Podcasts > Huberman Lab > Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

By Scicomm Media

Join Dr. Andrew Huberman as he welcomes Chris Voss, a former FBI hostage negotiator, to the "Huberman Lab" podcast for a masterclass in the power of negotiation. Together, they unravel the complexities of strategic communication, with Voss providing actionable insights from his treasure trove of high-pressure experiences. Their discussion demystifies how to approach not just life-or-death scenarios, but also the everyday negotiations and relationship-building that characterize our daily interactions.

From the nuances of voice modulation to the intricacies of tactical empathy, this episode offers listeners an in-depth look at the psychological fortitude required for successful negotiations. Chris Voss's expert advice, bolstered by Dr. Huberman's studies on the human mind, illustrates how embracing well-being routines and trusting one's instincts empower personal and professional growth. Whether you're looking to master the delicate dance of boardroom politics or enhance personal connections, this episode is an invaluable guide to conducting hard conversations with finesse and confidence.

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

1-Page Summary

Introduction to Negotiation Mastery

Chris Voss joins Dr. Andrew Huberman on the Huberman Lab Podcast to share insights from his career as an ex-FBI crisis negotiator. Drawing on real-world experiences, Voss discusses the nuances of effective negotiation in various scenarios, providing listeners with a wealth of strategic counsel.

Exploring Chris Voss's Negotiation Expertise

A seasoned expert, Chris Voss has developed a robust approach to negotiation, whether in high-pressure scenarios during his FBI tenure or in daily life challenges. His expertise, paired with Dr. Huberman's neuroscientific insights, offers a unique perspective on communication and strategy.

The Art of Communication in Negotiation

Deeply understanding and managing emotions is vital for any negotiator. Chris Voss's method places significant emphasis on maintaining composure and leveraging tone to influence discussions.

Mastering Emotional Regulation and Voice Modulation

Voss advocates for emotional regulation as a cornerstone of negotiation. By harnessing techniques like voice modulation, negotiators can foster a calm environment conducive to positive outcomes.

Strategic Use of Spoken and Written Communication

Beyond verbal communication, Voss underlines the importance of clarity and simplicity in written interactions. Effective negotiation often hinges on the ability to convey messages precisely and align words with actions.

Everyday Negotiations and Relationship Building

Negotiation skills are not reserved for rarified circumstances but are applicable in everyday situations, including fostering lasting relationships.

Tactics for Daily Interactions and Persuasion

Voss offers tactics relevant to daily transactions, such as challenging the idea of "win-win" scenarios and understanding opposing perspectives to encourage cooperative solutions.

Building relationships without immediate expectations can result in significant future benefits, as Voss’s experiences demonstrate. Investing in goodwill may yield unforeseen advantages.

High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics and Scenarios

Negotiating under intense pressure requires a specific set of skills, as exemplified by Voss’s harrowing recounts of kidnapping cases.

Kidnapping Negotiations: Flexibility and Clarity

In kidnapping situations, Voss highlights the importance of maintaining flexibility and communicating clearly, which can be the difference between success and failure.

Confronting Cyber Threats and Fraud Strategies

Dealing with cybercriminals and scammers requires a strategic withholding of concessions and smart questioning to prevent exploitation and achieve a favourable outcome.

In legal and financial negotiations, Voss advises thoughtful inquiry rather than confrontation to assess sincerity and resolve disputes effectively.

Psychological Insights and Personal Growth in Negotiations

The psychological component of negotiation is profound, influencing both strategy and personal development.

Trusting Instincts and the Subconscious Mind

Voss places trust in instinctual reactions and the power of the subconscious, advocating for the acknowledgment of inner perceptions leading to deeper truths in negotiation.

Managing Personal Criticism and Wellbeing Routines

Personal well-being and resilience are significant for negotiators. Voss and Huberman discuss the impact of rituals involving gratitude, prayer, and physical fitness on their mental health.

The Balance of Tactical Empathy and Decision Timing

Strategies like tactical empathy allow negotiators to comprehend others' emotions purposefully without becoming engulfed by them, serving as a subtle yet powerful tool.

Extending Negotiation Techniques Beyond the Boardroom

Negotiation principles and practices extend far beyond the confines of formal settings, affecting personal lives and online interactions.

