Podcasts > Rotten Mango > Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

By Stephanie Soo & Ramble

In a deeply moving episode of "Rotten Mango," host Stephanie Soo delicately unravels the heart-wrenching saga of South Korean Air Force Sergeant Lee Ye-ram. Despite her promise and dedication, Ye-ram tragically ended her life after surviving sexual assault and battling a military culture fraught with systemic failures. Listeners are guided through the military hierarchies and cultural demands of "huae-sik" that compounded her plight, illuminating the powerful expectations and coercive tactics female officers face.

This poignant narrative extends beyond a personal tragedy to expose institutional shortcomings in addressing sexual violence within the armed forces. Soo brings to light the investigative missteps and the mental toll on Ye-ram, which culminated in her untimely death and left a nation in mourning. The episode closes with a call to honor Ye-ram's legacy, featuring personal tributes from her family and Stephanie's own reflections on the pressing need for systemic reforms to safeguard the dignity and well-being of servicewomen. "Rotten Mango" not only tells a story of loss but also engages in a crucial dialogue for change.

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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

1-Page Summary

The Heartrending Case of Sergeant Lee Ye-ram

The tragic story of South Korean Air Force Sergeant Lee Ye-ram, who took her own life after a harrowing 81 days following sexual assault, exposes severe systemic issues within the South Korean military culture.

Ye-ram was described as a dedicated and disciplined service member, but she found her career aspirations ensnared by the military’s strict hierarchy where her rank was secondary to her male seniors and longevity determined respect more than accomplishment. The coercive environment was further exemplified by the cultural practice of "huae-sik," or after-hours work dinners. Despite her night duties, Ye-ram attended such an event, indicating the expectations placed on female officers.

The Critical Incident: Assault and Expectations

The assault by Senior Officer Jang occurred on the return from the dinner and was audibly captured by the military vehicle’s recording system. After reporting the assault and pushing back against coercive tactics used by Jang, the military system failed her. Her narrative was met with skepticism, including a requisition of a lie detector test and neglect in investigating the recordings.

Institutional Response and Systemic Issues

The actions and responses of the military to Ye-ram's assault underscore deeper institutional problems related to how sexual violence is addressed.

Investigative Failures and Skepticism

The administration's response to Ye-ram's report was marked by skepticism, as evidenced by their request for her to undergo a lie detector test and their failure to promptly investigate the black box recordings.

Mental Health Consequences and Isolation

Ye-ram's mental health deteriorated after the incident, leading to extended counseling and advised medical leave. She later faced persistent isolation and labeling as troublesome.

Discrepancies in Judicial Outcomes

Following Ye-ram’s death, public outcry led to a deeper investigation and several indictments, although the sanctions, such as Jang's 7-year sentence, seemed insufficient given the gravity of the offense.

Personal Toll and Societal Reflection

As the narrative unfolds, the ripple effects on Ye-ram's family and on society at large become evident.

Family Tributes and the Bonds of Love

Ye-ram's brother created a tribute song, encapsulating personal family messages and crafted by musical friends. Family members, including Ye-ram's father and mother, expressed enduring love and the aspiration to be together again in another life.

A Nation's Honor and the Mourning of a Soldier

The podcast host, Stephanie Soo, shared her admiration for Ye-ram's service and character and expressed a sentiment of national honor.

