Podcasts > PBD Podcast > Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

By Patrick Bet-David

In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Dave Smith welcomes guests Chris Cuomo and Patrick Bet-David to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, related policies, and the media's coverage. The conversation delves into differing perspectives on the government's response, vaccine mandates, and the role of the media in shaping narratives and public trust.

Political divisions, polarization, and eroding public confidence in institutions emerge as central themes. The guests also tackle the immigration crisis at the U.S. southern border, debating policy impacts and border security. Legal issues surrounding former President Trump, including the New York criminal case against him and his enduring political influence, round out this wide-ranging discussion.

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

1-Page Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic, policies, and media coverage

Differing perspectives on the government's pandemic response

Smith criticizes lockdowns and mask mandates as overreaches, while Cuomo defends the legal authority to enact such measures for public safety. Smith cites studies questioning their effectiveness, while Cuomo acknowledges potential harms like business closures. On vaccines, Smith expresses skepticism over mandates, suggesting they benefited limited groups. Cuomo notes the shift in Republican attitudes from endorsing to doubting vaccines.

The role of the media in shaping narratives and public perceptions

Smith accuses CNN of dismissing the lab leak theory and demonizing ivermectin, indicating biased coverage. Cuomo admits messaging mistakes around vaccine effectiveness. Discussions highlight the need for transparent, nuanced reporting to facilitate open dialogue on complex issues.

Political divisions, polarization, and public trust

The deepening partisan divides and erosion of bipartisanship

Participants express concerns over the weaponization of political issues, with Cuomo citing pandemic polarization. All lament the lack of civility, compromise, and cooperation across the aisle.

Declining public trust in institutions and traditional benchmarks

Bet-David suggests the media's failure to engage in open discourse erodes public trust, driving audiences to seek alternative sources like Joe Rogan. Cuomo acknowledges this shifting landscape and the demand for diverse, detailed reporting beyond partisan narratives.

Immigration and border security

The surge in migrants at the southern U.S. border

Discussions involve conflicting views on policy impacts, with Cuomo citing Biden's reversals while Smith highlights pandemic effects and NGO influences. Economic factors like seeking cheap labor are also explored.

Debates over border security, immigration

Cuomo discusses resource needs expressed by CBP, while Bet-David questions Biden administration motives. Smith traces Trump's appeal to his immigration stance, indicating its centrality to political power dynamics.

The New York criminal case against Trump and its potential impact

Smith deems the charges politically motivated, while Cuomo acknowledges prosecutorial discretion. Both weigh impacts on Trump's future electoral prospects.

Trump's continued political influence and the reactions to it

Smith attributes Trump's popularity to backlash from establishment institutions. Cuomo recognizes his ability to rally support despite controversies. Debates continue on Trump's methods, legacy, and enduring influence on U.S. politics.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The lab leak theory suggests that the COVID-19 virus may have accidentally originated from a laboratory rather than naturally. This theory is controversial, with most experts supporting the natural zoonotic origin of the virus. The focus is often on the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China due to its proximity to the initial outbreak, but there is currently no concrete evidence supporting a lab origin of the virus.
  • Ivermectin demonization refers to the criticism and negative portrayal of the drug ivermectin in certain media outlets or discussions. Some individuals believe that ivermectin has been unfairly discredited or dismissed as a potential treatment for COVID-19. This controversy stems from conflicting views on the effectiveness and safety of ivermectin in managing the virus. Discussions around ivermectin often involve debates on its proper use, scientific evidence supporting its efficacy, and the influence of media narratives on public perception.
  • CBP stands for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is the largest federal law enforcement agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They are responsible for regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting import duties, and enforcing U.S. regulations, including immigration and customs laws at the borders. CBP plays a crucial role in ensuring border security and managing the flow of goods and people entering the United States.
  • The New York criminal case against Trump involves investigations into his business dealings, including allegations of tax fraud and financial improprieties. Prosecutors in New York have been examining whether Trump's company manipulated the value of its assets to obtain loans and tax benefits. This legal scrutiny is separate from federal investigations and has the potential to impact Trump's future political ambitions. The case has drawn significant attention due to Trump's status as a former president and his continued influence in American politics.
  • Prosecutorial discretion is the authority given to prosecutors to decide whether to charge someone with a crime and what charges to bring. This discretion allows prosecutors to consider factors like the strength of evidence, public interest, and available resources when making charging decisions. It gives prosecutors flexibility in pursuing justice and managing caseloads effectively.