Enhancing Personal Connections in Crisis Settings

In negotiations, personalizing and humanizing one's self can be life-saving, and fostering empathy can promote greater understanding and resolution.

Harnessing Online Platforms for Skill Application

Innovative online platforms like Fireside provide real-time opportunities to practice and apply negotiation skills in a variety of contexts.

Fostering Empathy and Rapport in Professional Guidance

The establishment of rapport is crucial across professional fields. A deeper understanding of this concept can lead to better acceptance and implementation of advice given.

Conclusion and Continuing the Negotiation Conversation

In conclusion, Voss and Huberman emphasize the importance of engaging with the content discussed and actively pursuing educational opportunities in the art of negotiation.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Neuroscientific insights in negotiation involve understanding how the brain processes information, emotions, and decision-making during negotiations. By studying brain responses, negotiators can tailor their communication strategies to influence outcomes effectively. This field explores how cognitive biases and social cues impact negotiation dynamics, offering valuable insights for improving communication and decision-making skills in various negotiation scenarios. Integrating neuroscientific findings can enhance negotiators' abilities to manage emotions, build rapport, and make strategic decisions based on a deeper understanding of human behavior.
  • Voice modulation techniques involve consciously adjusting the pitch, tone, volume, and pace of your voice during communication to convey different emotions or messages effectively. By mastering voice modulation, negotiators can influence the mood of a conversation, emphasize key points, build rapport, and manage the dynamics of a negotiation more skillfully. This skill is crucial in maintaining control, engaging the other party, and creating a conducive atmosphere for productive discussions. Voice modulation can help negotiators project confidence, empathy, authority, or other desired qualities to enhance their persuasive abilities.
  • In negotiation, a "win-win" scenario is when both parties involved benefit from the outcome. It emphasizes creating agreements where all parties feel satisfied with the results. This approach focuses on collaboration and finding solutions that meet the interests of all parties, fostering long-term relationships and mutual gains. The goal is to move away from a zero-sum mentality where one party's gain is directly balanced by another's loss.
  • Investing in goodwill for future benefits involves building positive relationships without immediate expectations, which can lead to advantageous outcomes down the line. By prioritizing trust, respect, and cooperation in interactions, individuals can create a foundation for future collaboration and support. This approach emphasizes the long-term value of nurturing positive connections and fostering mutual understanding for potential opportunities that may arise in the future. Goodwill investments can yield unforeseen advantages and contribute to sustained success in various personal and professional endeavors.
  • The psychological component of negotiation involves understanding how human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes influence the negotiation process. It encompasses aspects like emotional intelligence, empathy, trust-building, and decision-making strategies. Negotiators leverage psychological insights to navigate conflicts, build rapport, manage emotions, and influence outcomes effectively. By incorporating psychological principles, negotiators can enhance their communication skills, adaptability, and overall negotiation effectiveness.
  • Tactical empathy in negotiation involves understanding and acknowledging the emotions and perspectives of the other party without necessarily agreeing with them. It is a strategic approach to building rapport and trust while still advocating for your own interests. By demonstrating empathy, negotiators can create a more cooperative and communicative environment, leading to better outcomes for all parties involved. This technique helps in managing emotions and fostering a constructive dialogue during negotiations.


  • While emotional regulation is important, some might argue that showing genuine emotion can sometimes be a powerful negotiation tactic to demonstrate sincerity or urgency.
  • The emphasis on voice modulation might not be as effective in cultures or situations where directness is valued over subtlety in communication.
  • Clarity and simplicity are important, but there are instances where complexity cannot be avoided, and oversimplification might lead to misunderstandings.
  • Negotiation skills in everyday life are useful, but not all daily interactions require negotiation tactics, and overuse might lead to strained personal relationships.
  • Building relationships without immediate expectations is idealistic; some might argue that in competitive business environments, immediate gains are often necessary for survival.
  • Flexibility in high-stakes negotiations is crucial, but there are scenarios where a firm stance might be necessary to not appear weak or easily manipulated.
  • Strategic questioning with cyber threats is important, but over-reliance on this might not be sufficient without technical knowledge and support.
  • Thoughtful inquiry in legal and financial negotiations is advised, but there are times when a more aggressive approach may be required to protect one's interests.
  • Trusting instincts is valuable, but over-reliance on intuition without empirical evidence or rational analysis can lead to poor decision-making.
  • Personal well-being is significant, but focusing too much on personal rituals might detract from the time and effort needed to prepare for negotiations.
  • Tactical empathy is useful, but there is a risk of being too empathetic and compromising one's own objectives in the negotiation.
  • While negotiation principles can extend to personal lives, applying them too rigidly outside of professional contexts might not always be appropriate or welcomed by others.
  • Personalizing oneself in negotiations can be beneficial, but it can also lead to oversharing or creating vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the other party.
  • Online platforms offer practice opportunities, but they may not fully replicate the nuances and pressures of face-to-face negotiations.
  • Establishing rapport is important, but there are situations where too much focus on rapport can lead to a loss of objectivity or being manipulated by the other party.
  • The call for continuous education in negotiation is valuable, but practical experience and learning from real-world outcomes are also critical components of mastering negotiation skills.

