Podcasts > Revisionist History > Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

By Pushkin Industries

In this episode of Revisionist History, the peculiar tale of Bubbles the chimpanzee's life with Michael Jackson is explored through the lens of an unreliable narrator. The summary delves into Bubbles' misinterpreted perspective of the pop icon's eccentricities and scandals—a comedic obliviousness that shields him from the darker realities. It also chronicles the demise of a movie about Bubbles after the "Leaving Neverland" documentary exposed Jackson's alleged misconduct.

Initially conceived as a whimsical story, the Bubbles movie's reimagining to confront Jackson's controversies reflects society's evolving shift away from willful ignorance. As public perceptions transformed, so did the project's narrative trajectory, offering a poignant examination of fame, innocence, and the consequences of loyalty amidst scandal.

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Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

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Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

1-Page Summary

Bubbles the Chimp's Life with Michael Jackson

The trajectory of Bubbles the chimpanzee once closely intertwined with pop icon Michael Jackson is presented with an aura of dignity and a hint of tragedy, underlined by a comedic obliviousness. Created as a would-be royal in exile, Bubbles is portrayed through a voice actor as a figure with grand self-perception but limited grasp of human nuances. His narrative is etched with remnants of a past glory, as though he were part of a royal lineage alongside Jackson. Compared to a tragic Shakespearean character, Bubbles' viewpoint gives a unique, if unreliable, perspective on Jackson's life and mannerisms.

While Bubbles was deeply attached to Jackson, Adamson's portrayal presents the chimp as comically misunderstanding the pop star's eccentricities and scandals. Observing Jackson's behaviors, Bubbles mistakenly associates the pop star’s cosmetic procedures with power displays akin to war paint, and interprets his changing looks as extraordinary self-renewal.

Bubbles perceives Jackson as an actual monarch and misinterprets the singer's "King of Pop" moniker as a literal royal title, not grasping the metaphor that humans often employ. Despite being a bystander to unsavory behaviors, Bubbles' limited comprehension shields him from the darker aspects of Jackson's life.

In the screenplay excerpt, one witnesses Bubbles’ displacement by young boys, gradually losing Jackson's favor—a process filled with fear and confusion for Bubbles. Gladwell compares this to “Puff the Magic Dragon," highlighting the emotional depth as Bubbles experiences abandonment while still harboring hopes for a reconciliation.

The Movie's Sudden Demise After "Leaving Neverland" Documentary

"Leaving Neverland," a documentary uncovering sordid details of Jackson's alleged sexual misconduct, crucially impacted Hollywood's interest in the film about Bubbles. Initially, the movie concept was welcome and even secured buy-in from Netflix. But post-documentary, caution overtook enthusiasm, with Jackson's legacy facing a potential branding as "toxic." Even with attempts to pivot the script into exploring Jackson's darker side, Netflix grew wary of the project due to the legal and ethical complexities unveiled in the documentary.

Director Taika Waititi’s eventual withdrawal from the project was swiftly matched by Netflix's decision to shelve the film. As the public view of Jackson shifted, an initial whimsical narrative became less tenable. Gladwell and Adamson assert that Bubbles' altered storyline now mirrors the public's former ignorance of Jackson's alleged wrongdoings.