  • Lockdowns and mask mandates may have been necessary to control the spread of COVID-19, and their effectiveness is supported by a body of scientific literature.
  • Vaccine mandates have been effective in increasing vaccination rates in various settings, which is crucial for achieving herd immunity and protecting public health.
  • The lab leak theory regarding the origins of COVID-19 remains unproven, and caution in reporting unverified information is a responsible journalistic practice.
  • Ivermectin, while initially considered a potential treatment for COVID-19, has not been shown to be effective in large-scale studies, and media caution may reflect the scientific consensus.
  • Political polarization is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and it may not be solely due to the weaponization of political issues.
  • Public trust in institutions may be declining for a variety of reasons, including broader societal changes and not just media practices.
  • The surge in migrants at the southern U.S. border can be attributed to a range of factors, including but not limited to policy changes, economic conditions, and violence in home countries.
  • The Biden administration's approach to immigration and border security may be based on a different set of priorities and humanitarian concerns, rather than purely political motives.
  • Donald Trump's political influence may also be due to his policies and political messaging, not just a backlash against establishment institutions.
  • The New York criminal case against Trump should be considered within the framework of the rule of law, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty applies.
  • Trump's methods and legacy are subject to debate, and there are varying perspectives on his impact on U.S. politics and society.

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

The COVID-19 pandemic, policies, and media coverage

The COVID-19 pandemic response and media coverage have sparked intense debate, with varied opinions on government measures and the role of the media in shaping public narrative.

Differing perspectives on the government's pandemic response

Debates rage about the effectiveness and harms of pandemic interventions like lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccines.

Debates over the effectiveness and harms of lockdowns, mask mandates, and other restrictions

Smith refers to the government's pandemic response as "COVID insanity," criticizing lockdowns and mask mandates as indicators of totalitarianism. He highlighted an incident where Governor Murphy shut down a religious institution, questioning the constitutional authority for such a decision. Cuomo contends the legal authority comes from the government's emergency powers aimed at public safety.

Smith argues the restrictions had no significant effect on the virus trends, citing a John Hopkins study that found no difference in virus mitigation between regions with lockdowns and those without. Cuomo acknowledges difficulties in assessing lockdowns' value in the U.S., hinting at broader impacts like small business closures, suicides, and the toll on education.

Disputes around the merits and risks of the COVID-19 vaccines

Smith expresses skepticism about the reasoning behind vaccine mandates. Cuomo reflects on evolving public health responses to COVID-19 and the balance between the lives saved by lockdowns and the suffering they caused. Cuomo acknowledged a shift in perspective towards the COVID-19 vaccines, noting that Republican attitudes toward vaccines changed from positivity under Trump to skepticism with Biden. Concerns surface over the long-term merits and risks of the vaccines. Smith suggests that early on, vaccines may have benefited specific high-risk groups but contends that for those previously infected, the vaccine was unnecessary.

The role of the media in shaping narratives and public perceptions

Discussions explore the media’s influence on public perceptions during the pandemic, with CNN receiving direct scrutiny.

Accusations of biased or misleading coverage by outlets like CNN

Smith lambasts CNN for initially dismissing the potential lab origin of COVID-19, implying this stifled open debate. Cuomo asserts he consistently discussed the lab leak theory. Smith also reb ...

