Podcasts > FX’s Shōgun: The Official Podcast > Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence


In the latest installment of FX’s Shōgun: The Official Podcast, dive deep into Mariko’s personal evolution and her growing dynamic with Blackthorn. As both characters navigate the complexities of their emotions and station, we explore the metaphor of the "eightfold fence" used to describe Mariko’s internal struggles and her duty within Sengoku-era Japan. The hosts, led by Anna Sawai and the team, unpack Mariko's challenging journey and her profound interactions with the outspoken Blackthorn, whose Western views starkly contrast her own.

Transitioning to the larger context of the era, the episode also grapples with the dark realities of war and its impact on society. Through a vivid examination by Fred Toye, listeners uncover the harsh introduction of cannons into Japanese warfare, a foreign concept that clashes with samurai honor and codes of conduct. These powerful discussions are further underscored by themes of duty, as seen in the character arc of Nagakado, whose impulsive decision-making foreshadows turmoil and the changing face of combat, leaving listeners to contemplate the stark consequences of his actions. Join Emily Yoshida, Rachel Kondo, Frederik Cryns, and the rest of the group for a captivating analysis of these multifaceted topics.

Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

This is a preview of the Shortform summary of the Mar 12, 2024 episode of the FX’s Shōgun: The Official Podcast

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Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

1-Page Summary

Mariko's inner world and growing connection with Blackthorn

Mariko's personal journey is brought to life through her use of the "eightfold fence" metaphor, which serves as a mental barrier to protect her emotions and maintain her autonomy in a society that can sometimes undermine privacy. Her quiet strength is marked by retaining her inner emotions, showcasing her resilience in challenging circumstances. She is depicted balancing her grief over her late husband with a newfound sense of duty and responsibility, mirroring her acquaintance Fuji, who similarly navigates personal loss with the obligations of her position. Despite the emotional turmoil, Mariko views her life as dedicated to a purpose beyond herself, emphasizing the societal expectation of duty over individual desires during the Sengoku period.

Blackthorn's contrasting personality, one that is externalized and evident to those around him, starkly contrasts Mariko's internalized demeanor. His inability to conceal his thoughts and feelings and his drive to carve his own path set him apart. Blackthorn's treatment of Mariko as an equal, as a full person with wants and needs, is a fresh experience for her. Mariko, in turn, is captivated by Blackthorn's distinct, foreign perspective on life, which creates a sense of mutual intrigue and burgeoning attraction, despite their differing worldviews and occasional disagreements.

The realities of war, violence, and destruction

Fred Toye starkly portrays the disturbing nature of cannons as weaponry, examining their brutal contrast to the samurai's values of honor and subtlety. Cannons are described as antithetical to the samurai ethos, their ruthless nature highlighted by their deemed "ugly and horrifying" destructive capabilities. They represent a shift in the nature of warfare, one that moves away from the samurai's preferential close-quarters combat, introducing a new, brash form of violence that is shocking to witness.

Toye points out the deep suffering and loss experienced by civilians amid such warfare. The introduction of cannons, described as a "curse," signifies the devastating impact of foreign weaponry on Japanese society, creating immeasurable civilian suffering. Villagers are particularly affected as they are forced to confront the grisly and unsettling results of cannon warfare, a sharp deviation from the traditional combat experience, which marked an era of inconceivable civilian pain and fear.

Nagakado's rash actions and their implications

Nagakado is thrust into the spotlight due to his impetuous actions and the dire consequences that loom as a result. The narrative paints him as a youth hungering for his father's respect, which leads him to be susceptible to manipulation by individuals like Omi. Nagakado's envy of Omi further underscores his actions and attempts to gain approval.

