Podcasts > Morbid > Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

By Morbid Network | Wondery

In this episode of Morbid, the hosts explore the disturbing case of the Snedeker family, who moved into a former funeral home and experienced escalating paranormal activity. The family, especially son Phillip, reported chilling phenomena like disembodied voices, apparitions, menacing laughter, and unseen forces that grew violent, with accusations of demonic influence.

The episode delves into the controversial involvement of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who claimed the house was demonically infested. The Warrens' methods and the Snedekers' accounts faced skepticism from neighbors, local authorities, and investigative groups like CSICOP, reigniting debates around profiting from hauntings and exaggerated claims. As the family eventually departed their home, their harrowing experiences continue to spark questions about the existence of malicious paranormal entities.

Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

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Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

1-Page Summary

The Snedeker Family's Paranormal Experiences

Moving into a Former Funeral Home

The Snedeker family moved into a house unaware of its past as a funeral home. Their son Phillip immediately sensed an evil presence, begging to leave, though his parents dismissed his concerns as stress from medical treatments, according to Carmen Snedeker.

Strange and Escalating Activity

The family quickly experienced disturbing phenomena like disembodied voices, apparitions, and feelings of being watched. Even Carmen and Al Snedeker noticed paranormal activity like vibrating beds and mocking laughter from the basement, according to Carmen.

Physical and Sexual Assaults

The entity grew aggressive, with Phillip assaulting his cousins under alleged demonic influence. Carmen, Al, and their niece Kelly also reported physical and sexual attacks by an unseen entity, accompanied by malevolent laughter.

The Warrens' Controversial Investigation

Claims of a Demonic Haunting

Ed and Lorraine Warren were called to investigate, living with the family for nine weeks. The Warrens declared the house demonically infested, recommending an exorcism by a Catholic priest to combat the powerful evil presence, according to Ed Warren.

Disputed Exorcism Claims

While the Warrens claimed a successful exorcism by priests sanctioned by the Catholic diocese, Reverend John Gatzic stated the diocese had not authorized or performed an exorcism.

Profit from the Haunting

The Warrens co-wrote a bestselling book, "In a Dark Place", turning the family's experiences into a horror story that promoted the Warrens' paranormal expertise, drawing skepticism that they exaggerated details.

Ongoing Skepticism and Controversy

Doubts from Neighbors and Locals

Neighbors like the Saffords disputed experiencing paranormal activity during their tenancy. Owner Daryl Kern and others suggested the Snedekers fabricated the haunting for profit, according to Jim Safford.

CSICOP's Critique

The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal accused the Warrens of exaggeration and following a pattern similar to the Amityville case to promote a self-serving narrative. Co-author Ray Garton later criticized the Warrens' account.

The Snedekers' Departure

Marred by controversy, the Snedeker family, including Al and Carmen, eventually moved away to Tennessee years after publicizing their story. Tragically, Phillip Snedeker passed away in 2012 at age 38.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The family's initial lack of awareness about the house's history as a funeral home could be due to inadequate disclosure by the seller or a lack of due diligence by the family.
  • Phillip's sensing of an evil presence could be attributed to psychological stress or suggestibility, especially given his medical treatments.
  • Experiences of disembodied voices, apparitions, and feelings of being watched can sometimes be explained by environmental factors, such as noises from old houses settling, or psychological factors like pareidolia and the power of suggestion.
  • The escalation to physical and sexual assaults could be interpreted as manifestations of psychological distress within the family, rather than paranormal activity.
  • The Warrens' declaration of a demonic infestation is not supported by empirical evidence and relies on personal belief systems that are not universally accepted.
  • The effectiveness of an exorcism is a matter of faith and not subject to scientific validation, which means alternative explanations should be considered.
  • The dispute over the exorcism claims by Reverend John Gatzic suggests that there may have been a lack of communication or misrepresentation of the church's involvement.
  • The profit motive from the bestselling book could be seen as a conflict of interest, potentially incentivizing the embellishment of the story.
  • Neighbors' and locals' lack of similar experiences could indicate that the phenomena were either isolated to the Snedekers or perceived differently by others.
  • The critique by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) reflects a scientific skepticism that requires empirical evidence for validation of paranormal claims.
  • The family's departure to Tennessee could be seen as a way to escape the notoriety and stress associated with the alleged haunting, rather than as a consequence of the haunting itself.
  • The passing of Phillip Snedeker is a tragic event, but it does not have a direct bearing on the veracity of the paranormal claims.


  • You can research the history of your home to uncover any past incidents that might influence your comfort level. Start by visiting your local library or historical society to access public records, old newspapers, and property transaction histories. This can help you understand the background of your living space and potentially explain any unusual occurrences.
  • Create a personal journal to document any unexplained experiences in your home. Note the date, time, and details of the event, along with your feelings and reactions. This can serve as a personal record to analyze patterns or frequency of these events, which might help in understanding whether there's a logical explanation or if it's something that requires further attention.
  • Engage in open conversations with neighbors and community members about the history and folklore of your area. This can be done during community gatherings or casual meetups. Sharing stories can provide insights into whether experiences like yours are common in the area, which might offer reassurance or lead to a community-based approach to address shared concerns.