Concluding Thoughts on Legacy and Change

Stephanie Soo reflected on the tragic circumstances and urged listeners to take care of themselves, while advocating for systemic change within military structures to protect servicewomen like Ye-ram.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • "Huae-sik" is a cultural practice in South Korea where colleagues, especially in workplaces like the military, gather for after-hours socializing, often involving drinking and bonding. These gatherings are considered important for building relationships, networking, and demonstrating camaraderie within the group. However, they can also create pressure on individuals to participate, impacting work-life balance and potentially leading to situations where boundaries are crossed.
  • A lie detector test, also known as a polygraph test, is a tool sometimes used by authorities to measure physiological responses like heart rate, blood pressure, and perspiration levels when a person is asked questions. The idea is that these responses can indicate if someone is being deceptive. In this context, the mention of a requisition for a lie detector test suggests that the military requested Sergeant Lee Ye-ram to undergo this test as part of their investigation into her report of assault.
  • Black box recordings typically refer to audio or data recordings captured by devices installed in vehicles or aircraft. In the context of the text, the black box recordings mentioned were from a military vehicle and contained audio evidence of the assault experienced by Sergeant Lee Ye-ram. These recordings played a crucial role in corroborating her account of the incident and were part of the evidence in the investigation into the assault. The military's failure to promptly investigate these recordings was highlighted as one of the institutional responses that failed to support Ye-ram in seeking justice.
  • Ye-ram's mental health deterioration and isolation following the assault highlight the profound impact of trauma on individuals. The emotional distress and psychological strain she experienced after the incident led to extended counseling and medical leave. The isolation she faced could have exacerbated her mental health struggles, as feeling disconnected from support systems can intensify feelings of loneliness and despair. These factors underscore the importance of providing comprehensive mental health support to survivors of trauma to aid in their healing and recovery.

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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

The Heartrending Case of Sergeant Lee Ye-ram

The tragic story of South Korean Air Force Sergeant Lee Ye-ram, who took her own life after a harrowing 81 days following sexual assault, exposes severe systemic issues within the South Korean military culture.

The bleak narrative encompasses the distressing aftermath Ye-ram faced and her legal marriage to her fiancé, a union that came from both love and a practical desire to expedite their military relocation under spousal policies. This marriage, while a source of hope, was quickly overshadowed by the continued challenges and oppressive environment of the military.

Ye-ram was described as a dedicated and disciplined service member with a history of commitment to her military aspirations. Her determination led her to attend a specialty high school focused on aviation science, furthering her dream of serving in the Air Force where she achieved a prestigious rank.

However, her career aspirations were ensnared by the military's strict hierarchy, which was not solely influenced by rank but also by time spent at a particular base, and even small differences in service duration could lead to significant imbalances of power.

Remarkably, despite such a rigid system, Yeram was esteemed by her subordinates, highlighting her leadership qualities and the respect she garnered in an environment that typically hinders such bonds between ranks. Additionally, her story reveals that nuances, such as the importance of sub-ranks and service duration, are often overlooked in English language reporting, posing a challenge in conveying the full scope of military structuring to an international audience.

The Critical Incident: Assault and Expectations

The assault by ...

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The Heartrending Case of Sergeant Lee Ye-ram

Additional Materials


  • South Korean military culture is deeply hierarchical, emphasizing rank and seniority. The military's strict structure can create power imbalances and challenges for lower-ranking members. Systemic issues within this culture can include issues like harassment, abuse, and difficulties in reporting misconduct. These issues can be exacerbated by a lack of proper support systems for victims and a culture that may prioritize maintaining the status quo over addressing problems.
  • In military hierarchies, rank is a key factor determining authority and responsibilities. Time spent at a particular base can also influence power dynamics, as longer tenures may lead to more influence and control. These factors can create imbalances of power, where individuals with higher ranks or longer service durations may wield more authority and decision-making power over others. Such imbalances can impact interactions and relationships within the military structure.
  • In military organizations, sub-ranks are additional distinctions within a rank that can affect authority and responsibilities. Service duration in the military relates to the length of time a service member has been in a particular role or at a specific base, impacting their standing and influence within the hierarchy. These nuances play a crucial role in determining power dynamics and relationships among military personnel.
  • The assault incident involving Senior Officer Jang and Sergeant Lee Ye-ram is a pivotal event in the narrative. It occurred during a car ride after a dinner gathering unrelated to military duties. Despite Ye-ram's clear rejection of Senior Jang's advances, he persisted with inappropriate behavior, which was recorded on the vehicle's audio system. This incident led to Ye-ram reporting the assault and seeking help, but she faced skepticism and delays in the investigation process.
  • Ye-ram faced pressure to conform to societal expectations and military norms, which often prior ...