His impulsive aggression reaches a critical "point of no return" when he uses a cannon, creating suspense concerning the political fallout and Toranaga's imminent response. Mariko's grim acknowledgment that "it's war" reinforces the severity of Nagakado's decision, implying that his rush to action has inadvertently paved the way for impending conflict, emphasizing that Nagakado's rashness has led to irrevocable consequences.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The "eightfold fence" metaphor in Mariko's inner world symbolizes a mental barrier she uses to protect her emotions and autonomy in a society that can undermine privacy. It represents her quiet strength and resilience in challenging circumstances. The metaphor showcases Mariko's ability to balance her emotions while fulfilling her duties and responsibilities. It highlights her dedication to a purpose beyond herself during the Sengoku period.
  • During the Sengoku period in Japan (1467-1603), societal expectations revolved around loyalty to one's lord, duty to one's family and clan, and adherence to strict hierarchical structures. Samurai warriors held significant power and were expected to uphold honor, loyalty, and martial prowess. Social mobility was limited, with rigid class distinctions between samurai, peasants, artisans, and merchants shaping interactions and opportunities. The period was marked by intense military conflict and political instability, leading to a focus on survival, strategic alliances, and the pursuit of power.
  • Samurai were elite warriors in feudal Japan known for their loyalty, discipline, and honor. They followed a strict code of conduct called Bushido, emphasizing virtues like courage, integrity, and self-discipline. Samurai valued skill in martial arts, swordsmanship, and archery, and they served feudal lords in exchange for land and status. Their way of life revolved around duty, sacrifice, and a deep sense of honor.
  • The introduction of cannons in warfare during the Sengoku period marked a significant shift in military tactics, moving away from traditional close-quarters combat favored by samurai. Cannons were seen as brutal and destructive weapons that challenged the established notions of honor and subtlety in battle. Their use brought about a new era of warfare characterized by long-range firepower, impacting civilian populations and causing widespread suffering and fear. The adoption of cannons represented a technological advancement that altered the dynamics of conflict and had profound implications for the societal and military structures of the time.
  • The text highlights the clash between foreign perspectives, represented by Blackthorn, and traditional Japanese values, embodied by characters like Mariko. Blackthorn's openness and individualism contrast with the reserved and duty-bound nature of Mariko, showcasing the tension between personal desires and societal expectations. This clash leads to mutual intrigue and attraction between the characters, despite their differing worldviews. The narrative explores how these cultural differences influence their interactions and perceptions of each other.


  • The "eightfold fence" metaphor may not be an effective strategy for everyone, as some individuals might find that sharing and expressing emotions is a healthier way to cope with challenges.
  • It could be argued that Mariko's dedication to duty over personal desires is not necessarily a virtue but a reflection of societal pressures that may prevent individuals from pursuing personal happiness.
  • Blackthorn's treatment of Mariko as an equal could be seen as a basic expectation rather than a noteworthy exception, suggesting that the narrative might be reinforcing low standards for interpersonal respect.
  • The mutual attraction between Mariko and Blackthorn might be criticized for potentially romanticizing the idea of "exotic" differences, rather than focusing on deeper compatibility.
  • The depiction of cannons as antithetical to samurai values could be challenged by pointing out that the samurai were also known for adapting to new technologies and strategies to maintain their military dominance.
  • The focus on the negative impact of cannons might overlook the fact that all forms of warfare cause suffering and that the samurai era was not free from brutality and civilian casualties.
  • The portrayal of villagers as passive victims of warfare could be critiqued for not acknowledging the agency and resilience that civilians often display in conflict situations.
  • Nagakado's actions could be interpreted as a result of systemic issues within the society he lives in, rather than purely personal failings or a simple desire for paternal approval.
  • The narrative's emphasis on Nagakado's rashness might overshadow the complexity of political and social factors that contribute to the outbreak of war.

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Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

Mariko's inner world and growing connection with Blackthorn

The narrative explores how Mariko's introspective strength and the contrast with Blackthorn's outward mannerisms contribute to their complex relationship.

Mariko's quiet strength and sense of duty

Mariko is a character that uses the metaphor of the "eightfold fence" as a personal retreat, a way to control chaos and maintain agency. This private, protected space allows her to navigate a society lacking privacy by harboring her emotions and preserving a part of herself that's uniquely hers.

Keeping emotions hidden behind the "eightfold fence"

Utilizing this concept of the eightfold fence, Mariko metaphorically shelters her feelings, retaining inner parts solely for herself, demonstrating her strength in a context where solitude is scarce.

Balancing grief and responsibility

Despite experiencing grief over her deceased husband—whose presence had been an impediment—Mariko feels a sense of relief and a renewal of duty following his passing. The character Fuji, who has also suffered tragic loss, mirrors this notion by juggling personal grief with the obligations of her role.