The reframed script gave Bubbles a heightened awareness of Jackson's troubling behavior, reflecting a societal need for a more honest acknowledgment of Jackson's personal affairs. This adjustment implicated audiences, suggesting a collective responsibility to confront unsettling truths, making Bubbles an unwitting symbol for the end of willful blindness regarding Jackson’s off-stage life. The tale of Bubbles has evolved into a somber reflection on fame, innocence, and the consequences of loyalty amidst controversy.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Bubbles the chimpanzee was a pet of Michael Jackson and gained fame for his close relationship with the pop star. Their bond was characterized by Bubbles' presence at Jackson's side during various public appearances and media events. Bubbles' unique perspective on Jackson's life and behaviors, as portrayed in various narratives, offers a whimsical yet poignant reflection on fame, loyalty, and the complexities of celebrity relationships. The evolving portrayal of Bubbles in media narratives reflects broader societal shifts in understanding and confronting uncomfortable truths about public figures.
  • Bubbles, the chimpanzee, misunderstood Michael Jackson's behaviors, interpreting his cosmetic procedures as power displays and his changing looks as extraordinary self-renewal due to his limited comprehension of human nuances. Bubbles perceived Jackson as an actual monarch and misinterpreted the "King of Pop" title as a literal royal designation, not understanding it as a metaphor commonly used by humans. This misunderstanding showcases Bubbles' unique perspective on Jackson's life and mannerisms, adding a comedic element to their relationship.
  • The "Leaving Neverland" documentary detailed allegations of Michael Jackson's sexual misconduct, significantly impacting Hollywood's interest in the Bubbles movie. The documentary raised concerns about associating with projects related to Jackson, leading to caution and hesitation among industry players. This shift in perception prompted the withdrawal of key figures like director Taika Waititi and the shelving of the film by Netflix. The documentary's revelations about Jackson's personal life created legal and ethical complexities that made the Bubbles movie less viable in the eyes of the industry.
  • In the reframed script, Bubbles the chimpanzee is depicted as becoming more aware of Michael Jackson's problematic behavior, such as the allegations of sexual misconduct. This change in the script reflects a shift in societal awareness and the need to address uncomfortable truths about Jackson's personal life. It signifies a departure from Bubbles' previous comedic obliviousness to a more serious portrayal of the consequences of loyalty amidst controversy. The evolution of Bubbles' character in the script serves as a symbolic representation of the broader societal reckoning with Jackson's legacy and the complexities of fame.


  • The portrayal of Bubbles with grand self-perception might be an anthropomorphic projection that doesn't accurately reflect the cognitive abilities or self-awareness of chimpanzees.
  • Interpreting Bubbles' misunderstanding of Jackson's behaviors as comedic could be seen as trivializing the complexities of animal cognition and their potential distress in unnatural environments.
  • The depiction of Bubbles perceiving Jackson as an actual monarch could be criticized for oversimplifying animal understanding of human social structures and titles.
  • The narrative choice to shield Bubbles from the darker aspects of Jackson's life might be challenged as a missed opportunity to explore the ethical implications of keeping wild animals as pets by celebrities.
  • The comparison of Bubbles' displacement to "Puff the Magic Dragon" could be seen as an oversimplification of the emotional trauma that animals might experience when separated from their caretakers.
  • The decision to shelve the Bubbles movie after the "Leaving Neverland" documentary could be criticized for conflating the separate issues of Jackson's alleged misconduct and the value of Bubbles' story as a unique narrative.
  • The reframing of the script to give Bubbles heightened awareness of Jackson's troubling behavior might be criticized for imposing human moral judgments on an animal that would not naturally have such awareness.
  • The idea that Bubbles becomes a symbol for the end of willful blindness might be challenged as an unfair burden placed on an animal's story to carry a moral lesson for human society.
  • The reflection on fame, innocence, and loyalty through Bubbles' tale could be seen as an anthropocentric approach that may not fully honor the autonomy and natural life of the chimpanzee.

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Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

Bubbles the Chimp's Life with Michael Jackson

The life of Bubbles the chimpanzee, the once famed companion of Michael Jackson, is now being retold with a blend of dignity, tragedy, and unintentional humor, reflecting the chimp's grandiose self-perception and limited understanding of human eccentricities.

Bubbles' elevated perspective as Michael Jackson's companion

Voice Actor: There are many kinds of kingdoms in this world, and many kinds of kings. But it was not always so. I was once heir to the greatest kingdom on earth, one ruled by a king like none before him.

Bubbles is characterized as a "would-be king in exile," his narrative rich with a sense of bygone glory and high esteem. Given a persona that is formal, self-serious, and grandiose by Isaac Adamson, Bubbles becomes a sort of Shakespearean almost-king; a tragic figure in a vast drama beyond the walls of his lavish yet confining past. Adamson envisioned Bubbles like a character in a tragedy, one involving a king and his heir.

