Podcasts > Shawn Ryan Show > John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

By Shawn Ryan Show

Join Shawn Ryan, veteran Navy SEAL and host of the "Shawn Ryan Show," as he engages in a profound dialogue with John Lovell and Jason Redman, two distinguished military veterans. This episode offers a raw and illuminating look into the transformation from elite service members to influential civilians. Lovell discusses his tenure with the 75th Ranger Battalion and sheds light on the nuanced leadership techniques that he developed to inspire and elevate his team. Meanwhile, the poignant topic of loss in the line of duty and the solace found in faith paints a gripping picture of the emotional fortitude required of those who serve.

Beyond the battlefield, this installment delves into the veterans' return to civilian life and the ensuing quest for purpose. John Lovell takes us through his venture of transitioning military discipline and expertise into the entrepreneurship of tactical training, sparking the conception of the Warrior Poet Society—an endeavor that blends the art of combat with a poet's heart. The conversation also explores personal evolution, including how faith and marriage can flourish post-service. Touching on the challenges faced by today's youth and the vital role of education, Ryan and his guests underscore the responsibility of imparting wisdom to the next generation, inviting the community to join the journey of collective growth through the lens of their experiences.

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

1-Page Summary

Cultivating Military Leadership and Confronting Emotional Complexities

John Lovell, a former 75th Ranger, shared invaluable insights on military leadership during his time with the 75th Ranger Battalion. His approach favored earning voluntary loyalty through a philosophy likened to the selfless example of Jesus. His leadership style, blending firmness with genuine care, was designed to elevate his men to their utmost potential.

The Role of Faith in Overcoming Loss and Finding Solace

Engaging in a heartfelt discussion with host Shawn Ryan, Lovell explored the emotional landscape of losing comrades in battle. He cited Christianity and his belief in an afterlife as sources of comfort, expressing hope to reunite with fallen believers. Both he and Ryan emphasized living purposefully as the best homage to their lost comrades.

Transitioning Leadership Styles for Individual and Team Growth

Reflecting on his leadership experience, Lovell recounted how he adapted his methods to the unique needs of each team member. His exposure to both exemplary and toxic leaders allowed him to understand the necessity of a personalized strategy over a one-size-fits-all approach.

Challenges of Reintegration into Civilian Life and Seeking Purpose

The podcast also touches on Lovell's difficulties with the bureaucracy associated with military service, triggering a sense of detachment and ultimately his decision to not reenlist. For Lovell, reintegration was a new mission centered around finding new purpose and forming new relationships beyond the military.

From Service to Entrepreneurship: Building a Post-Military Career

Embracing Mental Health and Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Shawn Ryan delved into the importance of mental health and shared his own commercial efforts with Laird Superfoods and Shopify. The conversation naturally progressed to include aspects of health consciousness and business.

Transition from Military Expertise to the Business of Tactical Training

John Lovell narrated his professional journey, shifting from an early career dealing with fire suppression systems to fulfilling a sense of calling through missionary work. Post-military life saw Lovell redefine his values and prioritize communication and cultural fit over pure military expertise in his training company.

The Genesis and Principles of the Warrior Poet Society

After returning from mission work, Lovell embarked on teaching tactical and self-defense skills which culminated in the creation of the Warrior Poet Society. The Society epitomizes the fusion of warrior skills with the gentleness of a poet, underscoring balance and preparedness for civilian audiences.

The Interplay of Military Ethos, Faith, and Family

Balancing Selfless Service and Personal Beliefs

Lovell shared not only his military and professional transformation but also the integration of his faith into his post-military life. This solid foundation of shared beliefs with his wife Rebecca has been pivotal in overcoming early marital struggles and achieving 17 years of marriage.

Dynamics of Marriage and Communication after Military Service

The dynamics within Lovell’s marriage, including navigating early discord influenced by differing worldviews and third-wave feminism, showcased the necessary growth they both undertook. Open communication and understanding each other's specific needs was crucial in overcoming confrontational beginnings.