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Introduction to Negotiation Mastery

Chris Voss joins Dr. Andrew Huberman on the Huberman Lab Podcast to share insights from his career as an ex-FBI crisis negotiator and a consultant in both professional and personal challenging situations.

They delve into his experience with an intense three-day negotiation in Washington, D.C., during St. Patrick's Day in 2003, tackling a situation where Dwight Watson falsely claimed to have planted bombs.

In managing job-related stress from his high-intensity role as an FBI negotiator, Voss maintained a strong sense of unity and used humor among his peers, underlining the importance of supportive interactions for emotional balance.

Exploring Chris Voss's Negotiation Expertise

Chris Voss, with his extensive background as an ex-FBI crisis negotiator, emphasizes the critical role of instinct in negotiations. He explains how often our innate responses can pick up on subtle signals before our consc ...

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Introduction to Negotiation Mastery

Additional Materials


  • Chris Voss, the ex-FBI crisis negotiator, often employs techniques like mirroring, labeling emotions, and using calibrated questions in negotiations. Mirroring involves repeating the last few words a person says to encourage them to elaborate further. Labeling emotions involves acknowledging and verbalizing the emotions someone is feeling to create a connection. Calibrated questions are open-ended queries that guide the conversation and gather more information without triggering defensiveness. These strategies help build rapport, gather intelligence, and steer negotiations towards successful outcomes.
  • In negotiations, managing conversations involves handling discussions effectively to reach mutually beneficial outcomes. Airing grievanc ...


  • While Chris Voss's experience is invaluable, it's important to note that negotiation strategies may vary in effectiveness depending on cultural context and individual personalities.
  • Maintaining a sense of unity and using humor can be effective stress management techniques, but they might not work for everyone, and in some cases, could potentially undermine the seriousness of a situation if not used appropriately.
  • The critical role of instinct in negotiations is highlighted, but it's also important to balance instinct with thorough preparation and analysis to avoid biases and errors in judgment.
  • Relying on innate responses to pick up on subtle signals can be powerful, but it should be complemented with ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

The Art of Communication in Negotiation

Deeply understanding and managing emotions is vital for any negotiator. Chris Voss's method places significant emphasis on maintaining composure and leveraging tone to influence discussions. In particular, he recollects a notable incident at Princesgate, London, where British negotiator David Van Ness displayed exceptional skills in keeping a criminal on the phone to stall during a tactical assault as the Special Air Service prepared to move in.

Moreover, elucidating the intricacies of hostage crisis communication, Voss shares insights from a situation in Washington, D.C., explaining how direct interaction between family members and hostage-takers can inadvertently reignite past grievances, thus becoming part of the problem or solution. He also reflects on his approach during a standoff, emphasizing the critical nature of managing these complex family dynamics.

Furthermore, reflecting on a hostage situation at a Good Guys electronics store in the early '90s, Voss describes a pivotal moment when perpetrators indicated their readiness to execute hostages, prompting an emergency FBI response, a stark reminder of the potential fatal outcomes of dehumanization in such scenarios. He advises for straightforwardness and quickness to convey honesty and kindness, particularly when conveying unpleasant information like terminations, advising against conducting firings on Fridays to give people a fair chance to process the situation over the weekend.

Mastering Emotional Regulation and Voice Modulation

Voss advocates for emotional regulation as a cornerstone of negotiation. He shares his personal technique for maintaining self-control, which involves adopting a soothing "late night FM DJ voice" to instill calm in both himself and the parties involved in potentially heated exchanges.

