cringe-worthy. They humorously debate the merits of a show detail that Tracey finds embarrassing, playing with the idea of format changes.

To Change or Not to Change: Contemplating Podcast Features

The episode concludes with playful consideration of potential alterations to the show's farewell segment. While an Italian-themed alternative is discussed, the hosts’ group decision-making is humorously depicted as indecisive. Through this conversation, listeners gain insight into the collaborative and creative process that goes into producing the "SmartLess" podcast.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The SmartLess live Madison episode is a special live event of the SmartLess podcast featuring hosts Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes. In this episode, the hosts engage with the audience in a live setting, often incorporating interactive elements and unique experiences specific to the location of Madison. These live episodes provide a different dynamic compared to the regular podcast format, offering a more immersive and spontaneous experience for both the hosts and the audience. The Madison episode showcases the hosts' ability to connect with the local audience and create memorable moments that differ from their typical studio recordings.
  • The hosts' connection to Madison is about how Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes feel a special bond with the city, comparing it to a hometown experience. They shared a humorous incident related to their unfamiliarity with cold climates during a visit to Madison. This connection adds a personal touch to their interactions with the city and the audience during the live episode.
  • "Lifestyle quirks and on-the-road stories" in the context of the podcast episode involve the hosts discussing unique habits and preferences they have while traveling for their show. This includes details like what snacks they enjoy, how they share rooms, and humorous incidents that occur during their travels. These stories provide a glimpse into the hosts' personal lives and the behind-the-scenes dynamics of their on-the-road experiences.
  • Matt Damon shared personal anecdotes about his interactions with the Olsen twins, his children's opinions on his TikTok endeavors, and his humorous take on being a 'cool dad.' He also reminisced about his early acting days, including memories of working with Ben Affleck in Boston and the influence of a significant drama teacher. Additionally, Damon discussed a high school production of "Pippin" and a comedic mishap involving a T-shirt with Sean Hayes' face.
  • The genesis of "Good Will Hunting" lies in the frustration Matt Damon and Ben Affleck felt with their acting opportunities, leading them to write a script that eventually won an Academy Award. The film's creation stemmed from their desire to showcase their talents in a meaningful way, highlighting their writing skills and launching their careers to new heights. This project marked a pivotal moment in Damon and Affleck's careers, propelling them into the spotlight as both actors and screenwriters. "Good Will Hunting" became a critical and commercial success, solidifying Damon and Affleck's positions in the entertainment industry.
  • Matt Damon's dedication to acting is highlighted by his rigorous approach to roles, including intensive training for the "Bourne" series. In contrast to Tom Cruise, Damon emphasizes a cautious approach to action scenes, showcasing his commitment to authenticity and safety in his performances. This distinction underscores Damon's methodical preparation and attention to detail in his craft, setting him apart in his approach to acting.
  • Matt Damon's diverse acting credits encompass a wide range of roles in various films, showcasing his versatility as an actor. From intense action-packed performances in the "Bourne" series to nuanced character portrayals in movies like "The Departed" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley," Damon has demonstrated his ability to excel in different genres and styles of acting. His filmography reflects his commitment to exploring diverse characters and narratives, contributing to his reputation as a versatile and accomplished actor.
  • The section on podcast format and production quirks delves into behind-the-scenes aspects of creating the "SmartLess" podcast, such as discussing elements of the show that the hosts find cringe-worthy. They humorously debate potential changes to the show's format and farewell segment, offering insight into the collaborative and creative process involved in producing the podcast. The hosts reflect on aspects of the podcast that may be considered embarrassing or awkward, showcasing a self-aware approach to their content creation. This segment provides a glimpse into the meta-discussions and considerations that shape the podcast's structure and content.
  • The farewell segment of a podcast typically marks the end of an episode where hosts may share final thoughts, thank guests, or engage in a specific activity. In this context, the hosts of the "SmartLess" podcast were contemplating potential changes to this concluding part of their show, possibly considering introducing an Italian-themed alternative. This discussion showcased their playful and creative approach to refining the podcast's format and keeping the content engaging for their audience.


