Podcasts > Bad Friends > Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

By Andrew Santino, Bobby Lee

Embark on a comedic journey with Bobby Lee, Andrew Santino, Carlos Herrera, and Jessie Johnson in "Bad Friends," as they regale listeners with tales from their city-hopping comedy tour and the peculiar rituals that color a comedian's life off-stage. This eclectic group unapologetically navigates the highs and lows of their profession, from unexpected scenarios involving provocative attire on dates to the whimsy of their payment methods, all while delving into personal anecdotes that dance between hilarity and the human experience.

As Halloween and Christmas nostalgia awaken quirky reflections on traditions and gifting, the "Bad Friends" explore the humorous fissures in cultural assimilation and palate preferences. Discussions sway from lighthearted teases about food to heartfelt insights on addiction and friendship, touching on the larger societal issues such as Bollywood’s colorism controversy. This episode offers more than just laughs; it's a reflection on life's oddball moments, the value of true friends, and even offers a dash of consumer delight with personal plugs for convenient deliveries and cozy undergarments.

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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

1-Page Summary

Journeys of Humor: Comedy Tour Reflections

Stops in Denver to Madison: A Comedian's Road Map

During their travels from city to city, Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino share memorable moments from their comedy tour, hitting various locales such as Denver, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis, culminating in Madison, Wisconsin. These experiences shape their tales and bring laughter to diverse audiences.

Behind the Scenes: Pre-Show Rituals and Stand-up Stories

The life of a comedian is one filled with unique pre-show rituals and the thrill of the performance. Bobby's tendency to carry large bills exemplifies the nuances of being paid in cash for gigs, while anecdotes like Carlos Herrera's date choosing a provocative shirt amplify the unpredictability of their off-stage lives.

Cultural Musings and Holiday Reflections

Halloween Disinterest: Dark Homes and Trick-or-Treat Tactics

Bobby's strategy to avoid trick-or-treaters by keeping his home dark contrasts with Andrew's enjoyment of handing out candy. Jessie Johnson also shares her past reluctance to engage with the Halloween tradition, marking a common sentiment of disinterest in the group.

Christmas Nostalgia: Squid-Drying Trees and Sentimental Gifting

The conversation veers into the territory of Christmas, with Bobby recounting a childhood memory of a repurposed Christmas tree drying squid, shedding light on non-traditional celebratory practices. Meanwhile, the group emphasizes their disdain for impersonal gifts like gift cards, favoring presents that carry emotional weight.

Savoring and Spurning: From Pumpkin Spice to Lemonheads

A lighthearted jab at seasonal favorites such as pumpkin spice opens a comedic discourse about cultural preferences. The discussion also touches upon various sweets, from an appreciation for gummy candies coated in Nerds to criticisms of lemonheads, showcasing the hosts' palates and preferences.

Bonds of Friendship: Camaraderie On and Off the Stage

Generosity and Gestures: High Tipping Philosophies and Supportive Acts

Bobby boasts of his practice of generous tipping at nail salons and the philosophy behind it. Yet, Carlos Herrera mistakenly identifies spiritual author Ram Dass as a poor tipper, underscoring the importance they place on generosity as an expression of affection.

Affectionate Teases: Poking Fun at Cultural Assimilation and Confectionery Preferences

The co-hosts engage in teasing, with Andrew mockingly attributing Bobby’s enjoyment of pumpkin-flavored coffee to cultural assimilation. Playful digs about confectionery preferences present an entertaining take on personal tastes and shared dislikes.

Deeper Connections: Navigating Addiction and Offering a Helping Hand

The co-hosts open up about the more serious aspects of their relationships, especially when discussing supporting each other through challenges like addiction. Their candid conversations reveal the depth of their bond and the importance of friendship.

Life's Quirks: Personal Tales and Social Commentary

Surprising Dates and Dating Apps: From T-Shirt Quips to Lasagna Letdowns

Personal experiences with dating and the perils of unexpected outcomes come to the fore as Jessie compares a promised lasagna dinner turned to feces, leading to whimsical suggestions of a game show centered around uncertain expectations.