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Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

The Snedeker family's paranormal experiences in the house

Carmen and Al Snedeker's family experienced a series of traumatic paranormal incidents in their home, a former funeral parlor in Southington, leading to fear and concern for their safety and sanity.

The Snedeker family moves into a house with a history as a funeral home

Upon moving day, the Snedeker family, unaware of their new home's eerie past, quickly discovered its disturbing history as a funeral home. They found a blood-stained wall and a medieval-looking chain-powered body lift in the basement. These macabre remnants unsettled young Phillip, who immediately felt an evil presence and begged to leave. Despite his protests, his parents dismissed his fears as stress from his medical treatments.

The family's youngest son, Phillip, immediately senses something sinister about the house and begs to leave, but his parents dismiss his concerns

Phillip Snedeker, undergoing daily medical treatments with side effects, was particularly sensitive to the malevolent atmosphere of the house. He refused to sleep in the basement and suffered from hearing disembodied voices and seeing unnerving apparitions. Carmen acknowledged to him the house's past as a funeral home after realizing its effect on Philip. Despite this, his anxiety was attributed to his medical condition, and he was encouraged to adapt to the new environment.

Strange and unsettling occurrences begin plaging the Snedeker family in the home

The Snedeker family’s unsettling experiences escalated quickly with Phillip hearing voices calling out to him from the dark basement, seeing a gaunt, sickly man's face, and consistent feelings of being watched. Other children, including Stephanie, reported encountering spirits. Even Carmen and Al started noticing paranormal activity, including vibrating beds, unexplained movements, mocking laughter, and faint music originating from the basement.

The paranormal activity escalates to physical and sexual assaults on the family

The malevolent force in the home became increasingly aggressive, manifesting in physical and sexual attacks. Phillip, influenced by demonic voices, assaulted his younger cousins. Other family members, including Carmen and her niece Kelly, reported chilling encounters with an unseen entity that resulted in physical and sexual violence.

Phillip is accused of sexually assaulting his youn ...

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The Snedeker family's paranormal experiences in the house

Additional Materials


  • Skepticism about the paranormal: There is a lack of empirical evidence to support the existence of paranormal phenomena, and experiences attributed to such phenomena can often be explained by psychological, social, or environmental factors.
  • Influence of belief: The power of suggestion and belief in the paranormal can significantly influence people's perceptions and experiences, potentially leading to confirmation bias where individuals interpret ambiguous events as paranormal.
  • Mental health considerations: Phillip's reported experiences and behaviors could be more accurately attributed to psychological issues rather than paranormal influence, as suggested by the psychiatrist's evaluation.
  • Misinterpretation of events: Unusual occurrences in old houses, such as sounds or structural movements, can often be misinterpreted as paranormal activity, especially in a house with a history that primes residents to expect such experiences.
  • Media and cultural influence: The family's experiences and their interpretation could be influenced by media portrayals of haunted houses and cultural narratives surrounding places with morbid histories.
  • Alternative explanations for physical evidence: Physical remnants like a blood-stained wall could have non-paranormal explan ...


  • You can explore the psychological impact of living spaces by journaling your feelings and experiences in different rooms of your home. Write down any changes in mood or unusual occurrences, and note if certain spaces consistently evoke specific emotions. This can help you understand if your environment affects your well-being and may guide you in making changes to create a more positive atmosphere.
  • Develop a family emergency plan that includes a protocol for addressing unexplained phenomena or discomfort in the home. Gather your household members and agree on signs that warrant a discussion or action, such as a designated safe space to retreat to or a trusted external contact to consult. This proactive approach ensures that everyone's concerns are taken seriously and that there's a clear course of action if needed.
  • Engage in a creative project that channels your reactions to unsettl ...

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Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

The investigation by Ed and Lorraine Warren

Ed and Lorraine Warren's investigation into the Snedeker family's haunting is a blend of supernatural claims, religious intervention, and media controversy.

The Warrens are called in to investigate the haunting at the Snedeker home

In late July of 1988, the Warrens commenced their investigation into the Snedeker family's haunting. Lorraine Warren advised the family to keep a rosary for protection until they could start their work at the house. The Warrens spent nine weeks living with the family to conduct their investigation. During this time, they declared the house infested by a powerful, demonic presence.

The Warrens declare the house is infested by a powerful demonic presence and recommend a Catholic priest perform an exorcism

Ed Warren described the presence as demonic, ancient, cunning, and extremely evil. Lorraine Warren emphasized the need for divine help in combating the entities. Ed concluded that an exorcism by a Catholic priest was necessary after strong demonic forces attempted to possess Carmen, one of the family members.