  • The comedic tone set at the beginning of the episode might not appeal to all listeners, some of whom may prefer a more serious or informative start.
  • The hosts' special connection to Madison could be seen as irrelevant to listeners who are not from or familiar with the city, potentially alienating part of the audience.
  • Discussing lifestyle quirks and on-the-road stories might come across as self-indulgent or unrelatable to some listeners who do not share the same experiences or lifestyle.
  • Tracey Hayes' light-hearted perspective on policing could be perceived as downplaying the seriousness of law enforcement challenges and the complexities of crime.
  • Personal anecdotes from celebrities like Matt Damon might be interesting to fans but could also be seen as name-dropping or lacking substance for those seeking more in-depth content.
  • Nostalgia about early acting days and influential figures like drama teachers may not resonate with listeners who are more interested in current projects and industry insights.
  • While the genesis of "Good Will Hunting" is a significant moment in film history, some listeners might prefer to hear about more recent or diverse creative processes.
  • Sharing relatable encounters with other stars aims to humanize celebrities, but some listeners might find these stories perpetuate celebrity culture rather than offering a genuine look at their normalcy.
  • Discussing acting dedication and contrasting approaches to stunts could be seen as too focused on individual experiences rather than exploring a broader range of acting techniques and philosophies.
  • Reflecting on diverse acting credits may not appeal to listeners who are not fans of the specific works mentioned or who prefer discussions about less mainstream projects.
  • The meta-discussion about the podcast's inner workings could be considered navel-gazing and might not be of interest to listeners who are more interested in the content than the production.
  • Playful contemplation of changes to the podcast's farewell segment might seem trivial to some listeners who value consistency or who do not find the segment particularly important.

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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

Podcast Dynamics and Personal Connections

Live Episode Antics: Kicking Off with Humor

The SmartLess live Madison episode with hosts Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes begins with a display of playful humor, featuring antics like a pretend slapping exchange to wake up and check their energy levels.

They ensure to remind the audience about the show's policy on flash photography and recording, setting a comedic tone for the evening's event.

Madison Moments: Hosts’ Connection to the City

The trio shares their special connection to Madison, equating the visit to a home game experience.

They recount how this connection once led to an amusing encounter with a frozen lake, showcasing their unfamiliarity with such cold climates, being from Los Angeles.

Tour Talk: Lifestyle Quirks and On-the-Road Stories

On their tour, the hosts delve into the quirks of their lifestyles, discussing snacking preferences and room-sharing habits. Jason Bateman shares an amusing tale of a female patron's odd encounter with a robust Russian massage therapist, which escalated to her husband's confrontation with the facility upon discovering an inappropriate gesture. Will Arnett responds with humorous curiosity about the facility's location.

Meanwhile, Sean Hayes recounts a misadventure involving him and his sister Tracey accidentall ...

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Podcast Dynamics and Personal Connections

Additional Materials


  • Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes are well-known actors and comedians in the entertainment industry. They are recognized for their work in television shows, movies, and comedy. The trio often collaborates on various projects and have a strong friendship both on and off-screen.
  • Lifestyle quirks, in this context, refer to unique or unusual habits and behaviors that the hosts have in their daily lives. Snacking preferences indicate the specific types of snacks that the hosts enjoy consuming. Room-sharing habits pertain to how the hosts prefer to share accommodations or living spaces while on tour or during their travels.
  • Sean Hayes recounts a mishap where he and his sister Tracey failed to properly secure their belongings in a truck after college, leading to the items being scattered on a highway due to their intoxicated state.
  • Playing hockey on frozen lakes is a popular pastime in Canada due to the country's cold winters and love for the sport. It is a tradition for many Canadians to skate and play hockey on natural frozen surfaces like lakes and ponds. This activity is deeply ingrained in Canadian culture and is often seen as a nostalgic and ...