Additionally, Dr. Andrew Huberma ...

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The Art of Communication in Negotiation

Additional Materials


  • Chris Voss's negotiation method, as highlighted in the text, emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and composure in negotiations. Voss's approach involves leveraging tone and communication techniques to influence discussions positively. He shares insights and strategies based on his experiences in high-stakes negotiations, such as hostage crises, to demonstrate the effectiveness of his methods. Voss's method also includes practical advice on managing complex interpersonal dynamics and providing clarity and simplicity in both verbal and written communication during negotiations.
  • The Special Air Service (SAS) is a renowned special forces unit within the British Army, specializing in various high-risk operations like counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and reconnaissance. Established during World War II, the SAS is known for its elite training and covert missions, often operating in secrecy due to the sensitive nature of its work. The unit comprises both regular and reserve components, with a rich history of successful operations, including the famous 1980 Iranian Embassy siege rescue. The SAS works closely with the Special Boat Service (SBS) under the oversight of the Director Special Forces.
  • Hostage crisis communication intricacies involve navigating delicate interactions between hostage-takers, hostages, and negotiators. These situations require a deep understanding of human emotions, effective communication strategies, and the ability to manage complex dynamics under extreme stress. Negotiators must balance empathy, assertiveness, and strategic communication to de-escalate tensions and work towards a peaceful resolution. The goal is to establish trust, build rapport, and ultimately secure the safe release of hostages while minimizing potential harm.
  • In a standoff or hostage crisis, family dynamics can play a significant role in the negotiation process. Family members involved can inadvertently escalate tensions by bringing up past grievances, affecting the outcome of the situation. Negotiators must navigate these complex relationships carefully to prevent them from becoming obstacles to resolving the crisis. Understanding and managing these family dynamics is crucial for negotiators like Chris Voss when dealing with high-stakes situations.
  • In hostage situations, the FBI typically plays a crucial role in providing expertise and resources to help resolve the crisis. Their response involves assessing the situation, gathering intelligence, and coordinating with other law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of hostages and bring the standoff to a peaceful conclusion. The FBI's Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) is a specialized unit trained to handle high-risk scenarios like hostage takings, utilizing negotiation tactics and, if necessary, tactical operations to resolve the situation. The FBI's primary goal in such situations is to protect lives and de-escalate the crisis through strategic communication and decisive action.
  • Dehumanization in hostage scenarios involves treating hostages as objects or obstacles rather than as human beings with emotions and rights. Perpetrators may strip away the humanity of hostages to justify violence or harm, making it easier for them to commit atrocities. This psychological tactic can lead to severe consequences, such as increased brutality or a lack of empathy towards the hostages' well-being. Understanding and addressing dehumanization is crucial in hostage negotiations to prevent tragic outcomes and ensure the safety of all involved.
  • Conducting firings on Fridays is a practice that some companies avoid because it can leave employees feeling unsupported over the weekend and without immediate resources for assistance or next steps. This timing can impact the emotional well-being of the affected employees and may hinder their ability to seek guidance or support promptly. It is considered a best practice to conduct terminations earlier in the week to provide employees with access to necessary resources and support during business hours.
  • The "late night FM DJ voice" is a term used by Chris Voss to describe a calm, soothing tone of voice that he adopts during negotiations to maintain composure and influence discussions positively. This technique helps in managing emotions and creating a sense of calmness in potentially tense situations. It is a metaphorical reference to the smooth and reassuring voice often as ...


  • While understanding and managing emotions is important, some negotiation theories suggest that focusing too much on emotions can detract from the strategic and logical aspects of negotiation.
  • Maintaining composure and using tone to influence discussions are valuable skills, but they may not be sufficient in all negotiation scenarios, especially when dealing with highly rational or data-driven counterparts.
  • Managing complex family dynamics is crucial in hostage negotiations, but in business or political negotiations, it might be less relevant or applicable.
  • Direct interaction between family members and hostage-takers can be impactful, but there may be situations where such interactions are necessary or beneficial, depending on the psychological profile of the hostage-taker.
  • While conveying honesty and kindness in difficult conversations is generally good advice, there may be cultural or situational contexts where a more direct or firm approach is more appropriate.
  • Emotional regulation is key, but overemphasis on self-control could potentially lead to a lack of authenticity or hinder the expression of genuine passion and conviction, which can also be persuasive in negotiations.
  • Using a soothing voice to maintain self-control is a specific technique that may not resonate with or be effective for everyone; different negotiators may find other methods more suitable for their personal style.
  • The phrase "sounds like" is suggested for empathetic listening, but overuse or misuse of this phrase could come across as patronizing or insincere in some contexts.
  • Clarity a ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Everyday Negotiations and Relationship Building

Negotiation skills are not reserved for rarified circumstances but are applicable in everyday situations, including fostering lasting relationships.

