Podcasts > Paper Ghosts: The Ozarks > Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

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In this episode of Paper Ghosts: The Ozarks, the investigation into Dana Stidham's 1989 murder unfolds. Details emerge about the disturbing crime scene, evidence linking Dana to potential suspects, and accounts of her life prior to the tragic event. As authorities unravel the case, a list of persons of interest takes shape, including an enamored admirer, a brazen officer, and a man spotted with Dana on her final night.

Amidst the unsettling details, Dana's loved ones share heartfelt memories, painting a picture of the victim as a vibrant, creative soul. As the summary progresses, listeners are left pondering the identity and motives of her killer, driven by the pursuit of justice for Dana and her grieving family.

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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

1-Page Summary

The Investigation into Dana's Murder

After weeks of uncertainty, Dana Stidham's body was discovered in September 1989 in a remote area of Bella Vista, Arkansas. Investigators believe her killer was likely familiar with the secluded, winding roads leading to the wooded dump site.

Crime Scene Evidence

The state of Dana's remains indicated exposure shortly after her disappearance. Georgia Stidham, Dana's mother, says the autopsy revealed injuries consistent with a knife attack and possible sexual assault. Key evidence included Dana's clothes with damage suggesting a knife was used, two rings identified as hers, locks of her hair, a piece of twine with intricate knots, and a Caucasian hair found in her car.

Suspect Mike McMillan

Mike McMillan's behavior cast him as a suspect, according to Stidham. McMillan was infatuated with Dana despite her rejecting his advances. Though he claimed to feel regret over her death, his inability to provide an alibi raised questions.

Other Potential Suspects

A Local Police Officer

Accounts suggest a local married police officer repeatedly harassed Dana during traffic stops.

An Unnamed Woman's Account

A woman reported seeing Dana at a bar with a suspicious man she sensed intended to harm Dana. After Dana's disappearance, the woman learned the man's name was Mike.

Dana's Life and Relationships

Dana is remembered by her mother as caring, happy, and creatively talented. Her death devastated her close-knit family, exacerbating her father Lawrence's rheumatoid arthritis issues before his early death at 50. Kristi Smith, Dana's cousin, notes the dedication of loved ones searching for Dana.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The text discusses the investigation into Dana Stidham's murder, which occurred in September 1989. The discovery of Dana's body in a remote area of Bella Vista, Arkansas, marked a significant event in the case. The timeline of events surrounding Dana's disappearance, the discovery of her body, and the subsequent investigation is crucial to understanding the context of the case. The text provides details about the crime scene evidence, suspects, and Dana's life to shed light on the circumstances surrounding her tragic death.
  • The crime scene evidence, including Dana's belongings and physical condition, suggested a violent attack. Suspect Mike McMillan's behavior raised suspicions due to his past interactions with Dana. Other potential suspects were linked to Dana through eyewitness accounts and prior encounters, adding complexity to the investigation. The evidence and suspects were intertwined in the investigation into Dana's murder, forming key elements in the search for the perpetrator.
  • The motives of the suspects in Dana's murder case are unclear because the text does not explicitly state their reasons for potentially harming her. Suspects like Mike McMillan and the local police officer may have had personal grievances or hidden agendas that led to their suspicious behavior. Without concrete evidence or confessions, it remains uncertain why they might have been involved in Dana's tragic death. The lack of a clear motive adds complexity to the investigation and leaves room for speculation about the suspects' intentions.
  • Dana Stidham had rejected advances from Mike McMillan, who was infatuated with her. This rejection led to suspicions about his involvement in her murder. Additionally, a local police officer had reportedly harassed Dana, and an unnamed woman had seen Dana with a suspicious man named Mike before her disappearance. These relationships and interactions with the suspects added complexity to the investigation into Dana's murder.

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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

The Investigation into Dana's Murder

The Benton County Sheriff's Office's investigation into Dana Stidham's murder intensified after the discovery of her body following nearly two months of uncertainty about her whereabouts.