Shaping the Future: Education and the Responsibility to the Next Generation

Addressing Educational Gaps and Children's Exposure to Digital Influence

Lovell and Ryan discussed the role of education and the effects of government systems and social media on the youth. They suggested that these platforms shape the younger generation in ways that may not be ideal.

Engaging with Subscribers for Collective Growth and Learning

In concluding the episode, Ryan encouraged listeners to engage with the podcast's content, suggesting that continued learning through platforms like the 'Sean Ryan Show' was of utmost importance to the community's growth and enjoyment.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • John Lovell is a former member of the 75th Ranger Battalion, a highly specialized light infantry unit in the U.S. Army known for its elite soldiers and demanding missions. Lovell's leadership style emphasized a balance between firmness and genuine care, aiming to bring out the best in his team members. He transitioned from military service to entrepreneurship, focusing on mental health, tactical training, and founding the Warrior Poet Society to teach self-defense skills. Lovell's military ethos, faith, and family dynamics have played significant roles in shaping his post-military life and career trajectory.
  • Military leadership styles involve various approaches to leading and motivating a team within a military setting. Leaders often adapt their leadership styles to cater to the unique needs and characteristics of individual team members. This adaptation can range from providing personalized guidance and support to adjusting communication methods and decision-making processes based on the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Understanding these nuances allows leaders to foster a cohesive and effective team dynamic, ultimately enhancing overall performance and mission success.
  • The Warrior Poet Society is a community founded by John Lovell that focuses on teaching tactical and self-defense skills. It emphasizes a balance between warrior-like preparedness and the gentleness of a poet. The society aims to provide training that prioritizes communication, cultural fit, and holistic readiness for civilian audiences. Lovell's mission with the Warrior Poet Society is to blend martial skills with a mindset that values harmony and preparedness in everyday life.
  • The dynamics of marriage post-military service can involve challenges related to adjusting to civilian life, reconciling differing perspectives on life and relationships, and navigating communication issues stemming from experiences during military service. These challenges often require open communication, mutual understanding, and a willingness to adapt and grow together as a couple.
  • The discussion on educational gaps and the influence of government systems and social media on youth highlights concerns about disparities in education quality and the impact of policies on young individuals. It delves into how government structures can shape educational opportunities and outcomes for children. Additionally, it explores the role of social media in shaping the perspectives and behaviors of the younger generation.


  • While voluntary loyalty is admirable, some may argue that a leadership style that is too lenient or focused on care may not always be effective in all military or civilian scenarios, where a more directive approach might be necessary.
  • Faith can indeed provide comfort and purpose for many, but it's important to recognize that not everyone finds solace in religion or shares the same beliefs, and there are secular approaches to coping with loss and finding meaning in life.
  • Tailoring leadership styles to individuals is beneficial, but it can be challenging to implement in large organizations where standardized policies and procedures are necessary for consistency and fairness.
  • The transition to civilian life is complex and multifaceted, and while finding new purpose is important, there may also be a need for more structured support systems to address the practical challenges veterans face.
  • Mental health is critical, but entrepreneurial success is not the only path to post-military career fulfillment; some veterans may find satisfaction in employment that doesn't involve entrepreneurship.
  • Prioritizing communication and cultural fit is important, but it should not completely overshadow the value of military expertise, which can be highly relevant and transferable to many civilian roles.
  • The concept of the Warrior Poet Society is compelling, but some may argue that the balance between warrior skills and gentleness may not resonate with everyone, and there are various ways to prepare civilians for self-defense and tactical situations.
  • Integrating personal beliefs into one's life is a personal choice, and while it worked for Lovell, others may find that a separation of faith from certain aspects of life works better for them.
  • Open communication in marriage is essential, but it's also important to acknowledge that some relationships may face irreconcilable differences that cannot be overcome simply through communication.
  • While addressing educational gaps is important, the role of government systems and social media is complex, and some may argue that they also offer positive contributions to education and youth development.
  • Engagement with educational content is beneficial, but it's also important to encourage critical thinking and the evaluation of multiple sources of information, as any single platform may have its own biases or limitations.