But comically unaware, unreliable narrator about Jackson's eccentricities, scandals

Malcolm Gladwell likens Bubbles to the butler in "Remains of the Day," as he too is an unreliable narrator, never fully comprehending the depths of Michael Jackson's personality. Adamson provides insight into Bubbles' thoughts as he observes Jackson, viewing the pop star’s cosmetic surgeries as akin to war paint and interpreting his changing appearance as a result of remarkable self-healing abilities.

Michael Jackson's stardom and mysteries from Bubbles' limited point of view

Bubbles considers Michael Jackson to be an actual monarch, due to the hierarchical nature of chimpanzees and their adherence to a pecking order. When Bubbles observes Jackson applying skin bleaching cream, he believes it to be war paint, designed to intimidate enemies. This misinterpretation extends to Bubbles' perception of Jackson's title, the "King of Pop," which he takes to be a literal coronation, not understanding the fluidity and metaphor of human labels.

Bubbles’ inability to grasp human complexity protects him from the darker aspects of Jackson’s life. Adamson conveys Bubbles' innocence as the chimp witnesses questionable behavior with children, struggling to comprehend it within his own paradigms.

Bubbles struggled as he lost Jackson's favor and was replaced by boys

Adamso ...

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Bubbles the Chimp's Life with Michael Jackson

Additional Materials


  • Bubbles' elevated perspective as Michael Jackson's companion highlights the chimp's perception of himself as a significant figure due to his close association with the pop star. This perspective is portrayed as grandiose and regal, akin to a Shakespearean tragic character, emphasizing Bubbles' sense of importance and past glory. Despite his limited understanding of human dynamics, Bubbles sees himself through a lens of dignity and significance in his role alongside Michael Jackson.
  • Isaac Adamson portrays Bubbles as a tragic figure in a vast drama to emphasize the chimp's elevated self-perception and the grandiosity of his past life with Michael Jackson. This portrayal highlights Bubbles' sense of loss and displacement as he navigates a world beyond his former lavish existence, adding depth and complexity to his character. Adamson's depiction underscores the contrast between Bubbles' regal aspirations and the reality of his circumstances, creating a poignant narrative of a once exalted companion now adrift in a changed world.
  • Malcolm Gladwell likens Bubbles to the butler in "Remains of the Day" to highlight Bubbles' role as an unreliable narrator who doesn't fully grasp Michael Jackson's complexities. In "Remains of the Day," the butler is similarly limited in understanding the true nature of his employer and the events around him. This comparison underscores Bubbles' innocence and lack of comprehension regarding Jackson's actions and controversies. Gladwell draws parallels between the two characters to emphasize Bubbles' perspective as one that is naive and unaware of the deeper implications of Jackson's behavior.
  • Bubbles, being a chimpanzee, interpreted Michael Jackson's cosmetic surgeries and skin bleaching through his own limited understanding, seeing them as acts of war paint and self-healing rather than ...


  • Bubbles, being a chimpanzee, does not have the cognitive ability to see himself as a "king in exile" or to have a grandiose self-perception; these are human projections onto the animal.
  • The portrayal of Bubbles as a tragic Shakespearean figure is an anthropomorphic interpretation that may not accurately reflect the experiences or emotions of a chimpanzee.
  • The concept of Bubbles as an unreliable narrator is a literary device; in reality, Bubbles would not have the capacity to narrate or comprehend human eccentricities and scandals.
  • Bubbles would not have the ability to misinterpret Jackson's actions with the depth and symbolism attributed to him in the text; his understanding would be limited to his immediate experiences and instincts.
  • While chimpanzees have a hierarchical social structure, it is unlikely that Bubbles would equate Michael Jackson's status with that of a chimpanzee alpha male or monarch in any literal sense.
  • Bubbles' struggle to understand human behavior is a projection; as a non-human animal, his understanding would be based on hi ...

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Bubbles with Isaac Adamson | Development Hell

The Movie's Sudden Demise After "Leaving Neverland" Documentary

The explosive documentary "Leaving Neverland" played a significant role in Hollywood losing interest in a once-popular project about Michael Jackson's chimpanzee, Bubbles. The film's shift in focus—from whimsy to an exploration of darker themes—highlights the evolving public perception of Jackson amid growing awareness of sexual misconduct.

