a man in a hooded jacket walking on an urban street at night in falling snow, city and vehicle lights shine in the background

What’s it like to lead a gang? Why would a gang leader take a sociology student into his inner circle?

In Sudhir Venkatesh’s book Gang Leader for a Day, JT’s story provides a rare glimpse into the hidden realms of the Chicago underworld. The leader of the Black Kings gang forms a surprising bond with Venkatesh, who’s conducting immersive fieldwork.

Continue reading for a fascinating sketch of a real gang leader who holds sway even beyond the Black Kings.

JT in Gang Leader for a Day

Sudhir Venkatesh’s years of immersive fieldwork provide a deep understanding of the Black Kings gang, particularly highlighting his nuanced relationship with the leader, JT. Over several years, Venkatesh had the rare opportunity to interact closely with the gang, fostering a deep and lasting connection with JT and his members.

The Black Kings operate much like a corporation, with a clear hierarchy. According to Venkatesh’s book Gang Leader for a Day, JT holds absolute authority and delegates enforcement duties within the drug trade. JT’s role also illustrates the complex nature of the gang’s community involvement. He organizes basketball tournaments and participates in voter registration drives, showcasing the multifaceted nature of their activities.

As Venkatesh spent considerable time observing the gang’s dynamics and conduct, he became a familiar figure in their community. The members recognized him as “the Indian man” who spent time in their circles, indicating his acceptance into their tight-knit group.

As his relationship with JT and the gang strengthened, Venkatesh participated in significant events that improved his understanding of their internal dynamics. JT, who took pride in telling his friends about Venkatesh’s work, regarded him as a personal chronicler.

For nearly a decade, the gang members allowed Venkatesh to integrate into their community. They grew to trust him enough to disclose the specifics of their financial dealings recorded in spiral notebooks. This unique rapport and confidence led to Venkatesh’s profound understanding of the gang’s operations.

Venkatesh’s close relationship with JT is evident in his unique understanding of the leader’s concerns. He gained insight into JT’s exhaustion with his role, his worries about the gang’s future, and his attempts at legitimate business ventures, including an unsuccessful hair salon. Despite coming from markedly different worlds, they deeply understood the substantial role they played in each other’s lives.

JT Lets Venkatesh Take the Lead

As their bond grew stronger, Venkatesh evolved from a mere observer to an active participant. JT’s behavior, which included allowing Venkatesh to briefly take on a leadership position, demonstrates their unique connection. In a particularly notable instance, JT assigned Venkatesh the role of temporary gang leader for a day, giving him a close-up view of the gang’s internal dynamics while protecting him from typical risks of violence.

Venkatesh’s involvement deepened to the point where he was offering guidance, making choices, and occasionally guaranteeing the well-being of gang members. For example, he dedicated himself to protecting a young individual named Shorty-Lee. This evolution from observer to active participant blurred the line of objectivity and raised ethical concerns.

Furthermore, Venkatesh’s deep involvement included acting as a negotiator on behalf of the gang, facilitating the use of church properties with religious figures, and settling internal disputes. At one point, he even found himself mediating a financial dispute among group members.

When JT offers research advice and shows concern for Venkatesh’s safety, it touches Venkatesh in unexpected ways, highlighting the delicate balance he must maintain.

Ultimately, Sudhir Venkatesh’s extensive immersion with the Black Kings and his relationship with JT offer an extraordinary view into a world usually hidden from academic and public examination. This rare perspective is made possible by the delicate balance Venkatesh maintains between closeness and distance, involvement and observation. However, it also highlights the ethical dilemmas inherent in such deeply immersive fieldwork, particularly regarding the potential impacts on the individuals and their neighborhood, as well as Venkatesh’s responsibilities toward them.

Gang Leader for a Day: JT’s Role in the Gang & the Community

Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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