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

Navigating Life Transitions: The Journey from Soldier to Civilian

Cultivating Military Leadership and Confronting Emotional Complexities

John Lovell, a former 75th Ranger, shared invaluable insights on military leadership during his time with the 75th Ranger Battalion. His approach favored earning voluntary loyalty through a philosophy likened to the selfless example of Jesus. Lovell rejects a one-size-fits-all strategy in leadership, instead advocating for a more personalized methodology.

He cited specific examples of soldiers under his command who displayed differing responses to criticism, one being self-critical and requiring no further reprimand, while another needed direct and strenuous feedback through physical training. These distinct reactions underscore the importance of understanding individual motivational needs in effective leadership.

The Role of Faith in Overcoming Loss and Finding Solace

Engaging in a heartfelt discussion with host Shawn Ryan, Lovell explored the emotional landscape of losing comrades in battle. He cited Christianity and his belief in an afterlife as sources of comfort, expressing hope to reunite with fallen believers. Both he and Ryan emphasized living purposefully as the best homage to their lost comrades.

Lovell shared a personal story about his mentor's tragic death in a motorcycle accident after surviving combat, highlighting the enduring nature of grief from such losses. Ryan also relates to this theme, expressing his own recent journey towards faith and the veteran community's collective experience with grief.

Transitioning Leadership Styles for Individual and Team Growth

Reflecting on his leadership experience, Lovell recounted how he adapted his methods to fit the unique requirements of each team member. Recognized for his capacity to discern leadership techniques from the early age of 22, he cultivated his style by learning from both good and bad examples in the military.

Examples include adopting a Delta Force leader's high standards and identifying unfavorable traits to avoid from a toxic team leader. His ability to learn and evolve his leadership method speaks to his commitment to personal and team development.

Challenges of Reintegration into Civilian Life and Seeking Purpose

Shawn Ryan initiated the discussion by underscoring the significant struggles th ...

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Navigating Life Transitions: The Journey from Soldier to Civilian

Additional Materials


  • The 75th Ranger Battalion is a specialized light infantry unit within the United States Army Ranger Regiment. It is known for its elite soldiers who undergo rigorous training and are often deployed in high-risk combat operations. The battalion has a long history of participating in critical missions, including during World War II and in modern conflicts.
  • Delta Force is a special operations force within the United States Army that specializes in counterterrorism, hostage rescue, and other high-risk missions. It is one of the elite special mission units tasked with carrying out complex and dangerous operations. Delta Force operators are highly trained and selected from various special operations units within the U.S. military.
  • The fire suppression industry involves the development and implementation of systems and technologies designed to detect and extinguish fires in various settings, such as buildings, vehicles, and industrial facilities. These systems can include fire alarms, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and other firefighting equipment. Professionals in this industry work to prevent and control fires to protect lives and property from fire-related damages. John Lovell's reference to the fire suppression industry indicates ...


  • Personalized leadership strategies may not always be feasible in large organizations with standardized processes.
  • Individual motivational needs can be complex, and leaders may not always have the resources or training to address them effectively.
  • Faith and belief systems are personal, and not all individuals find comfort in the same way; some may find solace in secular philosophies or other religions.
  • While living purposefully is a noble goal, defining what is purposeful can vary greatly from person to person, and some may struggle to find a sense of purpose after traumatic experiences.
  • Adapting leadership styles to each team member can be challenging and may lead to perceptions of inconsistency or favoritism.
  • Learning from bad examples in the military might inadvertently reinforce negative behaviors if not critically examined.
  • The struggles veterans face when reintegrating into civilian life are complex and multifaceted, and attributing them solely to mi ...