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The COVID-19 pandemic, policies, and media coverage

Additional Materials


  • Smith's reference to the government's pandemic response as "COVID insanity" suggests his strong disapproval or criticism of the measures taken. This term implies that Smith believes the actions or decisions made in response to the pandemic are unreasonable, extreme, or irrational. It reflects a sentiment of disbelief or frustration towards the government's handling of the COVID-19 situation. Smith's use of this phrase indicates a perception that the government's approach to the pandemic is flawed or misguided.
  • Cuomo hints at the wider consequences of pandemic restrictions, such as the closure of small businesses, an increase in suicides, and disruptions to education. These impacts are considered alongside the effectiveness of measures like lockdowns and mask mandates in controlling the spread of the virus. The discussion highlights the complex trade-offs involved in implementing public health interventions during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Cuomo's acknowledgment of difficulties in assessing lockdowns' value in the U.S. reflects the challenges in determining the overall impact of lockdown measures on various aspects of society, such as public health, economy, and social well-being. Evaluating the effectiveness of lockdowns involves analyzing complex data and considering multiple factors, making it a nuanced and intricate process. The assessment may involve weighing the benefits of reducing virus transmission against the negative consequences like economic downturns and mental health issues. Cuomo's statement suggests a recognition of the intricate nature of evaluating the outcomes of lockdown policies in the United States.
  • Cuomo's reflection on evolving public health responses to COVID-19 indicates his contemplation of how strategies to combat the virus have changed over time in response to new information and challenges. This suggests that Cuomo is considering the dynamic nature of public health measures and the need for adaptability in the face of a rapidly evolving situation.
  • Cuomo highlighted a change in how Republicans viewed vaccines from the Trump administration to the Biden administration. This shift in attitude reflects the evolving political landscape and how public health issues can become politicized. It underscores the influence of political leadership on public perception and behavior towards vaccination efforts. The differing stances on vaccines under different administrations can impact public health messaging and vaccination rates.
  • Concerns over the long-term merits and risks of vaccines relate to uncertainties about how effective and safe the COVID-19 vaccines will be over an extended period, including potential side effects or unknown consequences that may emerge with time. This involves evaluating the durability of protection provided by the vaccines, monitoring for any rare or delayed adverse reactions, and considering the need for booster shots or adjustments to vaccination strategies based on evolving data. The discussion around long-term merits and risks underscores the importance of ongoing research, surveillance, and transparent communication to address public concerns and ensure the continued effectiveness and safety of vaccination efforts.
  • Smith's statement implies that in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines might have been particularly beneficial for certain high-risk groups, such as the elderly or those with underlying health conditions. This suggests that prioritizing vaccination for these vulnerable populations could have been a strategic approach to reduce severe illness and mortality. The focus on specific high-risk groups aligns with public health strategies that aim to protect those most susceptible to severe outcomes from the virus. By targeting these groups early on, the goal may have been to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on those at highest risk.
  • Smith criticized CNN for initially downplaying the theory that COVID-19 could have originated from a laboratory, suggesting that this stance hindered open discussion on the topic. This criticism reflects a broader debate within the scientific community and media about the origins of the virus, with some advocating for a thorough investigation into the possibility of a lab leak. The lab origin theory posits that the virus may have accidentally escaped from a research laboratory, rather than originating naturally. This theory gained traction over time, leading to increased scrutiny and calls for further investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • I am aware of the topic. Ivermectin is a drug primarily used to treat parasitic infections in animals and humans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was debate over its potential effectiveness in treating or preventing the virus, with some advocating for its use despite limited scientific evidence. Some media outlets, like ...