Seeing herself as serving a greater purpose

Mariko's life is tightly interwoven with the idea of serving a purpose far greater than her personal desires, which reflects the theme of duty over self that permeates the story, particularly in the context of women in the Sengoku period.

Blackthorn's contrasting externalized personality

Blackthorn contrasts with Mariko by wearing his "Blackthorn-ness on his sleeve," finding it difficult to conceal his thoughts, plans, or who he is at his core. Blackthorn's drive to forge his own path is evident and openly displayed.

Their cultural differences create mutual intrigu ...

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Mariko's inner world and growing connection with Blackthorn

Additional Materials


  • The "eightfold fence" metaphor symbolizes Mariko's personal retreat and emotional sanctuary, allowing her to maintain control and agency in a society lacking privacy. It represents a space where she can safeguard her innermost thoughts and feelings, preserving a part of herself that is uniquely hers. By utilizing this concept, Mariko demonstrates her strength and resilience in navigating a world where solitude is a rare luxury. The metaphor underscores Mariko's ability to balance her emotions and responsibilities while upholding a sense of self amidst societal expectations.
  • Mariko's society in the narrative is depicted as one where privacy is limited, with societal norms emphasizing communal living and shared spaces over individual seclusion. This lack of privacy influences Mariko's need for personal retreats like the "eightfold fence" to safeguard her emotions and maintain a sense of autonomy. The concept highlights how Mariko navigates a culture where personal boundaries are often blurred, showcasing her resilience in preserving her inner world amidst a society that values collective living. This societal backdrop underscores Mariko's unique coping mechanisms and the challenges she faces in balancing her individuality within a community-oriented environment.
  • Mariko, a character in the narrative, embodies the traditional values and societal expectations of women in the Sengoku period of Japan, emphasizing duty and selflessness. In contrast, Blackthorn represents a foreign perspective, displaying individualism and a more outward expression of his thoughts and emotions. Their interactions highlight the clash b ...


  • The metaphor of the "eightfold fence" might suggest a form of escapism rather than strength, as it implies a need to hide from reality.
  • Keeping emotions hidden could be seen as a weakness or a lack of authenticity, rather than a strength, as it prevents genuine connections with others.
  • Mariko's sense of relief at her husband's death could be interpreted as callous or unfeeling, rather than a renewal of duty.
  • The idea of serving a greater purpose can sometimes be a justification for self-neglect or avoiding personal happiness.
  • Blackthorn's inability to conceal his thoughts could be seen as a lack of self-control or diplomacy, rather than a positive trait.
  • Blackthorn's care for Mariko's wants might be romanticized; in reality, such understanding is a ...

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Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

The realities of war, violence, and destruction

Discussing the harrowing impact of warfare and weaponry, Fred Toye delves into the destructive presence of cannons in historical conflicts, highlighting their contrast to the samurai code and the resulting civilian trauma.

The brutish nature of cannons as a weapon

Toye describes cannons as an antithesis to the ethos and norms of the samurai due to their ugly and horrifying nature. The brutality of cannons goes against the samurai's beliefs in subtlety and honor. The arrival of foreign powers, such as the Portuguese, English, and Dutch in Japan, marked the use of cannons to illustrate their brutal and stark impact, a foreign concept to the traditional ways of the samurai.

Ugly, horrifying, disassembling on contact

Cannons, as depicted by Toye, are capable of disassembling a body upon contact, leaving those on the ground to witness the horrifying and grotesque aftermath. Their destructive capability introduces a brash form of violence that stands in stark contrast to the martial practices common in samurai culture.

Against the ethos and norms of the samurai

The traditional samurai values focus on honor, discipline, and a face-to-face combat ethos that cannons completely contradict. Warfare, when introduced to such powerful weapons, began to shift away from the close-quarters combat that the samurais upheld.

Civilian suffering and loss

The ominous presence of these weapons also casts a pall on the civilian population, bringing with it unspeakable suffering.

"The curse" ...