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

From Service to Entrepreneurship: Building a Post-Military Career

Embracing Mental Health and Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Shawn Ryan delved into the importance of mental health and shared his entrepreneurial ventures, highlighting his use of Shopify for streamlining the online sales of products like Vigilance Elite Gummy Bears. He underscored the platform's impact on his ability to conduct business effectively and showcased his commercial prowess.

Additionally, Ryan candidly discussed his collaboration with Laird Superfoods, promoting their products that support brain health. He leveraged his platform to advocate for the brand by providing a discount code for listeners, intertwining his focus on cognitive well-being with his business activities.

Transition from Military Expertise to the Business of Tactical Training

After returning from his missionary work, Lovell found himself physically diminished but soon began preparation for his re-entry into the tactical sphere. This journey initially involved focusing on providing tactical training for military and law enforcement, effectively translating his military expertise into areas with a clear connection to his previous career.

Gradually, this transitioned into the broader initiative to create the Warrior Poet Society where he sought to teach civilians lessons on personal security and preparedness.

The Genesis and Principles of the Warrior Poet Society

Upon his return, rather than pursuing his former profitable career in fire suppression, John Lovell leveraged his ranger-pra ...

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From Service to Entrepreneurship: Building a Post-Military Career

Additional Materials


  • Shawn Ryan's entrepreneurial ventures primarily involve utilizing the Shopify platform to streamline online sales, particularly for products like Vigilance Elite Gummy Bears. He also collaborates with Laird Superfoods to promote products supporting brain health. Ryan leverages his platform to advocate for brands and intertwines his focus on mental well-being with his business activities.
  • John Lovell transitioned from his military background to providing tactical training by leveraging his expertise to offer guidance to military and law enforcement personnel. He later expanded his focus to include teaching civilians about personal security and preparedness through the Warrior Poet Society. This transition showcased his ability to adapt his skills and knowledge from the military to a broader audience. Lovell's journey reflects a shift from a specialized military role to a more inclusive approach to sharing tactical knowledge.
  • The Warrior Poet Society is an organization founded by John Love ...


  • While Shawn Ryan's use of Shopify demonstrates a successful application of e-commerce tools, it's worth noting that not all entrepreneurs may find the same level of success with Shopify or similar platforms due to market saturation, competition, or differences in business models.
  • The collaboration with Laird Superfoods and the promotion of brain health products is a positive initiative, but it's important to consider that the efficacy of such products can vary and should be backed by scientific research to avoid misleading consumers.
  • John Lovell's transition to providing tactical training leverages his military expertise, but there could be concerns about the militarization of civilian spaces and the potential for escalating violence if not paired with strong ethical and legal education.
  • The Warrior Poet Society's aim to balance warrior and poet attributes is an interesting concept, but it may not resonate with everyone, as some ...

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

The Interplay of Military Ethos, Faith, and Family

Balancing Selfless Service and Personal Beliefs

In addition to his military and professional growth, Lovell detailed the significant responsibilities undertaken during his mission, such as establishing a church and handling the affairs of American theology students at the University of Costa Rica. These tasks highlighted the intersection of his faith with practical service.

Additionally, the mission field ignited Lovell's passion for teaching, leveraging his military experience to instruct students in theology. His post-conversion period was marked by dedicated theological study, enriching his ability to teach a spectrum of subjects from church doctrine to history, and profoundly developing his teaching skills.

Dynamics of Marriage and Communication after Military Service

The dynamics within Lovell's marriage, including navigating early discord influenced by differing worldviews and third-wave feminism, showcased the necessary growth they both undertook. Their relationship was tested by a collision of strong personalities, as both partners were accustomed to leading, which resulted in confrontational periods. Lovell's wife's beliefs had been shaped significantly by third-wave feminism, contributing to the complexity of their interactions.

They faced specific challenges in day-to-day life, including disagreements ove ...