  • Lockdowns and mask mandates were implemented based on the best available evidence at the time to protect public health, and many experts argue they were necessary to control the spread of the virus.
  • The constitutional authority to shut down institutions during a public health emergency can be justified if it is to protect the greater public good, though it should be balanced with the protection of civil liberties.
  • The John Hopkins study mentioned may have limitations or be one of many studies with varying conclusions; other research has shown that lockdowns did have an effect on reducing virus transmission.
  • The broader impacts of lockdowns, such as on small businesses and education, are complex and multifaceted, and some argue that the economic support measures were insufficient but necessary trade-offs for public health.
  • Vaccine mandates are often defended as necessary for achieving sufficient immunity levels to protect the community, especially the most vulnerable.
  • Public health responses evolve with new information, and changing attitudes toward vaccines can reflect this evolving understanding rather than purely political motivations.
  • The long-term merits and risks of COVID-19 vaccines have been extensively studied, and the consensus among health authorities is that the benefits far outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people.
  • Accusations of biased coverage by media outlets like CNN could be countered by pointing out the challenges in reporting on an emerging and rapidly evolving crisis, where information and expert opinions can change quickly.
  • The portrayal of treatments like ivermectin by media outlets is often based on the consensus of the medical community and regulatory bodies, which did not support its use for COVID-19 du ...

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

Political divisions, polarization, and public trust

In an in-depth conversation, political commentators Chris Cuomo, Patrick Bet-David, and Dave Smith address the growing political divide and decline in public trust that plagues today's political and media landscape.

The deepening partisan divides and erosion of bipartisanship

Concerns about the weaponization of political issues for partisan gain

Cuomo, Bet-David, and Smith raise concerns about how political issues are being used for partisan advantage, further deepening divisiveness. Cuomo acknowledges that show hosts tend to polarize by telling their audiences what they wish to hear. Bet-David believes that during COVID-19, leaders and media contributed to division by not uniting against a common enemy, while Smith contends that false narratives of Trump conspiring with Russia were politically motivated. Cuomo sees the prosecution of political opponents as a flaw in the party system and refers to instances of political hesitation, such as Kamala Harris's skepticism about a Trump-endorsed vaccine, as "stupid, petty politics". Moreover, the weaponization of political topics is evident in discussions about the Justice Department's actions against Trump, and inquiries into Dr. Fauci's emails, remarked Cuomo.

Challenges in restoring civility, compromise, and cooperation in politics

The participants discuss the partisanship influencing pandemic responses and Cuomo mentions the two-party system as a “club structure,” meaning party alignment often takes precedence over the public good. Cuomo talks about the aggressive political stance against figures associated with Dr. Fauci and condemns the lack of civility, decency, compromise, and cooperation in politics. He argues that the antidote to the inflammatory political climate must come from a grassroots level.

Declining public trust in institutions and traditional benchmarks

Audiences seeking alternative, non-establishment benchmarks of information

Bet-David illustrates the rarity of members from traditional media to engage in open discourse, which might be eroding the public's trust. Cuomo seems to believe that the lack of understanding by media and power structures contributes to public skepticism. Smith blames the rise of Trump on the corporate media's disconnect with public dissatisfaction, suggesting a search for non-establishment sources. He argues that the electorate's support for Trump was in opposition to a failed political and media class, further drifting the public toward alternative information outlets.

Debates over the merits and risks of this shift in media landscape

A heated exchange about the "owning" culture in media reflects the obsession with proving the other side wrong. Smith decries media attempts to "own" those who opted not to get vaccinated, and claims trust in alternative internet media sources is soaring, contrasting Joe Rogan's podcast with CNN's vi ...