Despite the Warrens' claims, the Catholic diocese denies authorizing or performing the exorcism at the home

Ed Warren reportedly made calls to get permission from the Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford to perform an exorcism. On September 6, 1988, two Roman Catholic priests and a deacon performed what the Warrens claimed was a successful exorcism. Ed Warren even told a reporter about the successful ritual which he claimed was sanctioned by the Archdiocese of Hartford. However, Reverend John Gatzic, a spokesperson for the diocese, stated that they had not received any formal exorcism request and that the diocese had not performed one.

The Warrens document the Snedeker family's experiences and turn it into a bestselling book

Critics allege that media attention around the ...

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The investigation by Ed and Lorraine Warren

Additional Materials


  • The Warrens' methods were not scientifically rigorous, and their conclusions about demonic presence are not supported by empirical evidence.
  • Personal beliefs and religious practices, such as the use of a rosary, may not have any tangible effect on supposed hauntings and could be considered superstitious.
  • The length of time the Warrens spent with the family does not necessarily correlate with the accuracy or legitimacy of their findings.
  • The nature of demonic entities is not recognized or validated by any scientific community, and such claims are often met with skepticism.
  • The need for divine help is a matter of personal belief and is not universally accepted as a solution to paranormal phenomena.
  • The effectiveness of exorcisms is debated and not empirically proven; they are often viewed as a religious ritual rather than a remedy to paranormal issues.
  • The Catholic Church has strict protocols for authorizing exorcisms, and the lack of formal approval cast ...


  • You can create a personal safety ritual that resonates with your beliefs, similar to the use of a rosary for protection. Choose an object or practice that aligns with your cultural or spiritual values, and incorporate it into your daily routine to foster a sense of security and well-being. For example, if you find nature calming, you might carry a small stone from a place that holds special meaning for you, or if you practice meditation, you could establish a short, daily session dedicated to cultivating inner peace.
  • Develop a critical thinking approach when encountering extraordinary claims by researching multiple perspectives. When you hear about a story like the Snedeker haunting, take the time to look up both the proponents and the skeptics' viewpoints. This could involve reading books from different authors on the subject, looking for peer-reviewed articles that analyze similar phenomena, or even joining forums where both sides of the argument are discussed. This practice will help you form a more balanced opinion and enhance your analytical skills.
  • Engage in creative writing by ...

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Episode 608: The Snedeker Haunting: A Haunting in Connecticut

Skepticism and controversy surrounding the case

The case of the Snedeker family’s alleged haunting has attracted skepticism and controversy, with neighbors and investigation groups disputing the family’s account.

Neighbors and locals dispute the Snedeker family's account of events

Second-floor tenants Yvonne and Jim Safford, and Yvonne’s brother Richard, stated they had lived in the house for two years but never experienced any paranormal phenomena. Daryl Kern, the house owner, suggested the Snedekers were attempting to monetize their tale. Jim Safford reported a relative of the Snedekers reinforced the idea that the family fabricated their story for profit. Yvonne further intimated that the family’s complaints only arose when they fell behind on rent.

Paranormal investigation groups like CSICOP openly criticize the Warrens and the credibility of the Snedeker case

CSIcop (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) was notably critical of the involvement of Ed and Lorraine Warren in the Snedeker case. They accused the Warrens of following a pattern similar to the infamous Amityville Horror story, which involved promoting a self-serving narrative. Joe Nickel, a member of CSICOP, highlighted various inconsistencies in the family’s account, accusing the Warrens of exaggeration. Ray Garton, who co-authored "In a Dark Place" with Ed Warren, later disavowed the book and criticized the Warrens. He cited t ...

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Skepticism and controversy surrounding the case

Additional Materials


  • The neighbors' lack of paranormal experiences does not necessarily invalidate the Snedeker family's claims, as experiences can be subjective and vary from person to person.
  • Financial motivation does not inherently disprove the veracity of the Snedeker family's experiences; it is possible for an actual experience to also be used as a means of income, especially if it has caused significant hardship.
  • CSICOP's criticism, while valuable for scientific scrutiny, may not account for the complexities of personal experience and the nuances of paranormal phenomena, which some believe fall outside the realm of conventional scientific understanding.
  • The Warrens' involvement in the case could be seen as bringing attention to a situation that the family believed to be true, rather than deliberately promoting a fal ...


  • You can develop critical thinking by examining local legends and comparing community perspectives. Start by researching a well-known story in your area, then speak to long-time residents and local historians to gather different viewpoints. This will help you understand how narratives can be shaped by various interests and how to assess the credibility of sources.
  • Enhance your media literacy by analyzing how controversial stories are presented in the media. Choose a contentious topic covered by different news outlets and compare the coverage. Look for inconsistencies, the language used, and the sources cited to better understand how narratives can be influenced by the media's portrayal.
  • Practice ethical storytelling ...

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