Fair Foods to Bollywood: A Gastronomic Adventure and Complexion Controversies

From fairground delights to cinema controversies, the hosts discuss a variety of topics including the critique of certain candies and a serious discussion about skin color preference in Bollywood, touching upon historical associations of skin tone with wealth.

Amusing Anecdotes: Unintentional Arousal and Airport Shuttle Bus Laughs

Bobby Lee recounts his experience with the game "Starfield" that takes a humorous turn, while shared stories about an airport shuttle bus incident and casual encounters reveal the hosts’ ability to find humor in everyday situations.

Pop Culture and Lifestyle Ribbing

Celebrities and Scandals: Weighing In on The Famous and The Infamous

The hosts speculate on theoretical dates with controversial figures and discuss dating other celebrities, such as Madonna and Britney Spears, adding their distinctive humorous spin on the world of fame and fortune.

Quirky Food Debates: The (Mis)Adventures of White Rabbit Candy and Fudge

Conversations drift towards the eccentric, debating candy pairings, commenting on Johnny Depp's dental health, and humorously theorizing about the origins of certain candies like White Rabbit and its unique edible wrapper.

Promotions and Partnerships: Endorsing with Humor

Convenience at Your Doorstep: Touting DoorDash's Deliveries

For the more commercial side of the podcast, the co-hosts enthusiastically endorse DoorDash, highlighting the convenience and variety the service brings directly to consumers' doorsteps.

Comfortable Fashion: Dishing Out Sheath Underwear with a Discount

Even as they delve into personal topics, the hosts take a moment to promote Sheath Underwear, ensuring that listeners are aware of the comfortable design and even providing a show discount code, blending advertisement with the show’s casual, humorous vibe.

In this episode of "Bad Friends," Bobby Lee, Andrew Santino, Carlos Herrera, and Jessie Johnson weave a tapestry of humor, personal stories, and light-hearted debates that underscore their camaraderie and reflective moments, all while engaging with pop culture commentary and infusing advertisements with their distinct brand of comedy.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino embarked on a comedy tour where they traveled to cities like Denver, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis, culminating in Madison, Wisconsin. Throughout their tour, they shared memorable moments and stories from their performances, engaging with diverse audiences and shaping their comedic narratives. The experiences in each city contributed to the unique tales and reflections they shared on their journey, highlighting the dynamic nature of their comedy tour.
  • Bobby Lee's tendency to carry large bills for gigs is a practice where he prefers to receive payment in cash, often in larger denominations like $100 bills. This habit may stem from personal preference, convenience, or cultural norms within the comedy industry. Carrying large bills can also be a way for performers like Bobby to manage their finances or expenses while on the road.
  • Bobby prefers to avoid trick-or-treaters by keeping his home dark during Halloween, while Andrew enjoys the tradition of handing out candy to children. This contrast in their Halloween activities reflects their differing preferences in engaging with the holiday festivities.
  • The group's disinterest in Halloween traditions may stem from personal preferences or past experiences that have led them to not engage enthusiastically with activities like trick-or-treating or decorating for the holiday. It could also reflect a broader trend of shifting attitudes towards traditional celebrations, where some individuals may not find Halloween festivities appealing or may prioritize other aspects of their lives over participating in such customs.
  • The group's preference for emotionally meaningful presents over gift cards stems from valuing the thought and sentiment behind a gift rather than its monetary value. They appreciate gifts that show a personal connection and effort put into selecting them, enhancing the emotional impact of the gesture. This preference reflects a desire for gifts that convey a deeper level of understanding and care between individuals. Emotionally meaningful presents are seen as more heartfelt and significant compared to generic gift cards.
  • Bobby Lee's generous tipping at nail salons reflects his practice of giving substantial tips to service providers in the beauty industry, such as nail technicians. This act is a way for him to show appreciation for the service he receives and to support those working in the field. Generous tipping in such establishments is not uncommon and is seen as a gesture of gratitude for the work done.
  • Teasing about cultural assimilation and confectionery preferences involves playfully mocking someone's adoption of aspects from a different culture and making fun of their choices in sweets or candies based on personal taste or cultural background. This type of teasing often plays on stereotypes or common perceptions related to cultural practices and food preferences. It can be a light-hearted way to highlight differences or similarities in individuals' backgrounds or experiences, adding humor to the conversation. Teasing in this context is usually done in a friendly manner and is not meant to be hurtful or offensive.
  • Supporting each other through challenges like addiction involves providing emotional, practical, and sometimes professional assistance to individuals struggling with addiction issues. This support can include offering understanding, encouragement, and guidance to help the person navigate their recovery journey. It often involves creating a safe and non-judgmental environment where the individual feels supported in seeking help and making positive changes. Addiction support can also involve interventions, therapy, and access to resources like support groups or treatment programs.
  • In Bollywood, there has been a historical preference for fair skin tones, often associated with beauty and success. This preference has sparked controversies and discussions about colorism within the industry. Fairground delights may reference the types of treats commonly found at fairs or amusement parks, known for their indulgent and sometimes unconventional offerings. Cinema controversies could involve debates or scandals within the film industry, ranging from casting choices to thematic elements that stir public discourse.
  • Bobby Lee often shares humorous stories from his daily life, such as experiences with games or encounters in mundane settings like airport shuttle buses. These anecdotes highlight his ability to find comedy in ordinary situations, adding a relatable and light-hearted touch to the podcast. Bobby's storytelling style often involves unexpected twists or quirky observations, making his anecdotes entertaining and engaging for the audience. His anecdotes serve to showcase his comedic talent and unique perspective on the world around him.
  • Speculations on theoretical dates with controversial figures and dating celebrities involve discussing hypothetical romantic scenarios with individuals who are known for being polarizing or provocative in public perception. This can include imagining what it would be like to go on a date with someone who is widely talked about in the media for their actions or beliefs. Dating celebrities can involve exploring the dynamics of relationships between famous individuals, considering the challenges and unique aspects that come with being in the public eye.
  • The conversations about candy pairings involve discussing which candies go well together when eaten simultaneously. Mentioning Johnny Depp's dental health could be a humorous reference to his appearance or rumored dental issues. The origins of candies like White Rabbit might involve exploring the history, ingredients, or cultural significance of these specific treats.