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Political divisions, polarization, and public trust

Additional Materials


  • The weaponization of political issues for partisan gain involves manipulating or exploiting political topics to benefit one political party over another. This can include framing issues in a way that stirs up division, using misinformation or propaganda to influence public opinion, and prioritizing party interests over the common good. By weaponizing issues, parties seek to gain an advantage in elections, policy debates, or public perception, often at the expense of fostering unity or genuine dialogue.
  • The false narrative of Trump conspiring with Russia refers to allegations that during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia to influence the election in his favor. These claims led to a lengthy investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump's campaign and Russia. Despite this, the issue remained a point of contention in political discourse, with supporters of Trump dismissing the accusations as politically motivated. The controversy surrounding this narrative contributed to the overall political polarization and erosion of public trust in the U.S. political landscape.
  • In 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, faced scrutiny over his emails that were obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests. These emails were scrutinized by various groups and individuals to understand his communications and decision-making during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The inquiries into Fauci's emails became a point of contention in political discussions and media narratives, with different interpretations and implications drawn from their contents. The release of these emails added fuel to debates surrounding the pandemic response, public health policies, and Dr. Fauci's role as a prominent figure in guiding the U.S. response to the crisis.
  • Partisanship influencing pandemic responses: During the COVID-19 pandemic, political partisanship played a significant role in shaping how different groups and leaders responded to the crisis. This included disagreements on issues like mask mandates, lockdown measures, and the promotion of vaccines, often reflecting the broader political divisions within society. Partisan beliefs and priorities influenced how various political figures and parties approached public health policies, leading to differing strategies and messaging that sometimes conflicted with scientific consensus. The politicization of the pandemic response further exacerbated existing divisions and hindered unified efforts to combat the public health crisis.
  • In the context of the two-party system being referred to as a "club structure," it suggests that political parties often prioritize their own interests and unity over the broader public good. This term implies that loyalty to the party and its members can sometimes overshadow the focus on serving the needs and interests of the general population. It highlights how the two major parties can operate more like exclusive clubs with their own rules and priorities, potentially hindering collaboration and compromise across party lines. This characterization underscores the challenges in fostering bipartisanship and cooperation in a political environment where party loyalty can dominate decision-making processes.
  • The rise of Trump was attributed to the corporate media's failure to address and connect with the growing dissatisfaction and concerns of a significant portion of the American public. This disconnect led many voters to seek alternative sources of information and perspectives outside of traditional media channels. Trump's ability to capitalize on this discontent and offer a different narrative resonated with those who felt marginalized or overlooked by mainstream media coverage. This dynamic p ...


  • While political issues may be weaponized for partisan gain, it's also true that political leaders often have genuine ideological differences that lead to conflict, not just a desire for partisan advantage.
  • Show hosts may cater to their audience's preferences, but they also have a responsibility to inform and educate, which can sometimes involve challenging their audience's preconceptions.
  • Leaders and media may have contributed to division during COVID-19, but the unprecedented nature of the pandemic meant there was no established playbook for uniting against the common enemy, and different approaches were based on varying interpretations of the best course of action.
  • Accusations of Trump conspiring with Russia were based on investigations by intelligence agencies and were not solely politically motivated; there were legitimate concerns that warranted investigation.
  • The prosecution of political opponents can be a flaw in the party system, but it can also be a necessary mechanism for upholding the rule of law, regardless of political affiliation.
  • Political hesitation, such as Kamala Harris's skepticism about a Trump-endorsed vaccine, can be seen as caution and due diligence rather than "stupid, petty politics."
  • Partisanship does influence pandemic responses, but it can also reflect deeply held values and beliefs about the role of government and individual freedoms.
  • The two-party system may prioritize party alignment, but it can also provide a clear and stable structure for governance and policy-making.
  • While there is a lack of civility and cooperation in politics, there are also examples of bipartisan efforts and civil discourse that are often overlooked.
  • Efforts to restore civility and cooperation at a grassroots level are important, but institutional reforms and leadership from the top can also play a significant role.
  • Traditional media's engagement in open discourse may be rare, but there are instances where journalists and media outlets have facilitated important conversations and debates.
  • The rise of Trump may be attributed to a disconnect with public dissatisfaction, but it also reflects the success of his messaging and campaign strategy.
  • While people are seeking non-establishment sources of information, established media outlets still play a crucial role in providing vetted and reliable information.
  • The increase in trust in alternative internet media sources does not necessarily mean these sources are always accurate or unbiased.
  • The decline in traditional media t ...

