How to Establish a Purpose-Driven Culture for Your Business

A woman climbing a steep hill in a suit as part of a purpose-driven culture

Does your business have a purpose? Why do employees need a reason to feel motivated? Giving employees autonomy and motivating them isn’t enough to build a successful business. Horst Schulze contends that you need to establish a purpose-driven culture to give them a reason to work harder. Learn how to establish a culture where employees have a vision of what they need to achieve.

Trust in Business: Building a Level of Confidence With People

Two co-workers displaying trust in business in an office

What’s the importance of trust in business? How can you cultivate trust between leaders and employees? To effectively advance your business vision as a product leader, you need to actively build and nurture trust. Not only do you need your employees’s trust, but you need the trust of investors and customers. Continue reading to find out how to gain the trust of the people running your business from the inside and outside.

How to Encourage Innovation in the Workplace

Three plants in the dark growing lightbulbs, representing how to encourage innovation in the workplace

Why is it hard to be innovative at work? What’s the importance of innovation for managers, entrepreneurs, and employees? Innovation doesn’t come naturally to most organizations, and yet it’s a necessity in modern business for people to think like entrepreneurs. Peter F. Drucker argues that even successful companies must make an effort to invest in innovation. Continue reading to learn how to encourage innovation in the workplace.

How to Appreciate People: 3 Ways to Show Them You Care

Two smiling women with curly black hair putting their arms around each other illustrate how to appreciate people

Do you make others feel valued and respected? What are the key elements of showing genuine appreciation for people? Appreciating people helps draw them closer to you. In How to Become a People Magnet, Marc Reklau says that appreciation involves giving sincere compliments, practicing active listening, and aligning your actions with your words. Keep reading to learn how to appreciate people and foster deeper connections with them.

UX Testing: Steve Krug Explains How & When to Run UX Tests

A dark-haired bearded man thinking and looking at a computer screen while doing UX testing

What’s a UX test, and how can it improve your site’s design? When is it the right time to run one? UX testing is a powerful tool for enhancing your website’s user experience. By observing real users interact with your site, you can identify and fix issues that might be hindering its effectiveness. Steve Krug offers expert advice on conducting these tests in his book Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited. Keep reading to learn how to run UX tests and integrate them into your development process.

Was Housing Segregation an Effort to Protect White Identity?

Housing segregation is illustrated by a drawing of white houses on the left and black houses on the right

What are the long-lasting effects of housing segregation in America? Why did such a practice happen? In an exploration of white supremacy, Ijeoma Oluo dives into the history and consequences of housing segregation in the US. She examines how this practice emerged and how it continues to impact wealth distribution, urban landscapes, and social dynamics today. Keep reading to understand the ins and outs of housing segregation.

3 Types of Dystopian Futures: Toby Ord on Oppressive Societies

A sign on the side of the road in a mountainous area that says "DYSTOPIA AHEAD" illustrates dystopian futures

Are we heading toward a dystopian future? What can we learn from fictional dystopias to prevent real-world catastrophes? In The Precipice, Toby Ord writes that dystopian futures come in various forms, from enforced totalitarian regimes to unintended consequences of human actions. Writers and filmmakers have long explored these possibilities, offering insights into potential societal pitfalls. Keep reading to discover the three main types of dystopian futures and how they might unfold in our world.

Speak With No Fear: Book Overview, Takeaways, & Exercise

A young man with dark hair, a beard, and glasses in a home office reading a book and underlining text

Are you terrified of speaking in front of others? What if you could overcome this fear and become a confident public speaker? Speak With No Fear, a book by Mike Acker, offers strategies to conquer your anxiety about addressing an audience. Drawing from his extensive experience as a public speaker and coach, Acker provides practical advice for anyone looking to improve their communication skills. Keep reading to discover how you can transform your fear into powerful, purposeful energy and deliver compelling speeches with ease.

Why Self-Acceptance Is Important (Phil Stutz & Barry Michels)

A woman hugging herself, embracing why self-acceptance is important

Why is self-acceptance important? How can you accept yourself, flaws and all? It can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone if you’re insecure about who you are. Phil Stutz and Barry Michels explain that to overcome debilitating doubts about yourself, you need to accept all of your negative attributes and transform them into strengths. Below, we’ll explain why embracing what you least like about yourself helps you overcome social anxiety.