3 Ways Therapy Contributes to Overly Emotional Children

An overly emotional child crying over a broken toy

Do you have an overly emotional child? How does therapy cause children to obsess over their emotions? In therapy, children often reflect on and share their emotions, and parents and educators regularly check on how kids feel. However, Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier argues that constantly asking children how they feel teaches them to see their emotions as overly important. Keep reading to learn why therapy negatively impacts a child’s emotional intelligence.

Why Business Projections Don’t Accurately Tell the Future

A line graph of business projections with an arrow going up

Are business projections always accurate? How often does the market change? Business projections are a way for companies to predict future income and performance based on current data. However, Stephen Denning’s book The Age of Agile says that using these predictions won’t give you an accurate reading. Keep reading to learn why you need to be careful with your company’s projections.

A Successful Businesswoman’s Story + Exercises: Jane Boulware

A silhouette of a professional woman in an office illustrates a successful businesswoman's story

What does it take for a successful businesswoman to maintain authenticity while navigating corporate America? How can someone build genuine worth beyond professional achievements? In Worthy, former Microsoft executive Jane Boulware shares her journey of overcoming personal and professional obstacles while staying true to herself. This successful businesswoman’s story reveals how she battled an eating disorder, faced workplace challenges, and found where true worth comes from. Continue reading to explore powerful insights about resilience, self-acceptance, and the importance of building meaningful relationships along the path to success.

Jane Boulware: Finding Meaning After Microsoft

The word "Purpose" written on a whiteboard

What does a meaningful retirement look like beyond the corporate world? How can former executives find purpose and fulfillment after leaving their careers? In her book Worthy, Jane Boulware shares her transition from a Microsoft executive to a life of volunteerism and mentorship. Her story reveals how retirement can become a gateway to personal growth, deeper connections, and meaningful community impact. Keep reading to explore Boulware’s inspiring journey of rediscovery and learn how she found renewed purpose by helping others.

How to Communicate Your Needs: Make Requests With No Shame

A woman communicating her needs to her partner

Do you wish you were more authentic as a woman? Do you have needs that you’re too afraid to ask for? Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak encourages women to channel their desires by making bold, unconventional requests that challenge boundaries and create new possibilities. Urbaniak suggests that by fully accepting our boldest wishes and asking for what seems impossible, we can unleash our fullest capabilities. Let’s look at how to communicate your needs without shame.

Mental Health Awareness in Schools May Be Going Overboard

A teacher giving a lecture about mental health awareness in schools

Do schools talk about mental health too much? Are mental health surveys intrusive on students’s personal lives? In Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier says that schools can contribute to unnecessary mental health treatment that harms children. According to Shrier, schools focus too much on students’s mental health by encouraging them to share feelings and make excessive accommodations. Continue reading to learn the different ways mental health awareness in schools is hurting children.

Competitive Advantage in Business: Why It Doesn’t Matter

Two leaders playing chess to get a competitive advantage in business

Do you want a competitive advantage in business? Why is focusing on your competition actually bad for your company? In The Age of Agile, Stephen Denning targets companies’s focus on competition and creating long-term competitive advantages. He claims that such attention on other businesses in this way doesn’t work for two reasons: rapid change and high customer expectations. Check out why competition isn’t the sole thing you need to pay attention to.

Rising Customer Expectations: Why They Want More

A line graph above shoppers showing rising customer expectations

Have you noticed a spike in rising customer expectations? How does focusing on competition distract you from your customers? A focus on competitors distracts companies from their customers. In The Age of Agile, Stephen Denning argues that customers should be a company’s priority because customers have higher expectations than ever. Discover why customers expect more from companies now.

The Damaging Effects of Social Expectations for Women

A woman looking at a blue wall, frustrated by societal expectations of women

Why do social expectations for women end up hurting them? How can women find power beyond just being nice? In Unbound, Kasia Urbaniak posits that historically, women adopted behaviors such as politeness, agreeableness, and prioritizing others’ needs as tactics for navigating a male-dominated social structure. However, in the contemporary world, these tendencies often limit our ability to express our needs and achieve our highest potential. Learn more about how to confront expectations that prevent women from succeeding.

3 Damaging Examples of Classroom Accommodations

A teacher helping a student with their work as an example of classroom accommodations

Are classroom accommodations always a good thing? What’s restorative justice and how is it implemented in school? Schools have long provided special accommodations to help struggling students succeed. But in Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier argues that schools now bend over backward to accommodate nearly every student request, a practice that undermines independence and academic performance. Discover examples of classroom accommodations that Shrier believes are harming students.