  • Carrying large bills might not be the best representation of the nuances of being paid in cash, as it could also be seen as impractical or unsafe.
  • Some might argue that avoiding trick-or-treaters on Halloween could be seen as unsociable or unneighborly.
  • The disinterest in Halloween traditions might not be a common sentiment for everyone, as many people enjoy the festivities and community aspects of the holiday.
  • Using a Christmas tree for drying squid might not resonate with everyone's idea of traditional celebratory practices, and some might find it unconventional or off-putting.
  • While the group dislikes impersonal gifts like gift cards, others might appreciate the flexibility and practicality that gift cards offer.
  • The discussion about cultural preferences, such as seasonal favorites like pumpkin spice, might not acknowledge the genuine enjoyment these items bring to many people.
  • Generous tipping is subjective, and what is considered generous by one person might not be seen the same way by another; some might also argue for a fair wage system over tipping culture.
  • Teasing about cultural assimilation and confectionery preferences could be seen as insensitive by some, depending on the context and nature of the jokes.
  • While discussing addiction is important, not all friendships might be equipped to navigate such challenges, and professional help is often necessary.
  • Sharing personal dating experiences can be entertaining, but it's important to respect the privacy and feelings of the individuals involved in those stories.
  • Discussions about fair foods and Bollywood might not fully capture the complexities of cultural traditions and the nuances of social issues like skin color preference.
  • Speculating on theoretical dates with controversial figures could be seen as trivializing serious issues associated with those individuals.
  • Debating candy pairings and commenting on a celebrity's dental health might be considered frivolous or disrespectful by some.
  • Endorsing products like DoorDash and Sheath Underwear could be seen as less genuine when integrated into content, as it blurs the line between entertainment and advertisement.
  • N/A

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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Journeys of Humor: Comedy Tour Reflections

Stops in Denver to Madison: A Comedian's Road Map

During their travels from city to city, Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino share memorable moments from their comedy tour, hitting various locales such as Denver, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis, culminating in Madison, Wisconsin.

They encourage listeners to grab their tickets for the remaining stops, ensuring fans don't miss out on the laughter.

