A black and white image of a woman reading a book in front of a bookshelf.

What’s the book Whatever It Takes about? Do you want to accomplish all of your goals, no matter how big they are?

In Whatever It Takes, Brandon Bornancin provides a roadmap that makes it easy to accomplish any goal you have. Even when you fail, Bornancin’s advice helps you bounce back in no time.

Read below for a brief Whatever It Takes book overview.

Overview of Whatever It Takes

In the book Whatever It Takes, Brandon Bornancin emphasizes the importance of cultivating a growth mindset and strong convictions, which are essential for achieving success. Embrace failure and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember, it’s your unwavering determination to succeed that sets high achievers apart from average performers. Stay resilient in the face of persistent challenges, and only yield when absolutely necessary.

The emergence of groundbreaking companies like Uber, Airbnb, and WhatsApp illustrates external economic conditions don’t hinder that success. Adopt a growth mindset that allows you to excel at finding solutions and view obstacles as chances for learning and progress. Hold on to your lofty goals and persist through difficulties. The scale of your accomplishments is shaped by the breadth of your dreams, the depth of your desire, and your ability to withstand considerable adversity.

Self-Doubt vs. Self-Confidence

Self-doubt can severely hinder your capabilities, while genuine self-confidence is a powerful force driving you toward your objectives. Grasp the concept that what your mind truly believes, it can achieve. Develop positive, forward-thinking attitudes and practices, ensuring that neither flattery nor praise diverts your attention from striving for excellence. Achievement stems from a consistent pursuit of improvement and a steadfast refusal to become complacent with past successes. Seek mentorship and emulate the actions of successful individuals.

Prioritize Your Dreams

Prioritize your dreams over external opinions. Don’t let the skepticism and criticism of others, often rooted in envy, deter you from pursuing your dreams. Remain steadfast in the face of doubt, always pursue improvement, and adopt a relentless commitment to advancing your own development. Transform challenges into opportunities by leveraging insights from distinguished founders. Refrain from comparing yourself to others, and concentrate on consistently exceeding your own highest achievements.

Embrace Continuous Improvement

Adopt a progressive attitude that welcomes and actively pursues valuable critiques, mentorship, and maintains a readiness for acquiring new knowledge. The most accomplished individuals are willing to embrace ongoing enhancement and view obstacles with an optimistic perspective.

In summary, discard restrictive thoughts, welcome obstacles, and pursue your dreams with steadfast resolve, prioritizing your values over others’ doubts. Surpass your own mental limitations, focusing on development, optimism, and resolve, to realize your utmost capabilities.

Habits and Routines

Explore the convictions, mindsets, and practices that propel success. Consistently applied practices and behaviors, when accumulated, can markedly affect outcomes.

Establish a Strong Foundation

Establish a productive morning routine as a foundational element for achieving success. Rise early, incorporate physical activity, and dedicate a substantial portion of your day to work tasks. Avoid distractions like emails or messages at the beginning of the day. Engage in physical exercise and complement it with healthy dietary selections, such as intermittent fasting, to encourage a robust and wholesome lifestyle.

Optimize Your Schedule

Organize your schedule to promote concentrated effort, devoid of interruptions, and replete with deliberate, purposeful activities. Allocate time for physical workouts and the creation of content focused on enhancing the financial prosperity and earnings of your community.

Give meetings your complete focus to minimize distractions and demonstrate respect. Pay someone a compliment daily to yield positive results for both the giver and the recipient.

Leverage Technology

Use technology to greatly improve efficiency. Outsource and automate tasks outside of your expertise or those that are less costly to delegate. Concentrate on activities that produce substantial outcomes rather than mundane, minimal-effort tasks. Maintain a log to track dietary intake.

Use devices designed to monitor physical activity for overseeing exercise routines, tracking calories expended, and reminding you to stand, thereby offering tangible metrics to surpass daily objectives and perpetually enhance your way of living.

Remember, initiate with attainable goals, complete step-by-step activities, and methodically establish a foundation for lasting achievement as time progresses.


Ownership of your choices is essential for personal and career development. Recognize your achievements as well as areas that require enhancement, without blaming external circumstances.

Own Your Triumphs and Setbacks

True progress and satisfaction in every aspect of life arise from taking responsibility for your triumphs as well as setbacks. Take responsibility instead of attributing failures to factors outside your influence.

