Podcasts > Shawn Ryan Show > Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

By Shawn Ryan Show

Dive deep into the mysteries of ancient civilizations with Shawn Ryan as he hosts Billy Carson on the "Shawn Ryan Show." Together, they unravel the enigmatic history of the Great Pyramid at Giza, theorizing about its potential use as a sophisticated piece of ancient technology. From discussing how the pyramid might have generated power wirelessly to the idea that it served as a stone computer and celestial communicator, Carson brings a revolutionary perspective on the purpose of these ancient marvels. Embark on a journey that connects piezoelectricity, astrophysical data, and magnetic crystals to a past that might have been far more advanced than we ever imagined.

As the conversation shifts to the realms of human consciousness and potential, Carson delves into the quantum entanglements of the mind, suggesting that dormant human capabilities, like telepathy and telekinesis, lie waiting to be rediscovered through meditation. Exploring theories that encircle the interdimensional nature of consciousness and the secrets encoded in our own biology, Carson offers an uplifting vision: Humanity's mission to manifest enlightenment and a golden age of prosperity that's harmonious with universal consciousness. The "Shawn Ryan Show" with Billy Carson goes beyond the historical narrative, painting humanity's existence as a pivotal quest for a higher state of being within a grand cosmic experiment.

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Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

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Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

1-Page Summary

Ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies

Shawn Ryan and Billy Carson explore the advanced technologies that may have been used by ancient civilizations, specifically focusing on the Great Pyramid at Giza. Carson contends that the pyramid functioned as a stone computer, wireless power plant, and communication device with celestial bodies. The pyramid’s design, which harnessed piezoelectricity from water and magnetized crystal granite, implies an understanding of natural energies. Carson posits that granite in the King's Chamber and obelisks were part of a system to transmit energy wirelessly. He also theorizes that the Queen's Chamber was used to extract hydrogen for extraterrestrial communication via shafts aligned with Orion.

Carson discusses the Giza pyramids as a part of an energy grid, utilizing sophisticated knowledge of physics and mathematics. He mentions that these ancient edifices encode astrophysical data and are strategically located on fault lines. The Great Pyramid’s geographical location indicates that builders might have had access to polar orbiting satellites and it could be much older than currently accepted. Pyramids around the world, including Mexico’s Pyramid of the Sun, are thought to reflect the spread of architectural knowledge, showing advanced precision and alignment with Orion.

Consciousness and humans' innate abilities

Billy Carson discusses consciousness and its connections to multiverses, suggesting humans have innate abilities that have been lost over time. According to Carson, quantum physics shows how the mind connects across dimensions via quantum entanglement. This theory is supported by the presence of 'junk DNA' and magnetite crystals in the human brain, indicating previously functional abilities and a once broader awareness of Earth's magnetism. Carson believes that our consciousness interacts with other dimensions, possibly explaining why similar ideas arise simultaneously globally.

He asserts that humans have the innate capacity for skills like telekinesis and telepathy, which can be rediscovered through meditation. Meditation potentially allows our consciousness to entangle with the universe, influencing reality and accessing information from the multiverse, such as observing successful doppelgangers in alternate worlds. These notions intertwine ancient knowledge and quantum physics but remain within the realm of theory and speculation.

Humanity’s purpose and mission

Carson shares optimistic views on humanity's role in the universe, proposing that humans are part of a divine experiment to turn darkness into light. He suggests that life may be an exploration by a creator or the universe itself to understand every perspective. This experiment could be manifesting differently across multiverses, with varying laws of physics and proportions of darkness and light.

