Podcasts > 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer > Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

By Tom Segura, Bert Kreischer

Join comedy heavyweights Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura on "2 Bears, 1 Cave" as they delve into a smorgasbord of hilarious topics that will leave you chuckling. From Bert's unabashed fanboy moments with celebrities to their tongue-in-cheek commentary on Joe Rogan's Golden Globes hosting gig, this episode serves up an entertaining blend of anecdotes and comic speculation. Listen as Bert recounts quaking in the presence of icons like George R.R. Martin and his comical backstage exchange with Derek Trucks, showcasing the lighter side of fame and fandom.

The duo doesn't stop there—they also tackle the buzz surrounding the "5K By May" event, bringing their trademark humor to this fitness challenge that's attracting a medley of personalities from musician Jelly Roll to elite athletes. With Bert's vivid storytelling of Jelly Roll's struggle in the snow and Tom teasing potential celebrity appearances like Julian Edelman and Michelle Wolf, this episode of "2 Bears, 1 Cave" is brimming with laughs, surprises, and the pair's endearing camaraderie. Don't miss these engaging jesters as they riff on life's oddities with their signature irreverent charm.

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Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

This is a preview of the Shortform summary of the Jan 29, 2024 episode of the 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

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Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

1-Page Summary

Bert Geeking Out When Meeting Celebrities

Bert Kreischer's encounters with celebrities often leave him overwhelmingly excited. He admits he gets starstruck and can't control his enthusiasm when meeting famous individuals. Bert shares specific moments, such as trembling when he met George R.R. Martin and not remembering details of their encounter or the gifts he received. He experienced similar excitement when he approached Derek Trucks backstage, expressing his long-standing admiration for the musician. Even with stars like Cedric the Entertainer, Bert couldn't hold back his excitement, especially when he learned Cedric knew who he was. Despite his wishes to remain composed like his friend Tom, he just can't help but geek out in the presence of celebrities.

Joe Rogan Hosting the Golden Globes

Joe Rogan's hosting of the Golden Globes was a topic of discussion between comedians Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura, who approached the matter with their comedic expertise. They speculated on how other comics, such as John Mulaney, might have performed and mentioned Mulaney's success at the governor's ball. The duo also talked about their own potential approaches to engaging the audience and drew comparisons with Ricky Gervais' successful hosting style. Regarding Rogan's actual performance, both Kreischer and Segura defended Rogan's handling of the event, especially since he took on the hosting role with only ten days' notice. They mentioned Rogan's Barbie joke, which elicited a mixed response, and concluded that despite the criticism, Rogan aimed to win over the live audience, differing from Gervais' approach of playing to the at-home viewers. They acknowledged Rogan's successful navigation of the event amidst a tough crowd.

The 5K By May Event with Tom and Bert

Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura are promoting the "5K By May" event, generating excitement among a variety of personalities, including musician Jelly Roll. Kreischer is thrilled with Jelly Roll's enthusiasm and believes that his involvement could foster greater participation and lead to positive change. He humorously remarks on Jelly Roll's struggle with the training routines, sharing a video of Jelly Roll wading through snow and joking about the difficulty of the workouts. As they plan the location for the event, Kreischer and Segura are deciding between two venues and intend to announce the final choice soon. They anticipate a vibrant and well-attended event, with interests from both fitness enthusiasts and elite athletes like Cam Haines. Segura expects a large turnout and hints at more updates, dropping names of celebrities who might attend, including Julian Edelman, Mark Normand, and Michelle Wolf, indicating a diverse and exciting lineup.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Bert Kreischer, a comedian, often shares his experiences of meeting famous individuals, expressing overwhelming excitement and being starstruck. He has encountered celebrities like George R.R. Martin, Derek Trucks, and Cedric the Entertainer, where he couldn't contain his enthusiasm. Despite his efforts to remain composed, Bert's genuine excitement shines through when interacting with well-known personalities.
  • Derek Trucks is an accomplished American guitarist, songwriter, and founder of The Derek Trucks Band. He is known for his versatile musical style and has been recognized as one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Trucks has collaborated with various renowned artists and is a prominent figure in the music industry.
  • Cedric the Entertainer is the stage name of Cedric Antonio Kyles, an American stand-up comedian, actor, and television host known for his work in comedy, television shows, and movies. He has been involved in various projects, including hosting TV shows like BET's ComicView and appearing in films like Barbershop and voicing characters in animated movies like Ice Age and Madagascar. Cedric has a diverse career spanning stand-up comedy, acting, hosting, and voice acting in popular entertainment media.
  • Joe Rogan hosting the Golden Globes was a notable event where Rogan took on the hosting role with only ten days' notice. Comedians Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura discussed Rogan's performance, including his approach to engaging the audience and handling the event amidst a tough crowd. They mentioned Rogan's Barbie joke and defended his efforts despite some criticism. Rogan aimed to win over the live audience, differing from Ricky Gervais' approach of playing to at-home viewers.
  • Ricky Gervais is known for his bold and often controversial hosting style at award shows, where he delivers sharp and edgy humor that sometimes pushes boundaries. He is famous for his no-holds-barred approach to comedy, fearlessly mocking celebrities and the entertainment industry during his hosting gigs. Gervais' hosting style is characterized by his willingness to tackle sensitive topics and make provocative jokes that challenge the status quo. His performances have garnered both praise and criticism for his unapologetic and irreverent humor.
  • The "5K By May" event is a fitness initiative promoted by comedians Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura. Participants aim to complete a 5-kilometer run by the month of May. The event is designed to encourage physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle. It has garnered interest from various personalities and is expected to be a well-attended and lively occasion.
  • Jelly Roll's involvement in the "5K By May" event with Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura includes participating in the training routines for the 5K run. Bert Kreischer humorously shared a video of Jelly Roll struggling with the workouts, adding a light-hearted touch to their preparation for the event. Jelly Roll's engagement in the training process adds to the excitement surrounding the event and highlights the diverse participation expected.
  • Cam Haines is a well-known American bowhunter, ultra-marathon runner, and outdoor enthusiast. He is recognized for his extreme endurance feats and his passion for hunting and fitness. Haines has a significant following on social media, where he shares his adventures and promotes a healthy lifestyle. He often collaborates with other personalities in the outdoor and fitness communities.
  • Julian Edelman is a former NFL player who gained popularity for his success with the New England Patriots. Mark Normand is a stand-up comedian known for his appearances on various comedy shows and podcasts. Michelle Wolf is a comedian and writer who has performed stand-up comedy and gained recognition for her work on television, including her time as a correspondent on "The Daily Show."