Voss's experience extends into academia, where his background in teaching negotiation at renowned institutions like Harvard, Georgetown, and USC, has cemented his expertise.

Tactics for Daily Interactions and Persuasion

Voss offers tactics relevant to daily transactions, stressing the importance of practice through casual, everyday interactions.

He shares an anecdote about turning a negative encounter with a Lyft driver into a positive one, using a discussion about the driver's passions to gain insights into their character and challenges.

These inquiries can be tactically astute in negotiations, as shown through a conversation with a CEO where probing questions revealed the CEO's primary focus on leading teams and shareholder profits, rather than the broader company mission.

Building relationships without immediate expectations can result in significant future benefits, as Voss's experiences demonstrate. Investing in goodwill may yield unforeseen advantages. A vivid illustration of this comes from Voss's account of Joe Polish of Genius Network, who offered considerable support to ...

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Everyday Negotiations and Relationship Building

Additional Materials


  • Negotiation tactics for daily transactions involve using strategies and techniques in everyday interactions to achieve desired outcomes. Practicing these tactics in casual situations helps individuals refine their skills and become more adept at handling negotiations effectively. By engaging in everyday interactions, individuals can develop their negotiation abilities and apply them in various scenarios to build better relationships and achieve mutual benefits. Regular practice in daily transactions can lead to improved communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, enhancing one's overall negotiation proficiency.
  • In negotiations, asking probing questions involves delving deeper into the other party's motivations, needs, and constraints to gather valuable insights. These questions aim to uncover hidden information, clarify intentions, and understand the underlying interests driving the negotiation. By asking strategic and thoughtful questions, negotiators can gain a better understanding of the situation, build rapport, and potentially uncover opportunities for mutually beneficial outcomes. This approach helps in shaping the negotiation process, fostering better communication, and increasing the chances of reaching a successful agreement.
  • Building relationships without immediate expectations means forming connections with others without seeking immediate benefits or returns. This approach focuses on genuine interactions, trust-building, and goodwill without the pressure of immediate gains. By investing in relationships without expecting instant rewards, individuals can create a founda ...


  • While negotiation skills are indeed valuable in everyday situations, not all relationship dynamics are best approached as negotiations, as this could lead to viewing relationships too transactionally.
  • Expertise in teaching at prestigious institutions does not necessarily equate to practical effectiveness in all real-world scenarios, as academic environments can differ significantly from other contexts.
  • Tactics for daily interactions and persuasion must be applied with sensitivity to context and individual differences; what works in one situation may not be appropriate or effective in another.
  • The idea that practice through casual, everyday interactions is crucial may not account for the complexity of certain negotiations that require specialized knowledge or skills beyond what can be developed in casual settings.
  • Turning a negative encounter into a positive one through discussion is a valuable skill, but it may not always be possible or appropriate, depending on the circumstances and the individuals involved.
  • Probing questions can be useful in negotiations, but they must be balanced with respect for privacy and boundaries, as excessive probing can be perceived as intrusive.
  • Building relationships without immediate expectations is a noble approach, but it may not always be practical or possible, especially in competitive or time-sensitive en ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics and Scenarios

Negotiating under intense pressure requires a specific set of skills, as exemplified by Voss's advice on using strategic questioning to discern honesty, crucial in high-stakes situations like kidnappings and cyber threats. His harrowing recounts of kidnapping cases and confrontations with criminals showcase the extreme pressures negotiators face and the clear, flexible communication necessary in such scenarios.

Voss clarifies the necessity of employing different tactics depending on whether the criminals are in a controlled setting or their location is unknown. He stresses understanding that the perpetrator's family can be part of the problem or solution in scenarios like standoffs.

In one story, he highlights the challenges and the critical need for breaks and rest during a prolonged six-day standoff in St. Martins Parish, demonstrating the taxing nature of extended negotiation crises.