According to Carson, humanity’s mission entails bringing heaven to Earth by fostering well-being, service, and tackling social injustices. He envisions a new golden age characterized by prosperity, advanced technologies, and sustainability. He encourages learning from historical patterns of civilizational growth and decline to avoid repeating past mistakes. Carson indicates that achieving a higher consciousness collectively will enable humanity to overcome darkness and initiate an era of enlightenment. He concludes by suggesting that harmonizing consciousness across realities could demonstrate humanity's preparedness for advancement in a vast divine framework.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. In the context of the Great Pyramid at Giza, it is theorized that the pyramid's design harnessed piezoelectric properties from water to potentially generate energy. Magnetized crystal granite suggests the use of granite with magnetic properties in the pyramid's construction, possibly for energy transmission or other purposes. These concepts imply a sophisticated understanding of natural energies and materials in the ancient civilization's architectural practices.
  • Humans' purported innate abilities like telekinesis and telepathy are theorized to be linked to quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in quantum physics where particles become interconnected regardless of distance. Meditation is suggested as a practice that may help individuals tap into these abilities by quieting the mind and potentially enhancing consciousness, allowing for a deeper connection to the universe and potentially unlocking latent psychic potentials. These ideas are speculative and not widely accepted in mainstream science, existing more in the realm of alternative theories and beliefs.
  • Humanity's role in a divine experiment to turn darkness into light across multiverses suggests that humans are part of a larger cosmic plan to transform negativity into positivity. This concept implies that through their actions and consciousness, humans contribute to a universal effort to bring about balance and enlightenment. It reflects the idea that existence is a continuous exploration of different perspectives and experiences across various dimensions. This perspective encourages individuals to strive towards creating a more harmonious and enlightened existence, both individually and collectively.
  • Harmonizing consciousness across realities involves aligning human awareness with different dimensions or states of existence to advance collectively within a spiritual or cosmic framework. This concept suggests that by unifying our understanding and energy with higher planes of existence, humanity can progress towards enlightenment and spiritual evolution. It implies a deep connection between individual consciousness and the broader universal consciousness, aiming to elevate humanity's understanding and impact within a larger cosmic order. The idea emphasizes the importance of transcending limited perspectives and embracing a holistic approach to existence for the betterment of individuals and society as a whole.


  • The theories about the Great Pyramid's function lack empirical evidence and are not widely accepted by mainstream archaeologists and Egyptologists.
  • The idea that ancient civilizations had access to technologies such as wireless energy transmission and stone computers is speculative and not supported by concrete archaeological findings.
  • The concept of the pyramids being part of a global energy grid is an intriguing idea but remains a hypothesis without scientific validation.
  • The alignment of pyramids with celestial bodies like Orion could be coincidental or have cultural significance rather than technological.
  • The suggestion that the Great Pyramid's location indicates knowledge of polar orbiting satellites is anachronistic and not corroborated by historical records.
  • The interpretation of 'junk DNA' and magnetite crystals as evidence of lost human abilities is not consistent with current scientific understanding of genetics and neurology.
  • Claims about innate human abilities such as telekinesis and telepathy are not substantiated by rigorous scientific research and are generally considered pseudoscience.
  • The idea of meditation allowing access to information from the multiverse is a metaphysical claim that cannot be tested or proven using the scientific method.
  • The notion of humanity being part of a divine experiment is a philosophical or theological perspective rather than a falsifiable scientific hypothesis.
  • The vision of a new golden age and the role of humanity in the universe is a positive and hopeful outlook but is subjective and not universally agreed upon.
  • The concept of harmonizing consciousness across realities is an abstract idea that lacks a clear mechanism or method of verification.

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Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

Ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies

Shawn Ryan and Billy Carson delve into the mysterious world of ancient civilizations, hypothesizing that these societies may have possessed advanced technologies far beyond what has traditionally been understood.

The Great Pyramid at Giza and its functions

Carson speaks of the Great Pyramid at Giza as an architectural marvel that may have served multiple sophisticated functions, tapping into the natural energies of the Earth.

The pyramid was a multifunctional stone computer and wireless power plant. It also aligned with celestial bodies for communication.

Carson makes several bold claims about the Great Pyramid. He states the pyramid was a multifunctional stone computer and a wireless power plant. Additionally, he suggests that the pyramid's function extended to celestial communication, as it was also a device meant for communicating with the heavens. With the Nile formerly running alongside it, the pyramid's proximity to water may have played a crucial role in its function.

He explains this by detailing the use of running water underneath magnetized crystal granite to generate piezoelectricity. The resulting ions would ascend into the Grand Gallery, where resonating rods, now missing but once placed in slots that remain in the stone, would lead to the King's Chamber. Furthermore, the infrastructure within the King's Chamber, like a granite box with dimensions matching the Ark of the Covenant, and obelisks capturing ambient electricity via a device similar to a Tesla coil, would facilitate this wireless transmission of energy.