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The Interplay of Military Ethos, Faith, and Family

Additional Materials


  • The intersection of faith with practical service involves integrating one's religious beliefs into actions that benefit others or serve a greater purpose. It signifies the connection between personal spirituality and tangible acts of kindness, charity, or assistance in the community. This interplay often reflects an individual's commitment to living out their faith through meaningful deeds and service-oriented activities. It can encompass a wide range of activities, from volunteering at religious institutions to engaging in humanitarian efforts guided by one's religious convictions.
  • Third-wave feminism is a movement that began in the early 1990s, focusing on issues of diversity, intersectionality, and challenging traditional gender norms. Differing worldviews in a relationship can stem from various factors like cultural background, personal experiences, and beliefs. In the context of the text, the influence of third-wave feminism on Lovell's wife's beliefs could have led to differing perspectives on gender roles, equality, and societal expectations. These differences may have contributed to challenges in communication and understanding between Lovell and his wife.
  • In a marriage, a collision of strong personalities typically occurs when both partners have assertive or dominant traits that can lead to conflicts due to differing opinions, preferences, or ways of handling situations. This clash can arise when both individuals are used to taking the lead or have strong convictions, causing disagreements and confrontations in various aspects of their relationship. It often requires effective communication, compromise, and understanding to navigate these clashes and find a balance that allows both partners to express ...


  • While Lovell's faith and service are commendable, it's possible that the establishment of a church and involvement with theology students could be seen as an imposition of personal beliefs in a professional or foreign context, where separation of church and state or respect for local beliefs might be expected.
  • The use of military experience to teach theology might not always be appropriate, as the methodologies and principles of military service may not align with the pedagogical needs of theological education.
  • The dynamics of Lovell's marriage and the influence of third-wave feminism could be interpreted differently, suggesting that the discord might also stem from the evolving societal understanding of gender roles and equality, rather than just personal worldviews.
  • The notion that individual selfishness is the root cause of marital problems could be oversimplified, as relationship dynamics are complex and can be influenced by a multitude of factors beyond selfishness, such as communication styles, external stressors, and emotional intelligence.
  • The emphasis on self-improvement to mitigate marital issues might overlook the importance of mutual effort and the role of both partners in working towards a healthy relat ...

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John Lovell - How a 75th Ranger Built One of the Biggest Tactical Training Networks | SRS #80 Part 3

Shaping the Future: Education and the Responsibility to the Next Generation

Addressing Educational Gaps and Children's Exposure to Digital Influence

Lovell and Ryan discussed the role of education and the effects of government systems and social media on the youth. They suggested that these platforms shape the younger generation in ways that may not be ideal.

Engaging with Subscribers for Collective Growth and Learning

In concluding the episode, Ryan encouraged listeners to e ...

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Shaping the Future: Education and the Responsibility to the Next Generation

Additional Materials


  • Social media platforms can influence the younger generation by shaping their perceptions, behaviors, and values through constant exposure to curated content and peer interactions. This influence can sometimes lead to issues like unrealistic body image standards, cyberbullying, and a distorted sense of reality. Young people may also experience pressure to conform to online trends and seek validation through likes and comments, impacting their self-esteem and me ...


  • Education's role in shaping the younger generation is complex and multifaceted, and it may not be solely the responsibility of the education system to shape youth; families, communities, and individuals themselves also play significant roles.
  • Government systems and social media certainly have effects on the youth, but it's important to recognize that these effects can be both positive and negative, and there are many other factors that influence young people's development.
  • The assertion that platforms may not shape the younger generation in ideal ways could be challenged by pointing out that "ideal" is subjective, and there can be beneficial outcomes from youth engagement with digital platforms, such as increased access to information and opportunities for social connection.
  • While Ryan encourages engagement with the podcast's content for collective growth, it's worth considering that there are numerous ways to achieve community growth and learning, and not a ...

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