The discovery of Dana's body and the investigation that followed

Dana had been missing for six to seven weeks when her body was found by a squirrel hunter in a remote area of Bella Vista. Despite finding Dana's body on September 17, 1989, the hunter delayed reporting the discovery until the following day due to initially leaving in a hurry and then confiding in a friend who urged him to alert authorities.

The location where Dana's body was found is densely wooded, with few houses nearby. This suggests that the perpetrator was likely familiar with the area to navigate the secluded, winding roads successfully. The body was discovered in a dry creek bed, indicating that Dana's body was hastily dumped and other items thrown after the act. Prior to the discovery, the area had served as a gathering spot for local youth but became less frequented following a shooting incident there.

Key evidence found at the crime scene and autopsy results indicating how Dana was killed

Investigators believed that Dana's remains had been exposed to the elements shortly after her disappearance, evidenced by the state of skeletonization upon discovery. Her scattered remains covered an area approximately the size of a football field due to animal disturbances.

The autopsy revealed critical evidence that Dana suffered antemortem injuries consistent with a knife attack, such as a nick on her collarbone. The suggestive cut straps of Dana's bra at the scene pointed towards a possible sexual assault.

Further investigation yielded Dana's clothing in a hole away from her skull, with her undergarments unearthed nearer the skull. ...

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The Investigation into Dana's Murder

Additional Materials


  • Antemortem injuries are injuries that occur before death. These injuries are crucial in forensic investigations as they can provide insights into the circumstances leading up to a person's death. By examining antemortem injuries, forensic experts can determine the timing and nature of traumatic events that the individual experienced while alive.
  • Skeletonization is the process where a dead organism's soft tissues decompose, leaving only the skeleton behind. Factors like climate and environmental conditions influence the speed of this process. It is a crucial stage in forensic investigations to determine the time since death.
  • A cul-de-sac is a dead-end street ...



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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

Suspect Mike McMillan

The investigation into Dana’s murder brings Mike McMillan into focus due to peculiar behaviors that cast him as a prime suspect.

Mike's odd behavior like stealing Dana's grave marker that made him a prime suspect

Mike McMillan's infatuation with Dana was well-known among people interviewed, with some describing Mike as somewhat infatuated with her. Mike had made advances toward Dana, but she consistently rejected him in favor of seeing other people, leading Mike to experience bouts of upset.

Mike would walk down a dirt road to see Dana, an action that Dana’s father disapproved of. Despite Dana insisting that she only liked him as a friend, Mike would persistently write her notes asking her out.

His actions, framed as those of a love-struck teenager, suggest a possible connection to unreq ...

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Suspect Mike McMillan

Additional Materials


  • Mike McMillan's relationship with Dana was characterized by his infatuation with her. Despite Dana only seeing him as a friend, Mike made advances and persistently pursued her romantically, even after her rejections. This unrequited love dynamic between them was a significant aspect of their relationship, leading to speculation about its potential connection to the investigation into Dana's murder.
  • Mike's commitment to the navy indicates that he is a member of the naval forces, which could involve obligations and duties that require his full attention and adherence to strict schedules and rules. This commitment may have influenced his actions and decisions, such as not being able to attend Dana's funeral due to his naval responsibilities. It suggests a significant part of his life that could impact his availability and movements during the time of the investigation into Dana's murder.
  • Mike's interactions with the police invo ...


  • Mike's infatuation with Dana, while intense, does not inherently imply a motive for murder; infatuation alone is not evidence of criminal behavior.
  • Rejection by Dana could be seen as a common experience in romantic pursuits, not necessarily a precursor to violent acts.
  • Walking down a dirt road to see someone could be interpreted as a romantic gesture rather than a suspicious act, depending on cultural and social norms.
  • Writing notes asking Dana out could be considered persistent but not necessarily threatening or indicative of a propensity to commit a crime.
  • Being deeply affected by Dana's murder could be a natural response for someone who cared about her, rather than a sign of guilt.
  • Regretting not attending the funeral could be due to genuine remorse and respect for the deceased, rather than an attempt to avoid suspicion.
  • Interactions with the police that raise questions a ...