Moreover, Carson hypothesizes that the Great Pyramid used a small amount of water in the Queen's Chamber, akin to an electrolysis machine, to extract hydrogen for the purpose of communication. He conjectures that shafts within the pyramid, aligning with Orion and other star systems, were channels for transmitting updates or communications at the hydrogen frequency with extraterrestrial beings.

The Giza pyramids were situated over an energy grid and designed based on advanced physics and mathematics.

Carson goes on to discuss the positioning of the pyramids over an energy grid, indicating the builders' understanding of advanced physics and mathematics. He mentions that the construction of the Great Pyramid allows for the calculation of Earth's distance to the Moon and Sun, as well as celestial speeds—encoded "masonry information" that points to the builders' astrophysical knowledge and the use of a form of computer programming.

Ryan adds that many ancient structures, including the pyramids, are situated on top of fault lines, which might indicate ancient knowledge of Earth's geological features. Carson suppo ...

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Ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies

Additional Materials


  • The concept of the Great Pyramid being described as a "multifunctional stone computer and wireless power plant" suggests that the pyramid had various purposes beyond traditional understanding, potentially involving advanced technological functions like computing and wireless energy transmission. This idea proposes that the pyramid may have had capabilities akin to a sophisticated machine that could process information and transmit power wirelessly, hinting at a level of technological sophistication not typically associated with ancient civilizations. The term "multifunctional" implies that the pyramid could have served multiple complex roles, combining elements of computation and energy transmission within its structure. The notion of a "wireless power plant" suggests a method of generating and distributing electrical energy without the need for physical connections, indicating a potential advanced understanding of energy manipulation and transmission in the context of the Great Pyramid.
  • Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. In this context, the running water underneath magnetized crystal granite could have created mechanical stress on the granite, leading to the generation of piezoelectricity. This process involves the conversion of mechanical energy from the flowing water into electrical energy within the crystal granite, potentially contributing to the energy dynamics within the Great Pyramid at Giza.
  • The resonating rods in the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid were theorized to be components that played a role in wireless energy transmission. These rods, believed to have been placed in slots in the stone, were thought to resonate and facilitate the transmission of energy within the pyramid's infrastructure. The concept suggests a sophisticated system where vibrations or frequencies could have been utilized for energy transfer purposes. This theory is part of the broader hypothesis that the Great Pyramid may have functioned as a complex technological structure beyond its conventional understanding.
  • Carson hypothesizes that a small amount of water in the Queen's Chamber could have been used as an electrolysis machine to extract hydrogen. This extracted hydrogen could have been utilized for communication purposes within the context of his theories about the advanced functions of the Great Pyramid at Giza. This concept ties into his broader speculation about the pyramid's potential as a sophisticated technological structure with various capabilities beyond traditional understanding.
  • The idea that pyramid shafts aligning with Orion and other star systems were used for communication with extraterrestrial beings is a speculative theory proposed by some researchers. They suggest that ancient civilizations may have believed in con ...


  • The idea that ancient civilizations possessed advanced technologies is speculative and not widely supported by mainstream archaeology or history.
  • The functions attributed to the Great Pyramid, such as being a stone computer or wireless power plant, are not supported by physical evidence and contradict the consensus that it was a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu.
  • The concept of the pyramid tapping into natural Earth energies and generating piezoelectricity is a hypothesis without archaeological backing and is considered pseudoscience by many scholars.
  • The suggestion that the pyramid's proximity to water is crucial for its function is speculative and not corroborated by historical records or physical evidence.
  • The claim that resonating rods and a granite box in the King's Chamber were part of an energy transmission system is not supported by archaeological findings or historical texts.
  • The hypothesis that the pyramid used water in the Queen's Chamber for hydrogen extraction and communication is not supported by chemical or physical evidence.
  • The alignment of pyramid shafts with Orion and other star systems is a topic of debate, and the idea that they were used for extraterrestrial communication is not accepted in academic circles.
  • The assertion that the Giza pyramids were situated over an energy grid based on advanced physics and mathematics is not substantiated by empirical evidence.
  • The idea that ancient structures were intentionally built on fault lines to tap into geological features is speculative and lacks concrete evidence.
  • The claim that megalithic structures are located on energy grids with magnetic fields is not supported by geophysical data.
  • The suggestion that the Great Pyramid's location and height indicate the use of polar orbiting satellites is anachronistic and not supported b ...