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Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Bert Geeking Out When Meeting Celebrities

Celebrity encounters can be a surreal experience for many, and Bert Kreischer is no exception to this phenomenon as he often finds himself overwhelmingly excited around stardom.

Bert Overwhelmingly Excited and Unable to Control Himself Around Celebrities

Bert Kreischer freely admits that he's not good with celebrities and has a tendency to geek out when meeting them. He confesses that he can't control himself from talking to them, describing how his heart races during these encounters. Whether it's a renowned author or a musician he's admired since childhood, Bert's enthusiasm doesn't discriminate.

Examples: George R.R. Martin, Derek Trucks, Cedric the Entertainer

Bert recounts the time he met "Game of Thrones" author George R.R. Martin, sharing that he was so overwhelmed that he trembled and did not fully process their conversation or even remember the gifts Martin gave him. Similarly, when he encountered musician Derek Trucks — whom he has admired since he was 12 — Bert describes himself as getting uncontrollably excited and approaching Trucks backstage to express his long-standing admiration.

The excitement even extends to his interaction with Cedric the Entertainer. Bert recalls being shocked to learn that Cedric knew who he was, which led him to ...

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Bert Geeking Out When Meeting Celebrities

Additional Materials


  • Bert's comrade Tom is mentioned in the text as someone who can maintain composure around celebrities, unlike Bert who tends to get overly excited. This comparison highlights the contrast in how Bert and Tom react in celebrity encounters, with Bert ope ...


  • Bert's behavior might be seen as unprofessional or lacking in self-control, which could be off-putting to some celebrities.
  • His inability to remember conversations or gifts from someone like George R.R. Martin could be interpreted as disrespectful or ungrateful.
  • Approaching celebrities like Derek Trucks backstage without invitation could be considered intrusive or disrespectful of their personal space.
  • While Bert relates his excitement to that of die-hard fans, some might argue that as a public figure himself, he should strive to maintain a level of professionalism in such interactions.
  • The desire to be composed like his friend Tom could be seen as a lack of ...

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Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Joe Rogan Hosting the Golden Globes

Comedians Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura discuss Joe Rogan's recent stint as the Golden Globes host, bringing their own expertise and humor to the conversation.

Segura and Kreischer Discuss How Other Comics Would Have Done Hosting

Tom Segura praises John Mulaney's skill at writing for shows in the vein of the Golden Globes, noting that he would likely excel in a hosting role. Meanwhile, Bert Kreischer remarks that Mulaney "killed it" at the governor's ball, hinting that his performance could be a benchmark for a successful hosting gig at an event like the Golden Globes.

Kreischer also reflects on how other comics might have fared compared to Rogan, suggesting that Rogan held his own amongst potential counterparts. He and Segura joke about how they might have personally interacted with the audience, taking a page from performers like Ricky Gervais who have notably succeeded by engaging the crowd at home.

Break Down Rogan's Actual Performance Hosting and the Criticism He Received

Further delving into Rogan's performance, Kreischer comments that Rogan did "a pretty good job," taking into account that he was only brought in as host ten days before the event. Segura echoes this sentiment, commending Rogan's last-minute takeover and chiding the quickness of audienc ...