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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

Guest Interactions and Shared Stories

A Cop's Tale: Tracey Hayes' Experience in Law Enforcement

Arriving as a special guest, Sean's sister Tracey Hayes shares anecdotes from her past as a police officer. She opens up about cherished family memories and the sibling dynamic with Sean.

Prompted by Sean, Tracey offers a particularly revealing story from her policing days, recounting how she nonchalantly discovered a deceased neighbor, highlighting her familiarity with the morbid aspects of her profession.

Detailing the practicalities of police work, she addresses the audience's query about whether she ever served as a motorcycle cop and reflects on the complexities of operating a motorcycle in snowy conditions. Despite retreating from the public eye and living in Monaco under a different surname, Tracey remarks on her surprising recognizability stemming from her appearances on the podcast.

Damon’s Take: Fame, Family, and Formative Years

Matt Damon joins the conversation, sharing his nuanced personal anecdotes. He discusses the stark difference in public recognition he gets in New York City, where he enjoys anonymity, unlike in Los Angeles. This allows him to lead a more normal life away from the celebrity spotlight.

His commentary on fame also includes the hu ...

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Guest Interactions and Shared Stories

Additional Materials




  • Tracey Hayes' comfort with the morbid aspects of her job might not be shared by all listeners, and some may find such stories unsettling or inappropriate for a casual podcast setting.
  • While Tracey Hayes mentions her recognizability from the podcast, it's possible that her fame is not as widespread as suggested, and her privacy in Monaco might not be as compromised as she believes.
  • Matt Damon's perceived anonymity in New York City could be challenged by the idea that celebrities often underestimate their recognizability, and his experiences might not be representative of other public figures.
  • The disapproval of Matt Damon's children towards his social media attempts could be seen as a normal generational divide, rat ...

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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

Entertainment Industry Insights

Script to Screen: The Genesis of "Good Will Hunting"

Damon credits the origin of the film "Good Will Hunting" to the frustration he and Ben Affleck felt with their acting opportunities, which were limited at the time. This frustration motivated them to take control of their own destinies by creating "Good Will Hunting", a move that eventually led to an Academy Award for their original screenplay.

The co-hosts and Damon engage in a retrospective discussion of the film, examining the impetus behind their decision to write the screenplay, with the aim of forging their own path in the industry.

Celebrity Realness: Relatable Moments with Icons

The episode reveals the approachable and playful sides of celebrities, featuring a blend of humor and nostalgia.

Sean Hayes shares a light-hearted account of unsuccessfully trying to bond with Jack Nicholson on the set of "The Bucket List."

Matt Damon discusses his early critically acclaimed work, such as "The Departed," while Will Arnett shares anecdotes about Brad Pitt's friendliness, highlighting a particularly memorable moment involving praise for Arnett's work and a witty exchange about the film "Benjamin Button."

Mastering the Craft: Damon’s Dedication to Acting

Matt Damon shares insights into the intersection of his education and acting, ...

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Entertainment Industry Insights

Additional Materials


  • The term "impetus" behind writing the screenplay in this context refers to the driving force or motivation that inspired Matt Damon and Ben Affleck to create the film "Good Will Hunting." It signifies the catalyst or reason that propelled them to take action and write the script, which ultimately led to their success in the entertainment industry. The impetus could include their frustration with limited acting opportunities and their desire to showcase their talent and creativity through their own project. It encapsulates the initial spark that ignited their journey towards writing and producing the acclaimed film.
  • The concept of "approachable and playful sides of celebrities" highlights instances where famous individuals showcase their down-to-earth and fun-loving personalities, often in contrast to their public personas. It aims to reveal relatable moments that humanize celebrities and show them in a more casual and relatable light. This approach can help audiences connect with celebrities on a personal level and see beyond the glamour of their public image. It often involves sharing anecdotes, humorous stories, or interactions that demonstrate the approachability and sense of humor of these well-known figures.
  • Matt Damon's mention of his early critically acclaimed work, such as "The Departed," is a reference to one of his notable films where he played a significant role. "The Departed" is a 2006 crime thriller directed by Martin Scorsese, where Damon starred alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson. The film received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. Damon's performance in "The Departed" contributed to his reputation as a talented actor in the industry.
  • Matt Damon attended Harvard University but left before completing his degree to pursue his acting career. He started acting in films while still a student, which made it challenging to balance his academic responsibilities with his growing acting opportunities. This led to his decision to prioritize his acting career over completing his studies at Harvard.
  • Damon's analogy suggests that deeply engaging in a subject you are passionate about can bring a similar sense of fulfillment as pursuing a career you love. ...


