A man and a woman talking in a dimly lit bar, he is learning how to be appealing to women

What do women find intriguing in a conversation? How can you be appealing to women? How can you appear mysterious?

In his book Conversation Casanova, Dave Perrotta gives advice to men who are looking to up their conversation game. He suggests maintaining an air of mystery, leading the conversation, demonstrating altruism, and more.

Here’s how you can captivate women with your conversation skills.

Engaging Women in Conversation

You can learn how to become appealing to women by mastering the art of engaging dialogue. Show your value through confident behavior and understanding social dynamics. Be discerning by subtly indicating interest, which conveys your selectiveness about who you let into your life.

Tell Engaging Stories

Use storytelling strategically to emphasize your attractive characteristics. Share captivating tales of your achievements, relationships you’ve built, or instances of helping others. Recount a personal triumph to show how you’ve successfully navigated life’s obstacles.

(Shortform note: While storytelling can be an effective way to communicate one’s qualities, it’s important that these stories are truthful and not exaggerated to impress.)

Highlight Attractive Qualities

Showcase appealing traits like leadership, social skills, generosity, and problem-solving abilities. Pursuing goals actively reflects success and an ability to navigate your own path. Being sociable shows self-assurance and an extensive network. Talk about times you’ve helped a friend or share kind deeds to illustrate your altruism, which women greatly admire in a potential partner. Describe how you’ve overcome challenges to demonstrate problem-solving skills. Highlighting these qualities through conversation enhances your appeal beyond looks alone.

Be Intriguing Yet Mysterious

Engage women and steer the conversation to maintain an impression of high value, without oversharing too quickly. Pique her curiosity so she wants to learn more about you. Mention a favorite travel spot and ask about hers, hinting at adventurous experiences without excessive details. Preserve some mystery by not revealing everything, encouraging her to converse more to discover who you are.

(Shortform note: Maintaining a sense of mystery can be intriguing, but transparency and honesty are also highly valued in building a genuine connection.)

Lead the Interaction

Guide the conversation’s direction and pace to maintain dominance. Take the lead by navigating her through a crowd. Introduce interesting topics, then skillfully shift focus to her for meaningful dialogue without seeming self-absorbed. Sustaining an engaging discussion heightens her interest and desire to keep talking with you.

How to Be Appealing to Women in a Conversation

Hannah Aster

Hannah graduated summa cum laude with a degree in English and double minors in Professional Writing and Creative Writing. She grew up reading books like Harry Potter and His Dark Materials and has always carried a passion for fiction. However, Hannah transitioned to non-fiction writing when she started her travel website in 2018 and now enjoys sharing travel guides and trying to inspire others to see the world.

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