4 Prospecting Channels: How to Take a Diversified Approach

A saleswoman talking on a mobile phone illustrates various prospecting channels

What’s the most effective way to reach potential customers in today’s digital age? Which prospecting methods actually convert leads into sales? In Fanatical Prospecting, sales expert Jeb Blount reveals proven strategies for connecting with prospects through multiple channels. His comprehensive approach covers in-person meetings, phone calls, emails, and social media outreach. Keep reading to discover how to maximize your success across different prospecting channels and create a winning sales strategy that delivers results.

Repetition Compulsion: A Trauma Survivor’s Attempt to Heal

A woman with brown curly hair and closed eyes surrounded by red and black colors illustrates repetition compulsion in trauma

What drives trauma survivors to unconsciously recreate their traumatic experiences? Why do some people feel compelled to seek out situations that mirror their past trauma? In Waking the Tiger, Peter Levine explores the concept of repetition compulsion, which sometimes happens when people’s bodies naturally attempt to process traumatic events. Too often, however, this experience does further harm. Keep reading to discover why trauma survivors may unconsciously reenact their past traumas, and learn how this pattern affects their path to healing.

Think Too Highly of Yourself? 4 Reasons Why That Might Be

A woman with a smug look on her face illustrates thinking too highly of yourself

Why do humans consistently overestimate their abilities and importance? What mental shortcuts lead us to make unfair judgments about others while maintaining an inflated view of ourselves? In You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney explores the fascinating psychological phenomena that can cause you to think too highly of yourself. From confirmation bias to the spotlight effect, he reveals how your brain can create an unrealistic self-image while simultaneously oversimplifying your view of others. Keep reading to discover four common thought errors that affect your daily decisions and relationships—and learn practical strategies to overcome them.

How to Stop Judging People: Put a Positive Spin on Others

Two people facing a judge in a courthouse, showing how to stop judging people

Do you unfairly judge people? Why should you stop looking at people as saviors and oppressors? Viewing others as oppressors or rescuers makes others responsible for your life and well-being. To change this mindset, David Emerald recommends reframing the roles of oppressor and savior as catalysts and mentors. Continue reading to learn how to stop judging people and get rid of the oppressor vs. rescuer outlook.

How to Make a Difference in the World: 4 Tips From Steven Bartlett

A confident woman with a winter hat and scarf standing in front of a crowd illustrates how to make a difference in the world

What does it take to create lasting change in the world? How can you transform your mindset to reach your fullest potential? In The Diary of a CEO, Steven Bartlett shares powerful insights about making a meaningful impact through personal growth and strategic thinking. His approach combines practical wisdom with deep psychological understanding, showing how anyone can develop the mindset needed for success. Keep reading to discover how to make a difference in the world while staying true to your authentic self.

Willpower Fatigue: How to Preserve & Recharge Your Battery

A woman looking in the refrigerator, trying to decide what to eat, illustrates willpower fatigue

What happens when you make decisions all day long? Why do some people seem to have an endless supply of self-control while others run out quickly? In Willpower, Roy Baumeister and John Tierney explore the science behind self-control and decision-making. They reveal how willpower works like a battery that can be depleted and recharged—and how willpower fatigue affects our choices throughout the day. Keep reading to discover practical strategies for maintaining your mental energy and making better decisions.

Cash Flow for Small Businesses: How to Interpret Your Statements

A money tree against a green background, symbolizing cash flow for a small business

What are the three main areas of cash flow for small businesses? What does a cash flow statement tell you that an income and balance sheet statement don’t? The income statement and the balance sheet give an overview of a business’s financial position, taking into account past and future revenue and expenses. On the other hand, the cash flow statement fleshes out the full picture of where a business stands in the present—and whether it can afford to pay its bills. Let’s look at how to interpret a cash flow statement.

Cameron Herold’s The Second in Command: Book Overview

A professional man with a beard, eyeglasses, and a necktie reading a book at a desk in an office

What does it take to effectively manage a growing company? How can a CEO delegate responsibilities while maintaining control of their vision? A COO might be the missing piece in your company’s leadership puzzle. The Second in Command, a book by Cameron Herold, explores the vital partnership between CEOs and COOs, showing how this dynamic duo can transform business operations and accelerate growth. Continue reading for our overview of the book The Second in Command.

Telephone Prospecting: 4 Steps to Master Your #1 Approach

A male salesperson conducting telephone prospecting via a mobile phone at a desk in an open workspace

What’s the most effective way to connect with potential customers over the phone? How can you turn a “no” into a “yes” during telephone prospecting? Sales expert Jeb Blount shares proven strategies for successful telephone prospecting in his book Fanatical Prospecting. His four-step approach helps salespeople hook prospects’ attention, build credibility, and make compelling requests that lead to conversions. Keep reading to discover the exact steps for mastering telephone prospecting and learn how to handle rejections like a pro.

4 Common Symptoms of Trauma (Peter Levine’s Waking the Tiger)

A painting of a young woman with curly brown hair who is afraid illustrates common symptoms of trauma

What does trauma do to your mind and body? Why do some people seem stuck in a constant state of stress and anxiety? In Waking the Tiger, trauma expert Peter Levine explains how our bodies respond to threatening situations and why these responses can become chronic. He outlines the common symptoms of trauma and shows how they stem from our natural survival mechanisms gone awry. Keep reading to discover how trauma affects your nervous system and learn why your body might be stuck in survival mode.