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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

Institutional Response and Systemic Issues

Following Ye-ram's report of assault, the military's actions were criticized for their skepticism and lack of urgency. Not only was the case mishandled, categorized akin to petty theft rather than a serious sexual assault, but the military also made efforts to conceal the truth to protect their own image. This response was part of a broader systemic issue within the military's handling of such incidents.

In addition to the main perpetrator's lack of immediate confinement, other personnel, including military police, faced punishments for deceit in falsely claiming statements from Ye-ram's parents, which further illustrates a culture of cover-ups and the failure to provide a supportive environment for victims of sexual assault.

Investigative Failures and Skepticism

The military's response to Ye-ram's report of assault was shrouded in skepticism and marked by a disturbing laxity, with the case initially categorized akin to petty theft rather than the serious crime of sexual assault. This mishandling reflects a profound misunderstanding or negligent attitude towards the gravity of sexual assault within military police procedures.

Notably, Stephanie points out that the perpetrator was not confined despite clear evidence against him, and a conversation with a military prosecutor hints at possible deliberate delays in the investigation, suggesting an intent to weaken the case by allowing memories to fade.

Additionally, Yeram's superiors, including a high-ranking official, exerted manipulative pressure on her to retract her allegations, going as far as pressuring her fiancé to persuade her. Such tactics underscore the toxic command environment and the violation of trust Yeram faced within the military hierarchy.

Mental Health Consequences and Isolation

Ye-ram's mental health deteriorated significantly after the incident, necessitating over 22 counseling sessions and a recommended three months of leave for basic psychological stability.

Her superiors imposed additional stress by forcing her to document her movements while on medical leave, a requirement ostensibly for COVID contact tracing but one that extended into her visits for mental health services. This invasion of privacy caused further emotional distress.

Despite hopes that a transfer to a new base might provide a respite, she instead faced further ostracism and judgment, with her superiors and peers unfairly labeling her as troublesome.

Amidst this mistreatment, a brief respite wa ...

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Institutional Response and Systemic Issues

Additional Materials


  • Ye-ram reported a sexual assault within the military. The military initially downplayed the severity of the assault, mishandling the case. Ye-ram faced pressure to retract her allegations, highlighting a toxic command environment. The incident led to mental health struggles for Ye-ram, impacting her well-being significantly.
  • Legal proceedings involve a series of steps that occur in a court of law to resolve a dispute or determine someone's guilt or innocence. An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime, issued by a grand jury or prosecutor. A trial is a fo ...



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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

Personal Toll and Societal Reflection

As Stephanie Soo discussed, the case had a significant impact on national consciousness, highlighting the protectionism within hierarchical and male-dominated military structures.

Soo contemplates the alternate outcomes that could have occurred if the Air Force had acted appropriately from the start, rather than prioritizing their image over justice. These reflections underscore the urgent need for change within the military to better protect service members from such tragic endings.

Family Tributes and the Bonds of Love

In the wake of the tragedy, Ye-ram's family conveyed heartrending messages filled with expressions of enduring love and aspirations to reunite with her in another life.

Ye-ram's brother shared a poignant note, emphasizing the emotional struggles they have endured since her passing and expressing a heartfelt yearning to relive joyful memories they once shared.

Her father reflected on the eternal connection he feels with his daughter and holds on to the belief in a future reunion in the afterlife.

Ye-ram's mother, similarly, hopes for a future encounter in an otherworldly realm, a sentiment echoing the depth of the family's sor ...

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Personal Toll and Societal Reflection

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Korean Female Air Force Sergeant's 81 Days of Hell - Case of Lee Yeram

Concluding Thoughts on Legacy and Change

Stephanie Soo reflected on the tragic circumstances surrounding Ye-ram's passing and emphasized the importance of self-care to her listeners, signifying the personal connection she seeks to establish with her audience and the broader message of mental health awareness.

She stressed the urge for systemic change within military structures to better protect ser ...

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Concluding Thoughts on Legacy and Change

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