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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

Other Potential Suspects

A local police officer Dana was rumored to be dating

Accounts suggest that Dana was harassed by a local police officer who used traffic stops as an excuse to hit on her. Despite the officer being married with children, he continued this behavior, which Dana found troubling.

The unnamed woman's account of seeing Dana at a bar with a man she sensed was going to kill Dana

An unnamed woman reported witnessing a disturbing scene at Wonderland Cave where she saw a man with a smirk she couldn't identify acting suspiciously. This man, appearing somewhat muscular or husky, around five nine or five ten, stood out to her as someone who was unfamiliar with the environment of a dance club. Alongside him was Dana, who was dancing in the background and possibly under the influence of something the man had given her.

The woman had an immediate and unsettling feeling that the man harbored intentions to harm Dana, a ...

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Other Potential Suspects

Additional Materials


  • Dana was reportedly harassed by a local police officer who used traffic stops to make advances towards her. Despite the officer being married with children, he persisted in this behavior, causing distress to Dana.
  • The unnamed woman experienced a strong sense of foreboding or intuition that the man she saw with Dana had harmful intentions towards her. This feeling was so intense that she felt compelled to report her suspicions to the local police immediately. Despite her concerns being dismissed initially, the subsequent disappearance of Dana seemed to validate her initial unease.
  • The dismissal of the woman's concerns by the authorities could be due to various reasons such as lack of concrete evidence, the woman's account being seen as speculative or unreliable, or the police prioritizing other leads at the time. It's not uncommon for law enforcement to receive numerous tips and reports, leading them to prioritize based on available information and resources. In this case, the authorities may ha ...


  • The relationship between Dana and the local police officer is based on rumors, which may not be reliable or accurate.
  • The unnamed woman's feeling that Dana was in danger is subjective and not necessarily indicative of actual intent or actions by the man named Mike.
  • The description of the man as "muscular, around five nine or five ten, and unfamiliar with the club environment" is vague and could potentially match many individuals, making it unreliable for identification purposes.
  • The woman's report to the police was dismissed, which could suggest either a lack of evidence or possible negligence on the part of the police, but without more information, it's not possible to determine which is the case ...

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Episode 3: “The Skull in the Creek Bed:”

Dana's Life and Relationships

Georgia Stidham, Dana's mother, and Kristi Smith, Dana's cousin, reflect fondly on Dana's life, her caring nature, and how her untimely death left an irrevocable mark on her family.

Dana's personality, talents, goals, and positive relationships

Dana is remembered as a deeply caring individual, especially toward her father, Lawrence, who suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis. Georgia Stidham recalls that Dana was her father's caregiver and constant companion due to his inability to work, reflecting how central family was to her life. Dana's joyful spirit is emphasized by her mother, who describes her as a very happy child, always eager to share laughter and silliness with those around her.

Dana also had a wide array of interests and was recognized for her talents in painting and ceramics. Her creativity and artistic abilities were just one aspect of a multifaceted personality that also included an enthusiastic interest in boys and a desire for social connection. According to her mother, Dana had a strong relationship with her parents and aimed to make friends with everyone she met.

How Dana's murder devastated her close-knit family

The tragic death of Dana deeply affecte ...

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Dana's Life and Relationships

Additional Materials


  • The murder of Dana significantly altered the family's dynamics by intensifying the health issues of her father, Lawrence, leading to his premature death. The family's unity and support were tested as they rallied together in the search for Dana, showcasing their dedication and love for her. Dana's absence not only left an emotional void but also had tangible consequences on the well-being of her family members, especially her father. The tragedy highlighted the profound impact of loss and grief on the interconnected relationships within the family.
  • Lawrence suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic autoimmune condition that causes joint pain and inflammation. Dana's role as his caregiver was crucial due ...



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