Hollywood lost appetite for whimsical Jackson movie post-documentary

The project about Michael Jackson's chimpanzee, Bubbles, was at first met with enthusiasm in Hollywood, circling around in 2015, and by 2017 Netflix bought the project that Isaac Adamson was working on. However, following the release of the "Leaving Neverland" documentary at Sundance, there was a growing recognition of potential issues with such a project. Isaac’s manager predicted that Michael Jackson would become "toxic" due to the negative revelations of the documentary.

The attention to detail Netflix required, like the lengthy annotation citing sources, and the adaptation of the script in light of Jackson's legal charges showed a wariness and concern over the legal implications of portraying Jackson. Ultimately, the conversation mentions that director Taika Waititi disengaged and dropped out of the project. Netflix, following suit, decided against moving forward, even reversing an initial decision to allow time for finding a new director, halting the project completely after just three days.

But Bubbles' perspective newly relevant for grappling with Jackson's damage

The documentary's testament to the hurt and pain of Jackson's accusers deeply impacted public perception, necessitating changes to the whimsical narrative originally planned for the movie. The script, which once started as a light-hearted adventure, steered into darker territories as it touched upon Jackson's pedophilia allegations as seen through the eyes of Bubbles.

Malcolm Gladwell and Isaac Adamson discuss how the altered portrayal of Bubbles now reflects the willful ignorance that the public, akin to Bubbles, held towards Jackson's allegations. The once whimsical movie has been suggested by Gladwell as having a newfound significance—Bubbles' failure to see Jackson clearly could now resonate more deeply with audiences in a ...

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The Movie's Sudden Demise After "Leaving Neverland" Documentary

Additional Materials


  • Isaac Adamson was working on a project about Michael Jackson's chimpanzee, Bubbles, which gained attention in Hollywood. He was the writer behind the script that underwent changes due to the evolving public perception of Jackson post-"Leaving Neverland" documentary. Adamson's manager predicted challenges for the project as negative revelations about Jackson emerged. Ultimately, the project faced setbacks and was halted after director Taika Waititi disengaged and Netflix decided not to move forward.
  • Director Taika Waititi disengaged and dropped out of the project due to the evolving public perception of Michael Jackson and the potential controversy surrounding the film about his chimpanzee, Bubbles, in light of the "Leaving Neverland" documentary. This decision was influenced by the growing recognition of the sensitive nature of the subject matter and the legal implications associated with portraying Jackson in a whimsical light. Waititi's departure signaled a shift in the project's direction and ultimately led to Netflix deciding to halt the production entirely.
  • The altered portrayal of Bubbles in the script involves transforming the character from a whimsical and innocent perspective to one that is more aware of Michael Jackson's actions, reflecting a shift in the narrative to address the darker aspects of Jackson's life, particularly his pedophilia allegations. This change in Bubbles' portrayal aims to highlight the theme of audience complicity and the need to confront uncomfortable truths about Jackson's behavior, challenging viewers to reconsider their perceptions of the iconic pop star.
  • The phrase "Insights from both the script and the industry response" indicates that the understanding gained from analyzing the movie's script and how the industry reacted to it provides valuable perspectives on the situation. The script changes ...


  • The decision to halt the Bubbles project may not solely be due to the "Leaving Neverland" documentary; other factors such as creative differences, financial considerations, or a shift in Netflix's strategic priorities could also have played a role.
  • The public's perception of Jackson is complex and multifaceted, and while the documentary may have influenced many, there remains a significant number of fans and individuals who continue to support Jackson's legacy and question the allegations.
  • The artistic choice to make Bubbles more aware of Jackson's actions could be seen as an imposition of human understanding and morality onto an animal character, which some might argue is an anthropomorphic fallacy.
  • The notion that the audience is complicit may be an oversimplification, as viewers' relationships with celebrities and their personal lives are varied and complex, and not all fans may have been aware of or understood the allegations against Jackson.
  • The idea that Hollywood can no longer maintain "willful ignorance" about Jackson's alleged misdeeds assumes a consensus that may not exist, as the entertainment industry often navigates controversial figures with varyin ...

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