  • While Damon and Affleck's creation of "Good Will Hunting" is often attributed to their frustration with limited acting opportunities, it's also worth noting that many actors face similar challenges without achieving the same level of success; success in the industry often involves a combination of talent, hard work, and luck.
  • The discussion about forging their own path in the industry through writing could be complemented by acknowledging the barriers that aspiring writers and actors from less privileged backgrounds may face, even when they have great ideas and scripts.
  • While the episode aims to showcase celebrities' approachable and playful sides, it's important to remember that these are still curated public personas, and the private realities of these individuals may be quite different.
  • Sean Hayes' humorous anecdote about trying to bond with Jack Nicholson might be seen as a light-hearted moment, but it also highlights the hierarchical nature of relationships in Hollywood, where less established actors may feel pressure to connect with A-list stars.
  • Discussing Matt Damon's early critically acclaimed work could be balanced with an acknowledgment that not all talented actors receive the opportunity to showcase their skills in high-profile projects due to various factors, including typecasting and industry politics.
  • Will Arnett's anecdote about Brad Pitt could be contrasted with the experiences of actors who struggle to receive recognition from their peers, emphasizing the competitive nature of the industry.
  • Damon's ability to juggle Harvard studies with a film career is commendable, but it's also ...

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Matt Damon and Tracey! LIVE in Madison | SmartLess

Reflections on the Podcast Format and Production

Meta-Musings: Discussing the Podcast's Inner Workings

Tracey Hayes chimes in with the hosts to cringe over a certain aspect of the podcast, revealing that even guests notice parts of the show that might need rethinking.

The hosts indulge in a trivial yet light-hearted argument over a minute detail of their show's format, portraying their willingness to engage in self-reflection and consider audience feedback.

To Change or Not to Change: Contemplating Podcast Features

The episode captures a whimsical yet pivotal moment where Jason Bateman suggests switching their customary farewell to "see ya," complete with an Italian flair, though the idea doesn't resonate, leading to a democ ...

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Reflections on the Podcast Format and Production

Additional Materials


  • The dynamics between hosts and guests on a podcast typically involve a balance of conversation, where hosts lead discussions and guests contribute their insights or stories. Guests often bring fresh perspectives or expertise to the show, while hosts guide the flow of the conversation. Interactions can range from casual banter to more structured interviews, depending on the podcast's format and style. The relationship between hosts and guests can influence the tone, depth, and overall appeal of the podcast episode.
  • Changing the customary farewell in a podcast can be significant as it affects the overall tone and branding of the show. It can impact how the hosts connect with their audience and shape the podcast's identity. The decision to alter such a familiar element can reflect the hosts' openness to experimentation and their responsiveness to feedback. In this context, the proposed change to the farewell phrase "see ya" with an Italian twist showcases the hosts' willingness to consider new ideas while maintaining the podcast's essence.
  • ...


  • While the hosts consider audience feedback, it's possible that they may prioritize entertainment value over constructive criticism, potentially overlooking deeper issues that could improve the podcast.
  • The discussion about changing the farewell might seem whimsical, but it could also be perceived as an avoidance of more significant content or format changes that could benefit the show.
  • Describing the podcast as "all-natural and meticulously hand-crafted" might come across as pretentious or insincere, especially if the production process is not as organic or detailed as suggested.
  • Will Arnet's ironic commentary, while humorous, might not always contribute to a constructive conversation about the podcast's production and could detract from more serious discussions about improvement.
  • A democratic vote on show features, such as the fare ...

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