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Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

Consciousness and humans' innate abilities

Theoretical physicists like Michio Kaku and James Gates Jr. support the idea that the human mind connects to multiple dimensions, suggesting a complex understanding of consciousness that may go beyond our current scientific explanations. Billy Carson explores this concept and how it relates to the human potential and forgotten abilities.

Quantum physics explains how minds are connected across dimensions through quantum entanglement.

Carson delves into the realm of quantum physics, explaining that scientists have discovered the human mind connects to 11 dimensions, thus confirming his theory that consciousness is multidimensional. He suggests that what scientists call "junk DNA" may have been functional in the past, providing abilities that have since been diminished. Additionally, Carson indicates that the billions of magnetite crystals in our heads, which track Earth's magnetic field, suggest that we once had more conscious awareness of this ability that most have now lost.

Entangled particles affect each other instantly, even across vast distances, in a way that bypasses space-time. Thoughts and synaptic activity in the human brain appear to phase in and out of our dimension and might be entangling with information in other dimensions, which could explain occurrences of simultaneous ideas or inventions in various parts of the world, according to Carson.

Humans appear to have lost innate skills over time, but some use meditation to glimpse the multiverse.

Carson posits that all humans have innate capabilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, and the ability to observe Earth's magnetic field, but these capabilities have diminished over time. He theorizes that consciousness is not created by the brain but exists in a higher dimension and is downloaded into the body. Additionally, he describes humans as eternal beings in constant communication with their higher selves from a higher dimension. According to his views, our individual consciousnesses are like radio frequencies coming from a singular source, suggesting that we are all part of a collective consciousness.

The act of using meditation to 'glimpse' the multiverse implies that h ...

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Consciousness and humans' innate abilities

Additional Materials


  • Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where particles become interconnected and their states are linked, regardless of the distance between them. This connection allows for instantaneous communication between the particles, even if they are far apart. In the context of human minds, the idea is that our thoughts and brain activity may interact with information in other dimensions through entanglement, potentially influencing our consciousness and experiences. This concept suggests a deeper connection between quantum properties and the workings of the human mind, hinting at a more intricate relationship between consciousness and the fundamental nature of reality.
  • "Junk DNA" is a term used to describe non-coding regions of DNA that were once thought to have no specific function. However, recent research suggests that these regions may play a role in regulating gene expression and other cellular processes. Some theories propose that these non-coding regions could have been functional in the past, potentially providing abilities or traits that have since been lost or diminished over time. This idea raises questions about the full extent of the functionality of our genetic material and its potential impact on human capabilities.
  • Magnetite crystals in human heads are believed to be involved in detecting Earth's magnetic field. Some researchers suggest that these crystals could have played a role in ancient humans' ability to navigate or sense direction. The presence of magnetite in the brain is a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community. The exact function and significance of these crystals in human biology are not yet fully understood.
  • Entangled particles are a phenomenon in quantum physics where two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is instantly linked to the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This connection is maintained even if the particles are separated by vast distances, and any change to one particle will be reflected in the other instantaneously. This instantaneous connection between entangled particles is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and challenges our classical understanding of how information can be transmitted. This phenomenon has been experimentally verified and is a key feature of quantum entanglement, which is a crucial concept in the field of quantum physics.
  • Humans as eternal beings in constant communication with higher selves: This concept suggests that individuals have a deeper, timeless aspect of themselves beyond their physical existence, wh ...


  • The connection between the human mind and multiple dimensions is a hypothesis that lacks empirical evidence and is not widely accepted in the scientific community.
  • Quantum entanglement, while a well-established phenomenon in physics, has not been scientifically demonstrated to connect human minds across dimensions.
  • The claim that scientists have discovered the human mind connects to 11 dimensions is misleading; the concept of 11 dimensions comes from string theory, which is a theoretical framework not yet proven or directly linked to human consciousness.
  • The term "junk DNA" is outdated, and while some non-coding DNA may have unknown functions, there is no scientific evidence that it provides multidimensional abilities.
  • The presence of magnetite crystals in the human brain is a fact, but their role in a supposed lost conscious awareness of Earth's magnetic field is speculative and not supported by current scientific understanding.
  • The idea that thoughts and synaptic activity might entangle with information in other dimensions is an interesting concept but remains purely speculative and without scientific validation.
  • Claims of humans having lost innate skills such as telekinesis and telepathy are not supported by empirical evidence and are generally considered pseudoscientific.
  • The notion that consciousness exists in a higher dimension and is downloaded into the body is a philosophical or metaphysical perspective, not a scientific one.
  • The concept of humans as eternal beings in communication with higher selves is a spiritual or religious belief and not subject to scientific scrutiny or evidence.
  • The idea that individual consciousnesses are like radio frequencies from a singular sour ...