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Joe Rogan Hosting the Golden Globes

Additional Materials


  • Joe Rogan, a popular podcaster and comedian, hosted the Golden Globes, a prestigious awards ceremony for the entertainment industry. His performance generated mixed reactions, with some praising his last-minute takeover and others critiquing specific jokes, like the Barbie joke. Comedians Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura discussed Rogan's hosting, comparing his approach to other comedians like John Mulaney and Ricky Gervais. Rogan's hosting style aimed to engage the live audience, contrasting with Gervais's focus on the television viewers.
  • Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura are popular stand-up comedians known for their humor and podcasting. John Mulaney is a well-respected comedian and writer, recognized for his work on various comedy shows. Ricky Gervais is a British comedian famous for his sharp and controversial hosting style at award shows. Each of these comedians brings a unique perspective and style to the comedy world, influencing discussions about hosting and performances at events like the Golden Globes.
  • Joe Rogan's hosting of the Golden Globes was compared to how other comedians like John Mulaney might have fared in the same role. Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura discussed how different comics could have approached hosting the event and how Rogan's performance stacked up against potential counterparts. They highlighted the unique styles and strengths of various comedians, suggesting how each might have navigated the hosting duties differently. The comparison shed light on the ...


  • While John Mulaney is praised for his writing skills, some might argue that hosting requires a different set of skills, and not all great writers make great hosts.
  • Mulaney's success at the governor's ball might not necessarily translate to the Golden Globes, as the events have different audiences and atmospheres.
  • Joe Rogan's ability to hold his own might be contested by those who believe that his style is better suited to podcasting than to hosting a polished awards show.
  • Ricky Gervais's approach to hosting might not be the only model for success; some may prefer a host with a more inclusive or less confrontational style.
  • The assertion that Rogan did a pretty good job could be subjective, and others might feel that his performance lacked the finesse typically associated with the Golden Globes.
  • Being brought in as host ten days before the event could be seen as a disadvantage, but some might argue that a seasoned performer should be able to adapt quickly to such challenges.
  • The criticism of hosts for single jokes that fall flat might be viewed as a necessary feedback mechanism in the entertainment industry, encouraging hosts to be more mindful of their material.
  • The mixed reaction ...

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Does Katt Williams Hate Us? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

The 5K By May Event with Tom and Bert

Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura discuss the upcoming "5K By May" event that's generating widespread interest and excitement, including the potential participation of diverse personalities like Jelly Roll and Cam Haines.

Event Promotion and Getting Jelly Roll Involved

Bert Kreischer shares his excitement about the impact of the "5K By May" event, as it has attracted attention from various individuals, including musician Jelly Roll. Jelly Roll has expressed his enthusiasm in joining the event, and Kreischer believes that his commitment could encourage more people to join and potentially spark significant change. Kreischer also brings light to Jelly Roll's humorous struggles with the training regime, citing a video text where Jelly Roll is wading through snow and humorously questioning when the workouts will start getting easier.

Planning the Location and Expecting a Great Turnout

Tom Segura talks about the overwhelming interest he's been receiving regarding the event and its specifics. Kreischer and Segura are currently weighing options between two potential locations and plan to announce the selected venue soon. They want to ensure their audience has ample time to make arrang ...

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The 5K By May Event with Tom and Bert

Additional Materials


  • The "5K By May" event is an upcoming running event discussed by Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura. It has attracted interest from various personalities like Jelly Roll and Cam Haines. The event aims to encourage participation in a 5K run by May, with the potential for significant community involvement and entertainment. Bert and Tom are actively planning the event, including selecting a location and inviting a diverse range of participants, from enthusiastic runners to elite athletes and celebrities.
  • Bert Kreischer and Tom Segura are stand-up comedians known for their comedy specials, podcasts, and appearances in TV shows and movies. They often collaborate on projects and have a popular podcast called "2 Bears 1 Cave." Both comedians have a large following and are recognized for their humor and storytelling abilities in the comedy world.
  • Jelly Roll is a musician who has shown interest in participating in the "5K By May" event. His involvement is seen as a positive influence that could attract more participants and generate excitement for the event. Bert Kreischer highlights Jelly Roll's humorous approach to the event's training regime, adding a light-hearted element to the preparations. Jelly Roll's potential participation adds diversity and star power to the event, alongside other notable personalities mentioned in the discussion.
  • Cam Haines is a renowned ultra-runner and bowhunter known for his extreme endurance feats. His involvement in the "5K By May" event adds a level of prestige and excitement, attracting both running enthusiasts and fans of his outdoor adventures. Haines' participation is expected to bring a comp ...


  • While Jelly Roll's involvement could encourage more people to join, it's also possible that not all of his fans are interested in running or fitness events, which might limit the impact of his participation.
  • The humor in Jelly Roll's training struggles might resonate with some, but others might prefer a more serious approach to fitness and training, feeling that humor undermines the dedication required for such events.
  • Overwhelming interest in the event could lead to logistical challenges, such as overcrowding or insufficient resources, which could negatively impact the experience for participants.
  • The anticipation of a large turnout and the participation of elite athletes and celebrities might intimidate some potential attendees who are less experienced or confident in their running abilities.
  • The focus on celebrity participants might overshadow the community aspect of the event, potentially alienating local runners or those who are less interested in the st ...

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