David McRaney’s You Are Not So Smart: Book Overview

A woman with black hair holding an open book and looking up thoughtfully to consider what she's reading

What actually drives your decisions and behaviors? Why do you believe you’re more capable and rational than others around you? In his book You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney reveals the fascinating psychological phenomena behind our everyday thoughts and actions. He explores how our brains create false narratives, distort memories, and lead us to overestimate our abilities while doubting others. Read on for an overview of this book that will help you discover the truth about your mind’s sneaky tricks—and learn how to overcome them.

Irresistible by Adam Alter: Book Overview and Takeaways

A man reading a book on his desk with his laptop open

Are you spending too much time on your devices? What’s Irresistible by Adam Alter about? In Irresistible, Adam Alter discusses the rise of technology addiction and how you can identify it. To counteract this, he suggests several techniques for combating technology addiction and fostering a healthier relationship with digital devices. Read below for a brief overview of Irresistible.

How to Evaluate Your Life Using the Life Quality Quadrant

A person writing on paper with a marker illustrates how to evaluate your life with the Life Quality Quadrant

What makes a good life? How can you find the sweet spot between feeling energized and having a sense of purpose? Living well isn’t just about happiness—it’s about finding the right mix of vitality and meaning in your daily experiences. In You Only Die Once, Jodi Wellman explores how these two elements combine to create a life that’s both exciting and purposeful, offering practical ways to assess your current situation. Keep reading to discover what it means to have a fulfilling existence and to learn how to evaluate your life with the Life Quality Quadrant.

The Visionary Mindset: 4 Steps to Overcome Life’s Obstacles

An illustration of a young man looking at a giant eye, symbolizing the visionary mindset

Do you want to stop feeling helpless? What’s a visionary mindset, and how will it transform your life? David Emerald advises that you can overcome the cyclical problems of the helpless mindset by adopting a visionary mindset. With this outlook, you orient yourself to long-term goals, take proactive steps forward, and grow from challenges and setbacks in life. Below we’ll look at four steps to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life.

Willpower Training: How to Build It Up With Exercises & Practice

A smiling woman eating a salad in a restaurant while other people are eating pizza illustrates willpower training

Can willpower be trained? How can you build the self-control needed to achieve your goals? In Willpower, Roy Baumeister and John Tierney reveal that willpower training works just like building muscle at the gym. Their research shows that practice and small, consistent exercises can dramatically improve your self-control over time. Keep reading to discover proven willpower training techniques that can help you tackle any challenge.

What Is a Balance Sheet for a Business? A Financial Snapshot

A woman holding a sheet of paper with a dollar sign above her head, questioning "what is a balance sheet for a business"

What is a balance sheet for a business? What does a balance sheet tell you about a business’s finances that an income sheet can’t? The balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific time. Karen Berman and Joe Knight explain how balance sheets present your business’s overall value, what kinds of assumptions underlie your balance numbers, and what the balance sheet reveals about your business that a simple income statement cannot. Continue reading to learn the three main sections of a balance sheet and how to read one.

How to Hire a COO: 4 Steps From a Job Description to Onboarding

A CEO introducing a new COO to the team in an open workspace illustrates how to hire a COO

What makes a COO the perfect fit for your organization? How can you find and hire someone who will excel in this crucial leadership role? In The Second in Command, Cameron Herold provides a comprehensive roadmap for finding and onboarding the ideal chief operating officer. His guidance covers everything from creating detailed job descriptions to conducting thorough interviews and implementing an effective onboarding process. Keep reading to discover how to hire a COO who will strengthen your leadership team and help take your business to the next level.

What Is Technology Addiction, and Is It a Real Issue?

A person surrounded by tablets, phones, and computers, showing what a technology addiction is

What is technology addiction? What are the three mechanisms of addiction? Technology addiction is a controversial concept, as some experts believe addiction requires the use of mind-altering substances. However, Adam Alter argues that, on a neuropsychological level, technology can be as addictive as any substance. Below we’ll break down what makes something an addiction to show how technology fits the definition.

How Trauma Works: Peter Levine Explains the Disorder

A man sitting on a bed with his head in his hands illustrates how trauma works

What happens in your body when you experience trauma? Why do humans get stuck in trauma while animals naturally recover? In Waking the Tiger, trauma expert Peter Levine explores how trauma works in both humans and animals. He reveals the biological mechanisms behind trauma and explains why our natural healing process often gets disrupted. Keep reading to discover what trauma is and learn why your body’s stress response might be keeping you stuck in a cycle of anxiety and fear.

Underestimating Others: We Shouldn’t Be So Quick to Judge

A woman with a furrowed brow and a frown looking at another woman illustrates our tendency to underestimate others

Why do we often see others as less capable than they really are? What mental shortcuts lead us to make snap judgments about people we barely know? In You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney reveals how we frequently fall into the trap of underestimating others while overestimating ourselves. He explores fascinating psychological phenomena such as the third person effect and the fundamental attribution error that shape our perceptions of those around us. Keep reading to discover how these mental shortcuts affect your relationships and learn practical ways to make more accurate judgments about others.