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Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge | SRS #93

Humanity’s purpose and mission

Carson shares a vision of optimism and purpose for humanity, discussing the belief that humanity is part of a divine experiment aimed at transforming darkness into light through higher consciousness.

Humans seem to be involved in a grand divine experiment to transform darkness into light through higher consciousness.

Carson hypothesizes that existence might be a grand experiment designed to see if darkness will be transformed into light within the universe. He entertains the idea of a creator or the universe using the diversity of experiences to understand every possible perspective. Speculating about multiverses, Carson suggests that each universe might have different laws of physics and balances of darkness and light, constituting different experiments to determine how light can prevail over darkness.

We must bring heaven to Earth and challenge injustice where we see it. We can create a golden age here in our lifetime.

Carson asserts that our mission is not only to survive but also to bring heaven to Earth, help others, provide service, ensure everyone’s well-being, and challenge oppression and suppression. He envisions reforming the global economic system, fostering the rise of green technologies, and creating a golden age where everyone can prosper. Carson refers to the concept of a realm made up of divine matter and darkness, where light typically prevails over darkness.

He shares a vision for the future in which humanity learns from the past to prevent the downfall of civilizations, as hinted at in ancient texts. Carson mentions cycles of rising and falling civilizations, such as the upcoming Age of Aquarius, and suggests that learning from history could help sustain a future golden age. Discussing the importance of fulfil ...

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Humanity’s purpose and mission

Additional Materials


  • Carson's beliefs are centered around the idea that humanity is part of a divine experiment to transform darkness into light through higher consciousness. He discusses the potential existence of multiple universes with varying laws of physics and balances of darkness and light. Carson emphasizes the importance of fulfilling humanity's purpose on Earth and achieving a certain level of consciousness for a golden age to emerge. He suggests that by manifesting higher consciousness, humanity can demonstrate readiness for the next level within a grand divine system.
  • Transforming darkness into light through higher consciousness involves the idea of elevating one's awareness and understanding to overcome negativity, ignorance, and suffering. It suggests a shift towards positivity, wisdom, and enlightenment, leading to personal growth and a more harmonious existence. This concept often relates to spiritual or philosophical beliefs about transcending challenges and embracing inner transformation for the betterment of oneself and the world. By cultivating higher consciousness, individuals aim to bring about positive change, peace, and unity in their lives and communities.
  • The concept of a grand divine experiment in existence suggests that there may be a purposeful and intentional process at play in the universe, where humanity's experiences and consciousness play a role in transforming darkness into light. This idea often involves speculation about the existence of a higher power or universal intelligence guiding this transformative journey towards greater enlightenment and harmony. It posits that through the exploration of different perspectives and the evolution of consciousness, humanity may be contributing to a larger cosmic experiment aimed at achieving balance and enlightenment on a universal scale. This perspective invites contemplation on the interconn ...


  • The concept of a divine experiment is not empirically verifiable and relies on faith or belief rather than scientific evidence.
  • The idea of transforming darkness into light through higher consciousness is metaphorical and subjective, lacking a clear definition or measurable outcome.
  • The notion of the universe using experiences to understand perspectives anthropomorphizes the universe, attributing human-like intentions to it without justification.
  • Speculation about multiverses is currently beyond the scope of scientific testing and remains a theoretical construct without concrete evidence.
  • The idea of bringing heaven to Earth and challenging injustice, while noble, may be overly idealistic and not account for the complexity of human societies and the diversity of moral perspectives.
  • The feasibility of creating a golden age where everyone prospers is questionable given the current socio-economic and political challenges facing the world.
  • While learning from the past is valuable, it is not guaranteed to prevent the downfall of civilizations due to the unpredictable nature of human behavior and external factors.
  • The concept of realizing true power and taking control of destiny can be seen as overly deterministic, ignoring the role of chance and external circumstances in human affairs.
  • The notion of ...

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