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

Immigration and border security

Chris Cuomo and Dave Smith delve into the complexities of immigration and border security, analyzing the shifts in migrant surges, policy responses, and the interplay of political power.

The surge in migrants at the southern U.S. border

Discussions about the recent increase in migrants at the southern U.S. border often contain conflicting perspectives on causation and policy adaptation.

Differing views on the causes and appropriate policy responses

Cuomo discusses President Biden's reversal of certain immigration policies and agreements, which he suggests has contributed to the migrant surge. Simultaneously, Biden’s reinstatement of some agreements resulted in a decrease in migration, illustrating the differing views on policy effectiveness.

Smith, on the other hand, cites the impact of the pandemic and the subsequent perception of Biden’s administration as lenient on immigration, which some believe has signaled an opportunity for easier entry into the U.S.

Furthermore, Smith introduces an often-overlooked factor: UN-funded NGOs sponsoring waves of migrants. He describes the situation at the border as unsustainable and highlights how political strategies have turned it into a recognized crisis.

Discussions of the political and economic factors at play

Cuomo refutes the concept that the increase in migration is orchestrated to create a new voting bloc beholdens to a specific party. Instead, he acknowledges the urgency for rule changes regarding asylum, especially concerning economic asylum, which is not covered under international law.

Cuomo and Smith address the interplay of economic motives and political maneuvering. They highlight how American employers, seeking cheap labor, sponsor immigration and how Republican governors send migrants to sanctuary cities to bring attention to the issue.

Debates over border security, immigration

Cuomo details how both Biden and Trump handled the challenges at the border during their terms. He notes how Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents prioritize the need for resources, like processing agents and facilities, beyond the physical structure of a wall.

Patrick Bet-David questions the motives behi ...

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Immigration and border security

Additional Materials


  • Economic asylum, also known as economic migration, is when individuals seek to move to another country primarily for better economic opportunities rather than fleeing persecution or violence. Unlike political asylum, which is recognized under international law for those facing persecution, economic reasons alone typically do not qualify someone for asylum status. International laws and conventions primarily focus on protecting individuals from persecution based on factors like race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.
  • Republican governors sending migrants to sanctuary cities is a political strategy where migrants, often undocumented, are directed to cities that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. This action is intended to draw attention to the issue of immigration and challenge the sanctuary cities' stance on immigration enforcement. By highlighting the influx of migrants in these cities, Republican governors aim to spark debate and potentially influence public opinion on immigration policies. This tactic underscores the broader political divide and differing approaches to immigration between different levels of government.
  • "Demographics is destiny" and "the browning of America" are phrases often used in discussions about how changes in the racial and ethnic makeup of a population can influence its future trajectory. The idea suggests that as minority populations grow, they may have a significant impact on societal norms, politics, and cultural dynamics. In the context of the United States, these phrases specifically allude to the increasing diversity of ...


  • The surge in migrants may not be solely due to policy reversals but also to underlying push factors in migrants' home countries, such as violence, poverty, and climate change.
  • The perception of the Biden administration as lenient on immigration could be a misinterpretation of a more humanitarian approach compared to the previous administration.
  • UN-funded NGOs typically aim to provide humanitarian aid, and suggesting they sponsor waves of migrants could oversimplify the role these organizations play in complex international migration dynamics.
  • The argument that migration increases are not orchestrated to create a new voting bloc does not consider the long-term demographic changes that could naturally result from sustained immigration patterns.
  • The economic motives behind immigration, such as employers seeking cheap labor, could be seen as a systemic issue of labor exploitation rather than a political maneuver.
  • The focus on resources over a physical wall does not address the broader debate on the effectiveness of walls as a deterrent and whether they are a symbolic or practical solution.
  • The motives behind the Biden administration's border policies could be rooted in a balance between border security and the humane treatment of migrants, rather than an intentional opening of ...