Behind the Scenes: Pre-Show Rituals and Stand-up Stories

The life of a comedian is one filled with unique pre-show rituals and the thrill of the ...

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Journeys of Humor: Comedy Tour Reflections

Additional Materials


  • Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino are well-known comedians in the entertainment industry, recognized for their stand-up comedy performances and appearances in movies and television shows. They often tour together, visiting different cities to perform live comedy shows for their fans. Bobby Lee is known for his energetic and sometimes outrageous comedy style, while Andrew ...



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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Cultural Musings and Holiday Reflections

Halloween Disinterest: Dark Homes and Trick-or-Treat Tactics

Bobby shares his unique tactic to avoid trick-or-treaters by turning off his house lights, a practice he employs on Halloween and when Jehovah's Witnesses come by.

In stark contrast, Andrew revels in the joy of giving out candy to children, while Jessie Johnson recounts her past reluctance to welcome trick-or-treaters at her previous residence.

Christmas Nostalgia: Squid-Drying Trees and Sentimental Gifting

When discussions turn to Christmas, a particularly humorous memory surfaces of Bobby's childhood when his mother repurposed a decrepit Christmas tree as a drying rack for squid.

Moreover, the group, led by Andrew and supported by Jessie, stresses the significance of gifts that carry deep personal meaning, critiquing impersonal gifts like gift cards, and emphasizing that sentimental value is particularly cherished by women.

Savoring and Spurning: From Pumpkin Spice to Lemonheads

Amidst a colorful discussion of seasonal flavors, Andrew identifies Bobby's preference for pumpkin-flavored coffee with cultural assimilation, playfu ...

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Cultural Musings and Holiday Reflections

Additional Materials


  • Bobby's unique tactic of turning off his house lights on Halloween is a common way for some people to signal that they are not participating in trick-or-treating. By keeping the lights off, it indicates to potential visitors that the house is not welcoming trick-or-treaters. This practice allows individuals like Bobby to avoid interruptions from trick-or-treaters while still being at home during the holiday.
  • Bobby's mother repurposing a decrepit Christmas tree as a drying rack for squid is a humorous anecdote that highlights a creative and unconventional use of an old Christmas tree. This action showcases a unique and unexpected way of repurposing an item typically associated with holiday traditions. It adds a touch of whimsy and eccentricity to the holiday season, demonstrating a playful and resourceful approach to solving practical needs.
  • The group values gifts that hold personal significance as they believe they show thoughtfulness and emotional connection. They critique impersonal gifts like gift cards for lacking the personal touch and emotional depth that personalized gifts offer. They emphasize that gifts with sentimental value are particularly appreciated, especially by women, for the emoti ...


  • While Bobby's tactic of turning off lights to avoid trick-or-treaters may be effective, it could be seen as unsociable and contrary to the community spirit of Halloween.
  • Andrew's enjoyment of giving out candy is commendable, but it assumes that all children celebrate Halloween and that all parents are comfortable with their children accepting candy from strangers.
  • Jessie Johnson's past reluctance to welcome trick-or-treaters could be due to valid concerns for privacy or safety, rather than a lack of holiday spirit.
  • Repurposing a Christmas tree as a drying rack for squid is resourceful, but it might not resonate with those who view Christmas trees as a symbol that should be respected and not used for non-traditional purposes.
  • The emphasis on the significance of gifts with deep personal meaning is subjective; some individuals may appreciate the practicality and flexibility of impersonal gifts like gift cards.
  • The assertion that women particularly cherish gifts with sentimental value could be seen as a generalization and overlooks the fact that men and people of other genders can also value sentimentality in gifts.
  • Suggesting that Bobby's preference for pumpkin-flavored coffee is a ...

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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Bonds of Friendship: Camaraderie On and Off the Stage

Generosity and Gestures: High Tipping Philosophies and Supportive Acts

Bobby prides himself on his generous tipping at nail salons, exemplifying his philosophy of showing affection through actions rather than just words.

He plans a thoughtful trip to Hawaii with a companion, believing in the inherent value of the gesture. Unique and heartfelt gifts, like knitwear from relatives highlighted by Andrew Santino and a decorated skateboard cherished by Bobby Lee, are also treasured, although they acknowledge these items are often stored away rather than prominently displayed or used.