Kidnapping Negotiations: Flexibility and Clarity

In kidnapping situations, Voss emphasizes the need for flexibility and clear communication, which can significantly impact outcomes. He contrasts two kidnapping cases from his FBI tenure: one where strategic delay led to a successful outcome, and another in which a hostage was tragically killed due to poor collaboration and information sharing.

Voss's recount of advising that kidnapper's specific deadlines be taken seriously further illustrates the importance of understanding the nuances of threats, which led to the successful resolution in the case of a captured child in the Philippines after the payment of ransom.

Confronting Cyber Threats and Fraud Strategies

Voss also addresses the challenges posed by cybercriminals and online extortionists, noting that negotiating with such adversaries can be effective with proper knowledge and strategy. He shares an experience where he engaged and foiled an attempted fraud by someone posing as an acquaintance in distress.

Additionally, he touches on emotionally manipulative scams, such as the pretense of kidnapping a family member, acknowledging their convincing and distressing nature. He and Dr. Huberman highlight the importance of resisting extortionists' initial demands to prevent subsequent 'double dipping,' where criminals ask for more after the first demands are ...

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High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics and Scenarios

Additional Materials


  • Negotiating with cybercriminals and online extortionists involves employing knowledge and strategy to effectively engage with adversaries in digital threats. Understanding the tactics used by these criminals, such as emotionally manipulative scams and threats of releasing sensitive information, is crucial in negotiations. Resisting initial demands to prevent further exploitation, known as 'double dipping,' is a key strategy in dealing with online extortion. The parallel between physical and cyber negotiation scenarios highlights the importance of adapting traditional negotiation tactics to the digital landscape.
  • In extortion scenarios, 'double dipping' occurs when criminals demand additional payments or favors after the initial demands have been met, exploiting the victim's compliance to extract more resources or concessions. This tactic aims to maximize the extortionists' gains by leveraging the victim's fear or vulnerability, creating a cycle of continued demands and threats. By succumbing to 'double dipping,' victims risk being trapped in a prolonged and escalating extortion scheme, highlighting the manipulative nature of such criminal tactics. Resisting initial demands can help prevent falling into this cycle and deter further exploitation by extortionists.
  • In the context of negotiation, the term "analogous strategies between physical and cyber negotiation scenarios" means that similar negotiation tactics and principles can be applied in both face-to-face interactions and online negotiations. This suggests that strategies used in traditional, physical negotiations, such as understanding the opponent's motivations and leveraging information asymmetry, can also be relevant and ...


  • While strategic questioning is important, it can sometimes lead to increased tension if not done tactfully, potentially escalating the situation.
  • Clear communication is essential, but in some cases, ambiguity or deliberate misinformation may be a strategic tool in negotiations.
  • The involvement of a perpetrator's family can be a double-edged sword, potentially complicating negotiations if family dynamics are not properly understood or managed.
  • Breaks and rest are important, but in some scenarios, time may be of the essence, and negotiators may need to continue without rest to save lives or prevent harm.
  • Flexibility in communication is key, but there must also be a firm stance on certain non-negotiable points to maintain leverage.
  • Strategic delay can be beneficial, but it can also backfire if the kidnappers perceive it as stalling and decide to act rashly.
  • Understanding threats is crucial, but overestimating a threat can lead to unnecessary concessions, while underestimating it can have dire consequences.
  • Negotiating with cybercriminals can be effective, but it also risks legitimizing their actions and encouraging further criminal behavior.
  • Resisting initial demands in emotionally manipulative scams is advised, but in some cases, immediate action might be necessary to ensure the safety of those involved.
  • The analogy between physical and cyber negotiation strategies may not always hold, as the dynamics and consequences of cyber threats can differ significantly ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Psychological Insights and Personal Growth in Negotiations

The psychological component of negotiation is profound, influencing both strategy and personal development.

Huberman and Voss delve into how emotional intelligence and handling of relationship endings play a crucial role in negotiations.

Addressing the less-discussed aspect of self-care, Voss and Huberman argue the need to replenish one's energy to better serve others in difficult roles, offering a more holistic and performance-oriented approach to self-management to ensure effective engagement in challenging positions.

