What Is Physical Intelligence? Howard Gardner Identifies 2 Types

An artist painting in an art studio illustrates the question "What is physical intelligence?"

What is physical intelligence? What are the two forms of physical intelligence that shape how we interact with the world? How do these intelligences manifest in artists, athletes, and our everyday movements? In Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner identifies spatial intelligence and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as the two physical intelligences that help us navigate and manipulate our environment. These intelligence types control our ability to visualize objects, navigate spaces, and coordinate our physical movements. Keep reading to discover how these intelligences develop throughout childhood, where they’re located in our brains, and why Michelangelo and Bruce Lee represent genius-level abilities in these

Controlling the Flow of Information in Society: Truth vs. Order

A scale with "TRUTH" on one side and "ORDER" on the other illustrates the implications of controlling the flow of information

Why do some societies prioritize controlling information over seeking truth? What can nature teach us about managing the spread of misinformation? In his book Nexus, Yuval Noah Harari explores how societies control the flow of information through networks of people sharing stories. From coral reef fish to modern democracies, different communities have developed unique ways to balance truth-telling with maintaining social order. Keep reading to discover fascinating examples of information networks in nature and human society, and learn why finding the right balance between truth and order is crucial for our future.

Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence (Howard Gardner)

Two couples talking and laughing at a table in a restaurant illustrate intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence

What makes some people deeply self-aware while others excel at reading social situations? Why do these two abilities often develop together and influence each other so strongly? In Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner explores intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence as complementary forms of understanding. Intrapersonal intelligence entails recognizing your emotions and motivations, while interpersonal intelligence helps you understand and connect with others. Read on to dive deeper into how these essential personal intelligences shape your relationships, self-awareness, and interactions with the world around you.

Yuval Noah Harari: Truth and Information Aren’t One and the Same

The word "TRUTH" painted as graffiti on a concrete wall

What separates truth from the information we consume and share? Why do compelling stories hold more power than facts in shaping our beliefs? According to Yuval Noah Harari, truth and information in human society have a complex relationship. He reveals how stories and shared beliefs—regardless of their truth value—unite people and drive social change. Keep reading to discover Harari’s fascinating insights about truth and information from his book Nexus.

Your Intelligence Profile: Gardner’s 7 Intelligences (+ Exercise)

A split screen with seven different people in a cartoon style illustrates various intelligence profiles

Is your learning style understood by traditional teaching methods? How can knowing your intelligence profile improve your personal and professional life? In his book Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner writes that humans possess seven distinct types of intelligence, each functioning independently. Gardner’s seven intelligences represent a framework that challenges the conventional understanding of human cognitive abilities. Read on to explore these intelligence types, how they develop, and what your intelligence profile reveals about your unique strengths and learning style.

How Does Stress Impact Memory? A Neuroscientist Explains

A man with his hands on the sides of his head illustrates the question, "How does stress impact memory?"

How does stress impact memory? Why can you remember some details of a stressful event perfectly while completely forgetting others? In her book Remember, Lisa Genova explores the fascinating relationship between stress and memory. She explains how our brain’s stress response—though vital for survival—can both enhance and impair different aspects of memory formation and recall. Keep reading to discover how acute and chronic stress affect your memory, attention, and cognitive functioning in surprising ways.

With AI, Truth Isn’t a Priority: Yuval Noah Harari Explains Why

A ChatGPT conversation about its truthfulness illustrates the issue of AI truth

What happens when AI systems get better at mimicking human emotions and creating emotional connections? How can we ensure that, with AI, truth remains a priority? In his book Nexus, Yuval Noah Harari reveals how AI’s growing ability to generate human-like content poses unprecedented challenges to our relationship with truth. AI systems are becoming increasingly skilled at creating emotional connections while potentially compromising accuracy and authenticity. Keep reading to explore why the quest for truth in AI systems matters more than ever, and what we can do about it.

Remember: Lisa Genova on the Science of Memory (Overview)

An older woman with gray hair reading a book in the kitchen

How does your brain decide what’s worth remembering? What’s actually happening when you can’t recall someone’s name or where you parked your car? In her book Remember, Lisa Genova explains the fascinating science of memory formation and why forgetting is actually a vital brain function. Drawing from her background in neuroscience, she breaks down complex processes into clear, actionable insights about remembering and forgetting. Keep reading to discover why your memory works the way it does—and how to make it work better for you.

AI Manipulation: Yuval Noah Harari on the Threat & Its Solution

A man with a surprised expression behind a laptop illustrates AI manipulation

Can AI algorithms really control what stories and ideas shape our beliefs? What happens when machines—not humans—become the primary creators and curators of our cultural narratives? In his book Nexus, Yuval Noah Harari explores how AI manipulation is fundamentally changing who controls public discourse. The shift from human editors to profit-driven AI systems marks a crucial turning point in how information spreads and shapes society. Keep reading to discover what this means for our future and the concrete steps we can take to protect ourselves from unchecked AI influence.

AI and Human Agency: A Delicate Balance (Harari)

An AI robot and a human child looking at each other illustrates the balance of AI and human agency

What happens when artificial intelligence becomes better than humans at understanding our social systems and stories? How can we maintain control over AI as it grows more powerful? In his book Nexus, Yuval Noah Harari explores the complex relationship between AI and human agency. He warns that AI systems are advancing rapidly, potentially surpassing our ability to comprehend and shape the social structures that organize our world. Keep reading to discover how we can maintain human agency while harnessing the benefits of AI technology.