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Do you picture yourself reaching your goals? What is Miracle Morning visualization, and how can it lead to results?
In The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod explains visualization and discusses what difference it can make. He provides three simple steps to make creative visualization part of your morning routine. Elrod also shows how a vision board can help you achieve success.
Read more to better understand visualization and learn how to practice it.
The Benefits of Miracle Morning Visualization
Through visualization, you increase your chances of success by imagining yourself achieving the results you want. A Miracle Morning visualization routine makes this a daily reality.
Athletes, musicians, and others often mentally rehearse a competition or a performance. For instance, golfer Tiger Woods mentally rehearses performing a perfect swing on each hole. Others who say visualization has contributed to their success include Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, Oprah, and Will Smith.
Elrod used creative visualization to help him complete this book. He visualized himself writing easily, without stress or writer’s block, and enjoying the creative process. He also visualized people reading his book and enthusiastically sharing it with friends. His positive visualization of the process provided the motivation to overcome procrastination.
Combined with reading your affirmations, Miracle Morning visualization programs your subconscious mind for success. Some self-help writers believe visualizing your goals actually attracts these outcomes to your life. But whether or not you believe in the “law of attraction,” there are benefits:
- Visualizing what you want generates positive emotions that encourage and help move you toward your vision.
- Experiencing the feelings you will have when you achieve your goal makes the possibility of achieving it feel more real.
- The more your thoughts and feelings are aligned with your vision, the more motivated you are to take action.
3 Steps for Visualization
Immediately after reading your affirmations—where you focused on your goals and on changing yourself to achieve them—reinforce them by visualizing yourself achieving them.
To practice Miracle Morning visualization, start with just five minutes of creative visualization, following three steps:
1) Set the stage: Some people play instrumental music during visualization (Bach is a good choice). Set the volume low, sit up straight, but comfortably. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and clear your mind.
2) Visualize the results you want and see yourself achieving them: During your Miracle Morning visualization, use your senses to see, hear, feel, touch, smell, taste every aspect of your dream. The more detailed and real you make the mental picture, the more motivated you’ll be to take action. Then, envision yourself achieving your goals (in the way Elrod visualized people enjoying and recommending his book). Imagine how good it will feel to have followed through and achieved your goals.
3) Visualize the person you need to be and what you need to do: With a clear mental image of what you want, imagine yourself changing, living, and acting in ways that enable you to achieve your vision. As you practice your Miracle Morning visualization, see yourself studying, writing, making calls, or doing whatever you’ll need to do to reach your goals. Picture yourself with a look of confidence or determination on your face.
Make a Vision Board for Creative Visualization
You may also want to create a vision board as an additional visualization aid. A vision board is a poster board on which you post images of what you want to become, have, and do. You can use photos, magazine cut-outs, internet printouts, quotes and inspirations representing your purpose and ideal future.
This technique is described in the book and film, The Secret. Also, there are numerous videos and step-by-step instructions available online. Remember, though, that while looking at your vision board may be inspiring and help you focus on your goals, you have to take action in order to achieve them.
(Shortform note: Read the Shortform summary of The Secret here.)
You’re now well on your way to establishing a Miracle Morning visualization routine!

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Like what you just read? Read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning" at Shortform .
Here's what you'll find in our full The Miracle Morning summary :
- How getting up early and following a simple, daily routine can empower anyone to transform any area of their life
- How Elrod's "Life S.A.V.E.R.S." routine can help you feel energized and motivated
- Why hitting the snooze button is comparable to resisting your life