Trusting Instincts and the Subconscious Mind

Voss elucidates the concept of trusting one's 'gut feelings' and differentiating them from fear-based reactions, advocating for relying on intuition over fear in the decision-making processes of negotiation.

He shares an anecdote about the transformative power of cold plunges, noting the immediate and noticeable psychological shift one experiences afterward, which he humorously compares to the relief of stopping hitting oneself with a hammer. This illustrates the importance of direct experiences in personal growth and managing psychological states.

Managing Personal Criticism and Wellbeing Routines

Personal well-being and resilience are significant for negotiators. Voss underscores the importance of self-care and discusses how Dr. Andrew Huberman aligns it with the need for optimal performance and sustaining energy in demanding situations.

Dr. Huberman delves into the neuroscience of social interactions, highlighting the lack of research into the brain processes that occur when people interact. He expresses particular curiosity about the effects of mirroring on the brain, suggesting the possibility that echoing another's words can evoke shared emotional responses.

This scientific approach to understanding communication methods like mirroring can inform more effective negotiation practices and contribute to the field's body of knowledge. Voss and Huberman thus encourage considering self-care as a necessary practice for maintaining mental and emotional sharpness, which maximizes one's capacity to serve others in high-stakes roles.

The Balance of Tact ...

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Psychological Insights and Personal Growth in Negotiations

Additional Materials


  • Tactical empathy is a strategic approach in negotiations that involves understanding and acknowledging the emotions of the other party to build rapport and gain insights without necessarily agreeing with them. It focuses on empathizing with the other person's perspective to create a more productive dialogue and reach mutually beneficial outcomes. Tactical empathy helps negotiators navigate emotional dynamics effectively by showing genuine understanding and concern for the other party's feelings while still pursuing their own goals. This technique aims to establish trust, enhance communication, and foster a cooperative atmosphere during negotiations.
  • In negotiation contexts, active listening involves focusing on the speaker and providing feedback, while proactive listening emphasizes understanding and addressing the underlying emotions of the speaker. Proactive listening goes beyond surface-level agreement to delve into the emotional currents at play, aiming to discern and respond to the speaker's deeper feelings and concerns. This approach requires a more focused and empathetic engagement with the speaker's emotional states, such as anger or uncertainty, to facilitate a more profound level of communication ...


  • Emotional intelligence is important, but it should not overshadow the role of rational analysis and objective data in negotiations.
  • While handling relationship endings is crucial, focusing too much on this aspect might detract from the primary goals of the negotiation.
  • Self-care is essential, but there is a risk of overemphasizing personal comfort at the expense of addressing tough issues head-on in negotiations.
  • Trusting intuition can be beneficial, but intuition can also be biased or incorrect; it should be balanced with evidence-based decision-making.
  • Direct experiences like cold plunges may not have the same psychological impact on everyone, and their effectiveness for personal growth can vary.
  • The significance of personal well-being and resilience might lead to an underestimation of the importance of systemic and organizational support in negotiations.
  • Neuroscience insights are valuable, but they may not always translate directly into practical negotiation str ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Extending Negotiation Techniques Beyond the Boardroom

Negotiation principles and practices extend far beyond the confines of formal settings, affecting personal lives and online interactions. In negotiations, personalizing and humanizing one's self can be life-saving, and fostering empathy can promote greater understanding and resolution.

Chris Voss suggests that by showing compliance and simultaneously personalizing oneself to the captor, this act can alter their capability to harm by seeing a victim as a fellow human being.

He incorporates an example from his personal life, sharing how his son's lasting memory of the moment he discovered Santa Claus wasn't real — a conversation Voss himself does not recall — serves as a poignant example of the unique and sometimes unrecognized effects that family incidents can have, reflecting the challenges that may arise in sensitive negotiations involving family members.

Enhancing Personal Connections in Crisis Settings

In negotiations, personalizing and humanizing one's self can be life-saving, and fostering empathy can promote greater understanding and resolution. Chris Voss suggests that by showing compliance and simultaneously personalizing oneself to the captor, one can create a strong psychological bridge.

In crisis settings such as kidnappings, this act of personalization can profoundly affect the captor's perception, altering their capability to do harm by seeing a victim as a fellow human being. He also shares insight into the effective application of empathy in counterterrorism, highlighting the profound influence of merely recognizing others' viewpoints, as exemplified by his experiences acknowledging Arab Muslims' perspectives on historical anti-Islamic sentiment.