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The realities of war, violence, and destruction

Additional Materials


  • The samurai code, known as Bushido, emphasized honor, discipline, and face-to-face combat. Cannons, being destructive and impersonal weapons, contradicted the traditional values of the samurai. The introduction of cannons in warfare shifted the focus from close-quarters combat to long-range devastation, challenging the core principles of the samurai code. This contrast highlighted the clash between the traditional martial practices of the samurai and the brutal efficiency of modern weaponry.
  • Cannons had a significant impact on civilian populations during historical conflicts by causing unspeakable suffering and civilian trauma. The introduction of cannons and other foreign weaponry in Japan altered the lives of civilians, leading to devastating effects and unimaginable agony. Villagers, unaccustomed to the brutal realities of cannon warfare, reacted with horror when faced with the destructive capabilities of these weapons. The shift to a landscape marred by cannon warfare marked a significant change in the experience of combat, highlighting the civilian suffering brought about by these powerful weapons.
  • The introduction of cannons and fore ...


  • Cannons, while brutal, were a technological advancement that changed the nature of warfare, leading to new tactics and strategies that could be seen as a natural progression in military history.
  • The samurai code, though romanticized, also involved violence and death, and the transition to firearms can be viewed as an evolution rather than a degradation of martial values.
  • The use of cannons and firearms could be argued to have democratized warfare, as it reduced the advantage of elite warrior classes like the samurai and allowed for more equal footing among combatants.
  • The suffering of civilians in warfare is not unique to the introduction of cannons; civilian populations have been affected by war throughout history, regardless of the weapons used.
  • The term "curse" may be a subjective interp ...

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Episode 4: The Eightfold Fence

Nagakado's rash actions and their implications

Nagakado's impulsive behavior and the anticipation of its fallout are discussed, painting a picture of a young man desperate for acknowledgment and unwittingly setting the stage for war.

Impulsive aggression to prove himself

Desperate for respect from his father

Nagakado is portrayed as someone desperate to earn his father's respect, a desire that stems from an inability to express his feelings directly to his father. This desperation makes him recognizable and thus vulnerable to individuals like Omi, who perceives and possibly exploits Nagakado's need for validation.

Envious of and vulnerable to Omi

Nagakado's envy and vulnerability in front of Omi further emphasize his relentless but misguided efforts to prove himself. Nagakado cannot straightforwardly communicate his sentiments to his father and tries to demonstrate his worth to someone like Omi.

The "point of no return" with political consequences

Waiting to see Toranaga's reaction

After impulsively using a cannon, there is significant suspense surrounding Toran ...

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Nagakado's rash actions and their implications

Additional Materials


  • Nagakado's relationship with his father is strained due to his inability to express his feelings directly. He desperately seeks his father's respect but struggles to communicate effectively, leading to a sense of inadequacy and vulnerability. This desire for acknowledgment drives Nagakado's impulsive actions as he tries to prove himself worthy in the eyes of his father and the broader society. The dynamic between Nagakado and his father plays a crucial role in shaping Nagakado's behavior and decisions throughout the narrative.
  • Nagakado's vulnerability stems from his desire for validation, making him an easy target for individuals like Omi, who may exploit this vulnerability for personal gain or influence. Omi's perception of Nagakado's need for respect allows him to manipulate situations to his advantage, potentially leading Nagakado into impulsive actions that serve Omi's interests rather than Nagakado's own.
  • Nagakado's impulsive use of a cannon signifies a significant breach of traditional norms and a direct challenge to established authority. This act not only reflects his desperation for recognition but also sets off a chain of events with potentially dire political consequences. The use of such a weapon in this context symbolizes a shift towards more aggressive and confrontational tactics, hinting at escalating tensions and the likelihood of conflict. The repercussions ...


  • Nagakado's actions, while impulsive, may not be solely driven by a desire for his father's respect; they could also be influenced by a complex set of factors including political ambition, personal beliefs, or a response to external pressures.
  • Omi's perception and exploitation of Nagakado's need for validation assumes malintent; it's possible that Omi's actions are based on his own objectives or beliefs, which may align with or inadvertently influence Nagakado's behavior without a deliberate attempt to exploit him.
  • The interpretation of Nagakado's envy and vulnerability could be an oversimplification; his actions might be part of a strategic move or a broader plan that is not immediately apparent, rather than just a quest for personal validation.
  • The suspense about Toranaga's reaction to the use of the cannon might be overstated; it's possible that Toranaga's response could be measured and calculated, taking in ...

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