Your Path to Success Might Not Be the Traditional One

Your Path to Success Might Not Be the Traditional One

Is a low-risk path the right one for you? Would you take more risk if you had less to lose? Many people follow the traditional path to success—slowly ascending from one secure job to a slightly better-paying one. However, as recorded in Tribe of Mentors, some of Tim Ferriss’s experts note that constricting yourself to this path might keep you from building a career you’re passionate about. Continue reading for some advice that can help you figure out your path to success.

Expert Advice on How to Build a Career That’s Worth Investing In

Expert Advice on How to Build a Career That’s Worth Investing In

Are you just getting started in your career or contemplating a new one? How can you do your best to head down the right path? In Tribe of Mentors, Tim Ferriss passes along life and career advice that he received from experts in a variety of fields. Some of the insights cover how to build a career that you’re happy to invest in. Read on to get several practical tips that will help you carve out a fulfilling career path.

How to Support Your Team in a Workplace Setting

How to Support Your Team in a Workplace Setting

What’s the best way to support your team in the workplace? What are the benefits of a team-oriented style of leadership? Staying involved with your team and giving them autonomy earns you respect and better results. Discover Your True North by Bill George further says that this type of leadership builds strong relationships with employees that will make feedback easier for them to accept. Learn how to support your team members so they know you’re rooting for them.

How to Use Reward-Based Motivation as You Scale Your Business

How to Use Reward-Based Motivation as You Scale Your Business

Should you pay bonuses before or after the performance period? What’s the best way to use social incentives within a team? In The Voltage Effect, economist and professor John A. List offers his advice for how to take things from the small scale to the big stage. He shares a set of strategies designed to increase your business’s chances of success as it grows. One of these is using reward-based motivation. Read more to learn how to scale successfully by setting the right incentives to motivate your team.

You Are Your Best Investment: Advice From Pitbull & Qi Lu

effort and work

Are you just getting started in your career (or a new career)? What are you willing to sacrifice now in order to succeed in the long run? When author Alex Banayan wanted to find out how the people at the top got there, he set out to interview them. Here’s what he learned from musician Pitbull and executive Qi Lu: Work hard today for a payoff tomorrow. Read more to learn why you are your best investment.

The 3 Essential Ways to Improve Work Performance

The 3 Essential Ways to Improve Work Performance

Why are a support system and balanced life important for your career? What are the top three ways to improve work performance? Bill George’s book Discover Your True North focuses on strategies to become a strong leader by improving the way you work. He offers covers on how to bolster your leadership by maintaining a strong support system outside of work as well as maintaining a balanced life. Let’s look at the three ways to improve your work performance by keeping your personal life healthy and happy.

Is College Necessary for a Successful Future?

Is College Necessary for a Successful Future?

Why are more employers abandoning college degree requirements? What are the pros and cons of eliminating them? Is college necessary for a successful future? A growing number of public and private sector employers in the US are dropping college degree requirements for job seekers. Human resources experts say that, in the years ahead, successful companies will reduce requirements that narrow talent pools and hire candidates with evergreen “soft skills.” Here’s a look at the pros and cons of eliminating college degree requirements.

How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy

How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy

Do you feel the need to be productive all the time? Do you feel guilty when you do nothing? It’s easy to feel like you have to constantly be doing something. Social media declares that, to be a good person, you have to pay attention to the right post or cause; you feel like your time is money and you have to constantly use it productively. Jenny Odell says we must understand and resist this mindset. Keep reading for an overview of Odell’s book How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy.

How to Scale Culture as Your Business Grows (The Voltage Effect)

How to Scale Culture as Your Business Grows (The Voltage Effect)

As your organization grows, how can you maintain your culture? How should your teams be organized, and what should they prioritize? The Voltage Effect by John A. List is an economics text designed to help you understand the characteristics of scalable ideas. He argues that you should focus on building a sustainable culture while you scale your ideas. Read more to learn how to scale culture by embracing collaboration and diversity.

Scaling Strategies: 4 Ways to Help Your Idea or Business Succeed

Scaling Strategies: 4 Ways to Help Your Idea or Business Succeed

Have you ever had an idea with the potential to change your organization, your city, or even the world? How can you give it the best chance to succeed? In The Voltage Effect, economist and professor John A. List offers his advice for how to take things from the small scale to the big stage. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an activist, or anyone else with a brilliant idea, you can make use of his scaling strategies. Keep reading to find out how to help your idea succeed over time.