A person having a spiritual lucid dream of themselves walking up stairs in the clouds

Is lucid dreaming a spiritual experience? How do some encounter God while they sleep?

In waking life, we’re used to having many restrictions, but in lucid dreams, there are no limitations on who we are, where we go, or what we do. While lucid dreaming, some even report encountering angels or even God.

Here’s how lucid dreaming can be a spiritual experience for some.

Explore Your Spirituality in Your Dreams

For some, lucid dreaming is spiritual. According to LaBerge’s research in Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, many people who have lucid dreams report having powerful spiritual experiences that change their understanding of themselves and reality. They visit other dimensions, commune with angels, or encounter God. Lucid dreaming can, therefore, offer a glimpse of magic and a sense of a much larger, mysterious reality beyond your everyday experiences. 

Lucid dreams give you a degree of control that isn’t possible in waking life, but according to the authors, they can also lead you to profound spiritual experiences by allowing you to surrender that control completely. To do this, you let go of any agenda you may have and forfeit all control to something bigger than yourself. This can be any concept that appeals to you and doesn’t need to be tied to any one religion’s ideas about God—for example, your higher self, the collective unconscious, or the universe itself.

(Shortform note: Some psychologists use a technique called therapeutic surrender, which shares some similarities and differences with the surrender the authors recommend here. Instead of letting go of control in a lucid dream, with therapeutic surrender you work to let go of the impulse to avoid or distract yourself from anxious feelings in your waking life. To do this, you must resist habits like seeking validation from others on social media and repetitive actions like overeating, and instead focus on understanding and allowing your discomfort without judgment. Surrendering allows you to let go of the need for certainty and to find peace in the present moment, which can be particularly beneficial during times of uncertainty and stress.)

To experience what surrender can offer you, the authors recommend doing the following: When you find yourself in a challenging, confusing, or overwhelming lucid dream scenario, stop any actions and open yourself up to whatever spiritual experience is meant for you in that moment. According to the authors, many people report that their dreams suddenly transform and they have transcendent experiences such as feeling at one with the universe, sensing their sense of self expand, and encountering mystical realities such as heaven, Nirvana, and the Void.

(Shortform note: In contrast with the authors’ account of the spiritual benefits of surrender, many self-help and New Age teachers claim that surrender is a powerful method to improve the material circumstances of your waking life. In You Are a Badass, Jen Sincero explains that when you practice surrendering to the universe, you step back from trying to control outcomes in your life and allow things to unfold naturally. According to Sincero, surrendering isn’t a hopeless act of giving up. Instead, it’s guided by love and trust—when you surrender, you have faith that your deepest desires can and will manifest, which allows positive energy to flow and creates space for your aspirations to materialize.)

The authors explain that you can also take a more directive approach when seeking spiritual experiences in lucid dreams. They suggest you reflect on what your ultimate spiritual goal is and choose a phrase to repeat in your lucid dreams which represents your aspiration. For example, you could say, “I am seeking God,” “I want to understand my true self,” or “What is my purpose in life?” Once you’re in a lucid dream and repeating your chosen phrase, the authors recommend you open yourself up to whatever experiences unfold and try to not predict or control the outcome. 

(Shortform note: The authors aren’t explicit about what spiritual goals are or why you’d want to have them. Some self-help experts suggest that connecting with your spirituality and setting spiritual goals can broaden your perspective, improve your mental and emotional well-being, and help you find alternative solutions to life’s challenges. Spiritual goals can encompass many things, including fostering more compassion, living according to your values, letting go of control, understanding yourself better, applying spiritual teachings to problem-solving, and learning more about God and the universe.)

How Lucid Dreaming Can Be a Spiritual Experience

Hannah Aster

Hannah graduated summa cum laude with a degree in English and double minors in Professional Writing and Creative Writing. She grew up reading books like Harry Potter and His Dark Materials and has always carried a passion for fiction. However, Hannah transitioned to non-fiction writing when she started her travel website in 2018 and now enjoys sharing travel guides and trying to inspire others to see the world.

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