How to Identify the Problem: 2 Ways to Figure Out What’s Wrong

How to Identify the Problem: 2 Ways to Figure Out What’s Wrong

When you’re stuck, what’s the first step to getting back in gear? What’s a good way to identify a problem in a group setting? To solve a problem, you must first identify the problem. Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving by Bigrocks Thinking shares two practical frameworks to do just that: 5W2H and SCQH. They walk you through each framework in steps. Keep reading to crack the 5W2H and SCQH codes and clearly identify the problem that’s holding you back.

How to Structure a Story: 4 Ways to Get Your Message Across

How to Structure a Story: 4 Ways to Get Your Message Across

Do you have great ideas but struggle to communicate them effectively? How can critical thinking help you structure a story? The authors of Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving explain how to give good presentations and effectively get your ideas across by using critical thinking. They advise you to use stories to persuade and inform your audience. Continue reading to learn how to structure a story by using critical thinking principles and techniques.

How to Structure a Presentation by Structuring Your Thinking

How to Structure a Presentation by Structuring Your Thinking

What’s the pyramid principle, and how can it help you present information effectively? What if you structured your presentations as stories? The authors of Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving explain how to give good presentations and communicate your ideas effectively using critical thinking. They note that many people have excellent ideas but don’t understand how to structure their presentations. Read more to learn how to structure a presentation by structuring your thinking first.

What Are Extreme Interviews & Are They Effective?

What Are Extreme Interviews & Are They Effective?

What are extreme interviews? How are job interviews changing? Does extreme interviewing work? Job interviews are changing, with Zoom and AI screenings replacing some in-person interviews. In the case of extreme interviews, which use outlandish tactics such as brainteasers or making applicants dance, employers are putting candidates through the wringer like never before. Read on to learn about extreme interviews and experts’ advice on conducting successful interviews.

Brain Coupling: The Key to Efficient Teamwork

Brain Coupling: The Key to Efficient Teamwork

What is brain coupling? How does in-sync thinking foster collaboration in the workplace? Brain coupling is where your team is in sync with each other when it comes to ideas or projects. Vishen Lakhiani’s book The Buddha and the Badass claims that brain coupling is important for efficiency and decision-making in an organization. Discover how brain coupling works and why you should encourage it at work.

Dealing With Boundary Issues: Tips From a Therapist

Dealing With Boundary Issues: Tips From a Therapist

Do people often overstep your personal boundaries? How do you effectively establish and appropriately communicate your boundaries? Setting boundaries can be tricky, but it’s essential for respectful and harmonious relationships. It can be especially challenging to set boundaries with loved ones and at work. Therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab provides strategies for dealing with common boundary issues.

How to Make Work More Enjoyable: 4 Effective Methods

How to Make Work More Enjoyable: 4 Effective Methods

What’s the key to making work more enjoyable? How do you make a boring day fun at work? In The Buddha and the Badass, Vishen Lakhiani advises merging enlightenment and disruptiveness in the workplace. This is to turn work into an enjoyable and fulfilling pursuit for you and your employees, rather than a dreadful place to spend your day. Check out how to make work more enjoyable.

Purpose-Driven Employees: How to Motivate With Knowledge

Purpose-Driven Employees: How to Motivate With Knowledge

Do you have purpose-driven employees? How do you share company goals with employees? One of the best ways to engage your employees is to create a purpose for your company and share it with employees. In The Great Game of Business, Jack Stack and Bo Burlingham explain how to enforce your company’s purpose so your employees are inspired by it. Continue reading to learn how to encourage purpose-driven employees that are on board with the company’s goals.

The Importance of Transparency in the Workplace: 3 Benefits

The Importance of Transparency in the Workplace: 3 Benefits

What’s business accessibility? What are the benefits of transparency in the workplace? Accessibility is sharing enough information that employees can fully understand how the company operates. In The Great Game of Business, Jack Stack and Bo Burlingham say that being transparent with employees increases their accountability, productivity, and teamwork skills. Keep reading to learn about the importance of transparency in the workplace by understanding the three main benefits.