Mounting 23andMe Problems Point to an Uncertain Future

People watching downward-trending graph of a stock price illustrate problems with a DNA testing company

Is your genetic data truly secure with direct-to-consumer DNA testing companies? What happens to your DNA information when these companies face financial troubles or security breaches? 23andMe’s problems of late highlight the risks of entrusting sensitive genetic information to private companies. From data breaches affecting millions of customers to financial struggles threatening the company’s survival, the situation raises serious concerns about genetic privacy and security. Keep reading to learn about 23andMe’s recent problems and what they mean for the future of consumer genetic testing.

Weight Bias & Harassment: How Lindy West Fought Back

An image of a scale representing weight bias

Why is society fixated on policing bodies and appearance? What drives people to engage in online harassment targeting individuals based on their weight? Weight bias and appearance-based discrimination continue to plague both online spaces and real-world interactions, as author Lindy West illustrates in her memoir Shrill. The internet has become a breeding ground for harassment, where trolls target individuals based on their appearance. Continue reading to learn how West fought back against harmful narratives and reclaimed her dignity.

Why a Meritocracy Society Probably Doesn’t Exist

A smiling woman holding a trophy in a meritocracy society

What’s a meritocracy society? Is the world a fair and just place? Jeffrey Pfeffer believes that many people don’t seek out power (or actively avoid it) because they think that the world is a meritocracy, which means it’s a fair place. Therefore, they believe that if they work hard, follow the rules, and perhaps do a good deed from time to time, then they’ll be rewarded with safety and prosperity.  Find out why the world isn’t as fair as some people might think it is.

Do Animals Feel Pain? Here’s What Scientists Know (Ed Yong)

A frog on a lily pad illustrates the question, "Do animals feel pain?"

What happens in an animal’s body when it encounters something harmful? Do animals feel pain? How do different species process pain? Ed Yong’s book An Immense World explores the complex question of whether and how animals feel pain. From naked mole rats that don’t react to acid to fish that show signs of distress after injury, the animal kingdom presents a wide range of responses to potentially harmful stimuli. Keep reading to discover the surprising science behind how different creatures experience pain and what this means for our ethical treatment of animals.

Are Billionaires Ethical? Opinions From Both Sides

Mark Zuckerbers, founder and CEO of Meta

Are billionaires ethical or are they manipulating the system? How do the opinions about billionaires differ on the left and right? The United States has the most billionaires in the world, with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg at the top. With their expanding wealth and visibility over the past few years, billionaires are coming under more scrutiny. Here’s a look at the growth of billionaires, their influence, and opinions about them from all sides.

Evolution and Morality: Daniel Dennett Explores Reciprocity

A man giving a sack of food to another man in an ancient village illustrates the link between evolution and morality

What drives our understanding of right and wrong? How did humans develop their moral systems? In Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennett explores the connection between evolution and morality. He asserts that, from basic reciprocity in early human societies to complex moral frameworks, our ethical systems have evolved through cultural transmission and social learning. Keep reading to discover how simple acts of sharing and cooperation have shaped the moral principles we live by today.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Morality Needs an Overhaul

An old book in poor condition titled "Morality"

What drives our understanding of right and wrong? How do different societies develop their moral codes? In Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, morality is under the microscope. Nietzsche’s analysis explores two distinct types—master morality and herd morality—while examining how Christianity shaped Western ethical thinking. Keep reading to discover why Nietzsche believed Western society needed to move beyond traditional moral frameworks and create new values for the future.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Christianity Is Holding Us Back

The interior of an old gothic church illustrates the view that Christianity is outdated

What happens when a society bases its moral code entirely on religious beliefs? How can outdated value systems prevent human progress? According to Friedrich Nietzsche, Christianity is holding humanity back because its moral framework is stagnant and nihilistic. His philosophical work challenges traditional religious values and their impact on human potential, suggesting that Christian morality holds people back from achieving greatness. Keep reading to discover why Nietzsche believed we need a complete overhaul of Western moral systems.

How Tarana Burke Became an Activist for Black Rights

Activists for black rights at a protest in a city, holding a sign that says "BLACK RIGHTS"

How did Tarana Burke become an activist for Black rights? How did Burke protest against Donald Trump in the Central Park Five case? Burke explains that she gradually divested from the Catholic church she’d grown up in and chose to attend a public high school. This transition took place because her grandfather, a fiercely pro-Black radical follower of activists like Malcolm X, encouraged her to read books about Black history and to question the church’s complicity in the slave trade. Keep reading to learn more about Burke’s activism beginnings in high school.

Tarana Burke & the R. Kelly Docuseries Controversy She Faced

A silhouette of a woman being filmed for a documentary on a set

How did Tarana Burke contribute to Surviving R. Kelly? Why did she receive backlash for the docuseries? Burke has lent her expertise on healing from sexual violence to projects outside her “me too” movement. For example, she contributed to the Surviving R. Kelly docuseries, which detailed R&B artist R. Kelly’s serial abuse of Black girls and women. Discover the controversy behind Tarana Burke’s R. Kelly docuseries backlash below.