Take responsibility for your own shortcomings instead of attributing them to your history, relatives, significant other, or present circumstances. The inclination to rationalize a lack of action has snuffed out more aspirations and objectives than any other obstacle. Understand that challenges in physical fitness or personal pursuits are frequently due to prioritizing justifications over determination, instead of failing to reach a particular goal.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Acknowledge the significance of gaining insight from your errors. When encountering challenges, consider them a clear signal to modify your approach instead of ignoring the issues or assigning blame. Embrace a mindset focused on development, transforming each obstacle into a chance to gain knowledge and every difficulty into an exercise in strengthening perseverance.

Lead by Example

Exhibit strong moral principles and set a precedent through your own courageous actions to inspire team members to follow suit. Take charge of circumstances when outcomes deviate from expectations and boldly initiate difficult conversations. By embodying accountability, you foster an environment that promotes the prosperity of every team member.

In summary, taking responsibility for the outcomes of your existence strengthens not only yourself but also those around you. Pinpoint the obstacles impeding your progress, enabling you to proceed with deliberate intent and a clear sense of purpose. Steer clear of the inclination to hold others responsible and perceive every interaction as a chance to evolve, laying the foundation for significant achievements.

Success Habits

Habits that pave the way for success, including consistent discipline, robust support networks, and established daily practices, are essential for the attainment of your objectives.

Stay Committed to Your Goals

To attain success, possess unwavering resolve, sustain focus, and demonstrate a resolute commitment. Adopt a mindset geared towards taking whatever steps are required to reach high goals.

Success is often linked to maintaining a keen concentration on your priority responsibilities. Align your everyday activities with your larger goals and courteously turn down any proposals or assignments that could lead you away from these objectives. Remove distractions and focus on actions that directly contribute to the realization of your objectives.

Establish Daily Routines

Determination and the establishment of regular daily routines lay the groundwork for success. It entails unwavering commitment to your goals, investing innumerable hours towards mastery, and maintaining determination when initial excitement wanes. Carefully scrutinize your daily time allocation, recognizing that success is built upon the bedrock of regular, day-to-day endeavors.

Build a Strong Support System

Cultivate a community of individuals who share your aspirations and exhibit a comparable drive to significantly amplify your success. Foster a network of motivated peers and mentors who can offer guidance, support, and even beneficial competition. Cultivate connections with those who face similar hurdles and goals to not only motivate but also amplify the effectiveness of your pursuits. Expand your circle of connections to align with your ambitions for achievement.

By steadfastly committing to key habits that lead to success, maintaining a firm commitment to your goals, focusing on your most critical tasks, showing relentless perseverance, and building a strong support system, you can significantly increase your chances of fulfilling your dreams. Those willing to exert the necessary effort and dedication will be well-equipped to turn their goals into reality.

Practical Steps for Achieving Goals

To realize significant goals, comprehend and utilize powerful strategies. Let’s delve into the process of transforming dreams into tangible outcomes by meticulously strategizing and implementing your plans.

Break Down Big Goals

The first step in successfully tackling a goal is to break down the complex and overwhelming tasks into more manageable, bite-sized pieces, and then to complete the first piece. To attain success, deconstruct lofty goals into daily, manageable actions. Determine the necessary daily earnings after considering the total number of business days in the year to reach a particular income target. Establish a high goal and acknowledge the small steps essential for its attainment.

Track Your Progress

Continuously evaluate your advancement to sustain your path and bolster your enthusiasm. After accomplishing each small goal, take a moment to recognize and celebrate its completion. Create measurable goals and quantify your progress by keeping track of sales performance or recording health metrics like body weight and energy consumption. Consistently performing and documenting these actions confirms your course and underscores opportunities for enhancements.

Be Adaptable

Achievement seldom arises from a linear journey. Equip yourself to tackle obstacles, endure difficulties, and continuously seek different methods to accomplish your goal. Iterate on a sales pitch or modify your diet based on health tracking. Be reflective and flexible, willing to modify your course as necessary.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and take joy in the incremental achievements rather than waiting exclusively for the grand victories. Acknowledging each minor victory keeps enthusiasm and momentum high. Each incremental action contributes to the fulfillment of your broader goal. Achieving your daily sales targets or consistently adhering to your workout routine are accomplishments that deserve recognition. This creates a positive feedback loop that spurs continued effort and guides you toward achieving those larger outcomes.

Consistently execute your plans, bearing in mind that every significant achievement comprises a succession of smaller ones. Every completed task moves you closer to your ultimate goal.

Whatever It Takes by Brandon Bornancin: Book Overview

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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