An open Bible on a coffee table illustrates the role of religion in a person's life

Why does faith remain so vital in the face of life’s toughest challenges? What can unexpected moments teach us about finding joy amid difficulty?

In his book Unscripted, Ernie Johnson Jr. reveals how faith transformed his approach to life’s greatest trials. For Ernie Johnson, religion became the cornerstone that helped him navigate everything from parenting challenges to cancer, while discovering profound joy in unexpected places.

Keep reading to discover how one man’s spiritual journey led to deeper purpose, stronger family bonds, and an appreciation for life’s surprising “blackberry moments.”

Ernie Johnson’s Religion

In the life of Ernie Johnson, religion plays a central role. His story demonstrates how faith can powerfully transform the way we handle life’s challenges. He shows that surrendering to Christ and maintaining an active prayer life can build resilience and foster optimism. Even in difficult times, he found that unwavering trust in God’s timing provided the guidance needed to move forward.

Johnson’s life fundamentally changed when he embraced Christianity in 1997. What began as a simple search for a church to take his children to eventually led to a deep personal awakening of faith. Through the mentorship of Kevin Myers, whose patient guidance helped him better understand biblical scriptures and Jesus’s teachings, Johnson developed a stronger spiritual foundation.

He describes his transformation from living a self-focused life to one guided by a higher purpose. This shift required him to trust in God’s plan, even during times of uncertainty and challenge. According to Johnson, this decision not only strengthened his relationship with God but also brought new meaning and direction to his life.

Faith in Difficult Times

Johnson’s faith provided him with essential strength and peace during difficult times, particularly while facing his own health challenges and his son Michael’s battle with muscular dystrophy. Prayer became more than just a personal source of comfort; it served as a powerful force that positively affected his entire family. He drew particular inspiration from biblical teachings, especially the account in John 9 about a man born blind, which helped him understand that suffering often carries deeper meaning.

(Shortform note: The Gospel of John, chapter 9, includes an account of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. This miracle is significant because it challenges the prevailing belief that physical ailments were a direct result of sin—either by the person or their parents. Jesus emphasized that the man’s blindness was not due to sin but so that “the works of God might be displayed in him.”)

Johnson’s faith taught him that believing in God’s plan didn’t guarantee an easy life free from hardship. Rather, he learned to embrace life’s difficulties while seeking guidance and maintaining trust that divine direction would help turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Through his book, he demonstrates how faith can fundamentally change the way one approaches and handles life’s trials.

Getting Through Cancer

Breaking the news of his diagnosis to his wife Cheryl and their four children proved to be one of the most challenging aspects of Ernie Johnson Jr.’s experience. While he felt the emotional burden deeply and struggled to convey the seriousness of his condition, he remained determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. At first, he was reluctant to share everything with Cheryl—a choice he would come to regret, understanding later that couples should face such challenges together.

When he finally shared the news with his children—Eric, Maggie, Michael, and Carmen—their concerned faces touched him deeply. He emphasized to them the importance of maintaining open communication and trusting in God’s plan. Through this experience, Johnson learned that although sharing news of illness with family members is emotionally taxing, it’s a crucial step in dealing with the disease.

Throughout his health struggles and treatments, Johnson’s faith served as an unwavering foundation that provided him with optimism and resilience. A meaningful conversation with his pastor, Kevin Myers, transformed his perspective by assuring him that divine presence would always accompany him on his journey. The simple yet powerful principle “have faith in the divine. Period.” became his guiding light, giving him strength to face challenging circumstances.

Drawing inspiration from his mother and sister, who had both successfully battled cancer, Johnson approached his own diagnosis with determination and hope. He made a conscious choice to maintain his identity throughout his illness, preserving his natural sense of humor and living life to its fullest. Johnson emphasizes that maintaining an optimistic attitude, coupled with an steadfast faith in God, plays a vital role in navigating the challenging journey of fighting cancer.

Prayer and Trust

Prayer serves as Johnson’s constant companion, both in times of joy and difficulty. He finds comfort in seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, and sharing his concerns with a loving God who answers his prayers. Johnson advises others to embrace life’s unexpected paths, maintaining faith in a greater purpose even when the way forward seems uncertain, and remaining receptive to the wonderful surprises that life gradually reveals.

Ernie Johnson Jr. has learned to value patience, a virtue he regularly practices, especially in his relationship with his child. He understands that divine timing often differs from our personal schedules, and while accepting this difference can be difficult, it ultimately brings contentment. He emphasizes that we must acknowledge our limited perspective and our inability to always see what lies ahead.

Blackberry Moments

Life’s most profound impacts, Johnson believes, often emerge from unexpected events that catch us off guard and leave lasting impressions. He illustrates this through a story his father frequently shared about young baseball players who, upon discovering wild blackberries, paused their game to enjoy the unexpected treat. This simple tale exemplifies how we occasionally step away from our planned activities to appreciate unexpected beauty that unfolds before us.

Drawing a parallel, Johnson compares these children absorbed by a thorny bramble to adults caught in life’s rapid pace. While the children naturally pause for joy, adults often rush past similar spontaneous moments that could make life remarkable. He encourages us to be mindful of these “blackberry patches” that divine providence places along our path, emphasizing that we must slow down to appreciate life’s simple joys and chance encounters.

These moments, Johnson suggests, are not merely random coincidences but intentional interactions orchestrated by a divine presence deeply involved in our daily lives. He believes that by maintaining an attitude of openness and staying alert to life’s unexpected moments, we can access deeper happiness, appreciation, and engagement with our surroundings. Through this awareness, ordinary life transforms into something extraordinary.

Ernie Johnson: Religion’s Central Role in His Life (Unscripted)

Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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