Affectionate Teases: Poking Fun at Cultural Assimilation and Confectionery Preferences

The co-hosts' camaraderie is highlighted through their playful jabs, with Andrew mockingly likening Carlos Herrera to a character who frequents sex workers on Santa Monica Boulevard, sparking laughter within their group.

The banter extends to household items as Bobby admits to being puzzled by terms like "ottoman," inviting more good-natured teasing from Andrew about Bobby's perceived adherence to a suburban lifestyle.

Their dialogue around the hypothetical privileges of whiteness, such as access to high-end beverages or lake view housing, and Andrew's satirical suggestion of Bobby only joining exclusive gatherings in a serving role, underscores the comedic and affectionate nature of their exchanges.

Deeper Connections: Navigating Addiction and Offering a Helping Hand

The co-hosts open up about the more s ...

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Bonds of Friendship: Camaraderie On and Off the Stage

Additional Materials


  • The banter and teasing between the co-hosts serve as a form of bonding and camaraderie, showcasing their comfort and closeness. It reflects a playful dynamic where they can engage in light-hearted teasing without causing harm. This banter often involves inside jokes and shared experiences, strengthening their connection. It adds humor and lightness to their interactions, creating a fun and lively atmosphere.
  • An involuntary psychiatric hold, also known as involuntary commitment, is a legal process where a person with a severe mental health condition is detained in a psychiatric hospital for evaluation and treatment without their consent. This measure is typically used when an individual poses a danger to themselves or others due to ...


  • Generosity through tipping may not always be the best indicator of affection, as it can sometimes be seen as a transactional interaction rather than a purely altruistic gesture.
  • Planning a trip to Hawaii, while thoughtful, could be criticized for not considering the environmental impact of travel or the potential cultural insensitivity towards the destination's indigenous population.
  • The value of gifts is subjective, and while unique and heartfelt gifts are treasured by some, others may prefer practical or experiential gifts that they can use or enjoy regularly.
  • Playful teasing and banter, although affectionate in nature, can sometimes cross the line into insensitivity or cause unintended hurt, especially when touching on topics like cultural assimilation.
  • Jokes about the privileges of whiteness, even in a satirical context, could be seen as trivializing real issues of racial inequality and systemic priv ...

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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Life's Quirks: Personal Tales and Social Commentary

Surprising Dates and Dating Apps: From T-Shirt Quips to Lasagna Letdowns

Personal experiences with dating illuminate the hosts' lives, filled with hilarity and the unexpected. Carlos Herrera shares a peculiar story about a date wearing a shirt with a suggestive statement, leading to a humorous debate on its implications.

The group also jokes about recurring themes in their relationships adding a layer of inside banter to their interactions.

Additionally, Carlos's clever tactic of leveraging his pet dog's presence to shift the date from a public setting to a more intimate one at his place is revealed.

Fair Foods to Bollywood: A Gastronomic Adventure and Complexion Controversies

From fairground delights to cinema controversies, the hosts discuss a variety of topics including the critique of certain candies and a serious discussion about skin color preference in Bollywood, highlighting the historical connotations of skin tone with wealth and socioeconomic status. Lighter skin was often linked to wealth and not needing to work outdoors, while darker skin suggested outdoor labor.

Concluding their banter, Bobby sarcastically expresses gratitude for Andrew's whiteness, jestingly labeling him a 'bad friend,' which plays into the podcast's title of their characteristic humorous and contentious rapport.

Amusing Anecdotes: Unintentional Arousal and Airport Shuttle Bus Laughs

Bobb ...

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Life's Quirks: Personal Tales and Social Commentary

Additional Materials


  • Skin color preference in Bollywood has historical connotations tied to societal perceptions of wealth and status. Lighter skin was traditionally associated with affluence, as it suggested a lifestyle that didn't involve outdoor labor. On the other hand, darker skin was linked to working outdoors, which was often associated with lower socioeconomic status. These historical biases have influenced beauty standards and casting choices in Bollywood films.
  • Bobby sarcastically expressing gratitude for Andrew's whiteness is a humorous comment that plays on the dynamics of their friendship. It could be a playful jab at stereotypes or societal norms related to race. This type of banter is common among friends who share a close and comfortable relationship, where they can joke about sensitive topics in a lighthearted manner.
  • Hot yoga involves practicing yoga in a heated room, typically around 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit, which can int ...



