Are you having trouble figuring out what the customer wants? Do you need tips for good customer service? Exceptional customer service is so crucial for business success. In Excellence Wins, Horst Schulze examines some specific tips that all employees can follow to deliver world-class service experiences. Let’s look at Schulze’s great customer service tips below.
Rest as a Form of Resistance: Tricia Hersey on Fighting Back
Is rest more than just a break from work? Can taking time to relax actually be a way to fight back? Tricia Hersey advocates rest as a form of resistance. She challenges the beliefs of a society focused on constant productivity, arguing that rest is a way to heal from the damage of grind culture and imagine a better future. Keep reading to discover how rest can be a powerful tool for both personal and social change.
How to Satisfy Customer Needs and Wants: Be the Solution
Do you know what your customers need and want? What are three things that all consumers desire? Building customer loyalty is all about going above and beyond to create the ideal customer experience. To do that, you have to pay attention to the customer, even if they don’t explicitly say what they want or need. Continue reading to learn how to satisfy customer needs and wants.
What Is Grind Culture? Tricia Hersey Explores Its Roots
What is grind culture? How has society’s relentless focus on productivity affected your life? Tricia Hersey’s book Rest Is Resistance explores the concept of grind culture and its impact on society. She argues that this mindset, rooted in capitalism and white supremacy, has robbed us of essential human experiences and treats people like machines. Read more to learn about the origins of grind culture and how it has shaped our modern world.
How to Create a Positive Working Environment (3 Strategies)
Could your work environment use an upgrade? What are the main strategies for creating a space of positivity? Going above and beyond in fulfilling customer desires is vital for any organization striving to provide exceptional service. But savvy leadership also plays a key role in steering the company in a positive direction. Here’s how to create a positive working environment that’s fully committed to delighting customers.
How to Overcome Perfectionism & Accept Your Flaws
Why do you need to accept your flaws? How can you overcome a desire to be perfect? To stay focused on your goals, you need to acknowledge your flaws. Adam Grant explains that many people suffer from perfectionism, which counterintuitively prevents them from doing their best work. Keep reading to learn how to overcome perfectionism so you can continue your personal growth.
Slow Productivity: Cal Newport on the Lost Art of Accomplishment
Are you feeling overwhelmed by constant busyness at work? Is there a better way to approach productivity? In Slow Productivity, Cal Newport challenges traditional notions of productivity. He proposes a new approach that emphasizes quality over quantity, focusing on meaningful outcomes rather than visible activity. Keep reading to discover how Newport’s principles of slow productivity can transform your work life.
Work at Your Own Pace: 5 Strategies From Cal Newport
Are you feeling overwhelmed by your workload? Do you wonder if there’s a better way to approach your tasks? Cal Newport’s second principle of slow productivity offers a refreshing perspective on work. It emphasizes working at your own pace in a natural and sustainable manner. This approach recognizes that meaningful achievements take time and can’t be sustained through constant activity. Keep reading to discover five practical strategies for implementing this principle and creating a more balanced, productive work life.
The Top 2 Ways to Motivate Your Staff to Meet Company Goals
Does your staff seem unmotivated? Why do employees need to clear vision of the company’s objectives? Horst Schulze believes that too many managers view their employees as reluctant workers who need to be pushed or coerced into action. Instead, he argues that leaders get better results if they inspire their employees to want to work hard. Check out a couple of ways to motivate your staff to accomplish your goals.
The 3 Benefits of Asking for Help on Your Self-Improvement Journey
How can other people help you on your journey of personal growth? What are the benefits of asking for help? However you optimize your training, reaching your full potential is much more difficult when you try to do it alone. Adam Grant explains that other people can assist your personal growth by giving you guidance, inspiring a sense of purpose in you, and working with you as a team. Let’s explore these three benefits in more detail.