Harnessing Online Platforms for Skill Application

In addition to traditional engagement methods, Voss explains how Fireside, an innovative social media platform co-initiated by Fallon Fadimi and Mark Cuban, offers interactive, coaching-style conversation ...

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Extending Negotiation Techniques Beyond the Boardroom

Additional Materials


  • Chris Voss is a former FBI hostage negotiator known for his expertise in negotiation tactics. He emphasizes the importance of empathy, active listening, and building rapport in negotiations. Voss's techniques often involve strategies to humanize oneself to the other party, fostering a sense of connection and understanding to achieve successful outcomes. His approach is widely recognized for its effectiveness in diffusing high-stakes situations and resolving conflicts.
  • Chris Voss, a former FBI hostage negotiator, often uses personal anecdotes to illustrate negotiation techniques. In the text, he mentions a story about his son's realization about Santa Claus not being real, showcasing the impact of family incidents on sensitive negotiations. Voss also shares insights on crisis negotiation, highlighting the importance of personalizing oneself to foster empathy and create a psychological bridge with captors. Additionally, he discusses the application of empathy in counterterrorism, emphasizing the significance of understanding others' perspectives in high-stakes situations.
  • Personalizing and humanizing oneself in negotiations involves creating a connection on a personal level with the other party. This can include sharing personal stories or experiences to build empathy and understanding. By showing vulnerability and humanity, negotiators can establish trust and rapport, leading to more successful outcomes in the negotiation process. This approach aims to shift the focus from a purely ...


  • While personalizing oneself in negotiations can be beneficial, it may not always be appropriate or safe in every situation, especially if the captor or counterpart is highly unstable or violent.
  • Compliance with a captor can be a complex strategy that might not work in all kidnapping scenarios and could potentially put the victim at greater risk if misinterpreted.
  • The effectiveness of negotiation techniques in family incidents can vary greatly depending on the individual family dynamics and the nature of the conflict.
  • The assumption that empathy and personalization are universally effective in crisis settings may not account for situations where captors or adversaries lack empathy or are ideologically driven to a point where common humanizing tactics are ineffective.
  • While recognizing others' viewpoints is important in counterterrorism, it is not a standalone solution and must be part of a broader strategy that includes security measures and political solutions.
  • The use of social media platforms like Fireside for negotiation skills training may not be as effective for all users, as some may benefit more from in-person interactions or structured learning environments.
  • The cost-effectiveness of platforms like Fireside compared to live training ...

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Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast

Conclusion and Continuing the Negotiation Conversation

In the conclusion, Dr. Andrew Huberman emphasizes the importance of continuing education in negotiation and encourages listeners to engage with him on social media and subscribe to the Neural Network newsletter for more scientific insights.

He also provides information about the podcast's partnership with Momentous Supplements, noting their quality and international availability, before inviting further support for the podcast through s ...

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Conclusion and Continuing the Negotiation Conversation

Additional Materials


  • The Neural Network newsletter is a publication that provides scientific insights and updates related to neuroscience, psychology, and related fields. It is typically curated by experts in the field and offers subscribers access to exclusive content, research findings, and educational resources. Subscribing to such newsletters can help individuals stay informed about the latest developments in the field and deepen their understanding of complex scientific topics. It serves as a valuable resource for those interested in ongoing learning and staying up-to-date with advancements in the realm of neuroscience and negotiation.
  • Momentous Supplements is a company that produces high-quality nutritional supplements. They are known for th ...


  • Continuing education in negotiation is important, but it should be balanced with practical experience, as real-world negotiation skills are honed through practice as much as through theoretical learning.
  • Engaging with Dr. Huberman on social media can be beneficial, but followers should also seek diverse perspectives to avoid echo chambers and ensure a well-rounded understanding of negotiation and science.
  • Subscribing to the Neural Network newsletter for scientific insights is a good way to stay informed, but readers should critically evaluate the content and compare it with other scientific sources for a comprehensive view.
  • The partnership with Momentous Supplements may suggest a conflict of interest, where content could be biased towards promoting products rather than purely educational.
  • The quality and international availability of Momentous Supplements are highlighted, but consumers should conduct their own research and consult healthcare professionals before using supplements.
  • Inviting support for the podcast through su ...

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