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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Pop Culture and Lifestyle Ribbing

Celebrities and Scandals: Weighing In on The Famous and The Infamous

The hosts speculate on dates with controversial figures and discuss dating other celebrities, adding their humorous spin on fame. In-depth, they evaluate the potential of romantic linkage with well-known personalities plagued by scandals, like Ellen DeGeneres, Roseanne, Amanda Bynes, Kim Kardashian, Amanda Knox, Caitlyn Jenner, and Courtney Love.

Andrew humorously suggests Love's infamous involvement in Kurt Cobain's death. Particularly, Bobby Lee expresses a keen interest in dating Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, while heartily preferring Madonna as his top choice.

They further dismiss the relevance of scandals concerning Hilaria Baldwin and Anne Hathaway. The dialogue takes a turn into law enforcement officers' misdeeds, Britney Spears's online behavior, and proposes incorporating mishaps into song lyrics.

Quirky Food Debates: The (Mis)Adventures of White Rabbit Candy and Fudge

Their whimsical nature shines as they muse over unconventional candy combinations, suggesting the fusion of candy corn with other generally disliked sweets. The group debates the classification of Orange Tic Tacs, proposing the imaginative idea of wrapping jujubes with them.

They extensively discuss fair foods, with Bobby voicing his penchant ...

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Pop Culture and Lifestyle Ribbing

Additional Materials


  • Speculating on dating controversial figures involves discussing the possibility of being romantically involved with well-known individuals who have been involved in scandals or controversies. This can include considering the implications, challenges, and public perceptions that may arise from such relationships. It often involves a mix of curiosity, humor, and hypothetical scenarios in conversations or media discussions.
  • When discussing the potential of dating personalities plagued by scandals, it involves considering the implications and challenges of being romantically involved with individuals who have faced public controversies or negative attention. This evaluation may touch on how the scandal could impact the relationship, the public perception of the couple, and the personal dynamics involved in such a high-profile union. The hosts in the text are engaging in a speculative and often humorous conversation about the idea of dating celebrities who have been embroiled in scandals, adding a light-hearted and comedic spin to a potentially sensitive topic.
  • Bobby Lee expressing interest in dating Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Madonna is part of a humorous discussion on celebrities and dating preferences. Bobby's comments are made in a light-hearted manner and are not meant to be taken seriously. The hosts are engaging in playful banter about famous personalities, adding a comedic element to their conversation.
  • Incorporating mishaps into song lyrics often involves artists using personal or public mistakes as inspiration for their music. ...



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Is It Poo Or Is It Cake? | Ep 187 | Bad Friends

Promotions and Partnerships: Endorsing with Humor

Convenience at Your Doorstep: Touting DoorDash's Deliveries

For the more commercial side of the podcast, the co-hosts enthusiastically endorse DoorDash, highlighting the convenience and variety the service brings directly to consumers' doorsteps.

Comfortable Fashion: Dishing Out Sheath Underwear with a Discount

Even as they delve into personal topics, the hosts take a moment to promote Sheath Underwear, emphasizing the brand's unique design and functionality.

Praising its innovative compartments that prevent ...

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Promotions and Partnerships: Endorsing with Humor

Additional Materials


  • Sheath Underwear is known for its innovative design that includes separate compartments to keep certain body parts separated for comfort and to prevent stickiness and constriction. This unique feature sets it apart from traditional underwear styles, offering a more comfortable and supportive ...


  • While DoorDash offers convenience, it may contribute to a culture of instant gratification and reduce the incentive for individuals to support local businesses directly.
  • The variety provided by DoorDash could potentially overshadow the need for mindful eating habits, as it makes a wide range of food options readily available, sometimes including less healthy choices.
  • Endorsing Sheath Underwear's unique design assumes a one-size-fits-all solution to comfort, which may not account for the diverse preferences and needs of different consumers.
  • The promotion of Sheath Underwear with a discount code, while beneficial for listeners, could be s ...

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