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Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict | PBD Podcast | Ep 419

Legal and political issues surrounding Donald Trump

Patrick Bet-David shifts the conversation to the complexities surrounding Donald Trump’s legal and political standing.

The New York criminal case against Trump and its potential impact

With Trump labeled a "convicted felon" in the media based on 34 counts which could carry up to 136 years in prison, including the $130,000 payment to an adult film actress, the conversation evolves around whether these charges are politically motivated.

Discussions of whether the charges are politically motivated

Dave Smith calls the New York case against Trump a "glorified misdemeanor" and views the numerous felony counts as indicative of a politically biased justice system. Smith suggests that Trump is likely to be convicted given the general dislike for him in New York. Chris Cuomo discusses the prosecutorial discretion evident in DUI cases and extrapolates this to Trump’s charges, implying that labeling Trump as a felon may serve particular political agendas. Cuomo also points to the campaign promises of the New York Attorney General to pursue Trump, hinting at ulterior motives beyond just the legal merits of the case.

Assessments of how this may affect Trump's presidential aspirations

Smith contends that the absence of prosecutions for individuals like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for assumed major crimes demonstrates a different political will at play in Trump’s case. Reflecting on the impact on Trump's political aspirations, Cuomo mentions the changed dynamic the New York case has brought about and how it could influence Trump's narrative of victimhood, potentially shaping voter perceptions and his chances in future elections.

Trump's continued political influence and the reactions to it

Despite various legal entanglements, discussions illuminate Trump's political influence and the divided reactions it garners.

Debates over the merits and drawbacks of Trump's positions and rhetoric

Smith comments on the media and political establishment’s resentment towards Trump, suggesting it has, in fact, increased his popularity among his support base. Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan indicated an accusation that the establishment had failed the country, and the backlash, including the Steele dossier and actions by the CIA and FBI, has possibly emboldened Trump's supporters further against the ...

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Legal and political issues surrounding Donald Trump

Additional Materials


  • The $130,000 payment to an adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, is linked to allegations of campaign finance violations by Donald Trump. The payment was made through Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and was seen as an attempt to silence Daniels about an alleged affair with Trump. This payment raised legal questions about potential violations of campaign finance laws, as it could be considered an unreported campaign contribution or an illegal use of campaign funds. These allegations have been a significant part of the legal scrutiny surrounding Trump.
  • Donald Trump faced legal challenges, including a New York criminal case with 34 counts, potentially leading to 136 years in prison. The charges included issues like a payment to an adult film actress. There were debates on whether these charges were politically motivated, with some suggesting bias in the justice system. Despite these legal issues, Trump's political influence remained a topic of discussion, with varying reactions to his actions and rhetoric.
  • Trump's fundraising success post-legal action indicates continued support from his base and donors despite facing legal challenges. This financial backing can help him sustain his political activities, potentially influencing his future role in U.S. politics. The ability to raise significant funds post-legal scrutiny showcases Trump's resilience and ongoing relevance in the political landscape. The donations received post-legal action could be seen as ...


  • The severity of the charges against Trump may reflect the gravity of the alleged offenses rather than political bias.
  • The legal system is designed to operate independently of political influence, and every defendant, including Trump, is entitled to due process.
  • The comparison of Trump's case to the lack of prosecutions for Bush and Cheney could be seen as a false equivalence, as each case has its own legal context and evidence.
  • The notion that Trump's legal challenges have not diminished his political influence could be countered by arguing that ongoing legal issues may erode public trust and support over time.
  • While Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" has resonated with many, others may argue that it oversimplifies complex issues and ignores the diverse perspectives on what makes America "great."
  • Trump's retention of a substantial vote share from African-American voters could be contextualized by noting that the majority of African-American voters supported his opponents.
  • The idea that Trump's unique approach to public scrutiny is tactical could be challenged by suggesting that accountability ...

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