What are you really good at? What do you enjoy so much that it can make you lose track of time? If you have ADHD, you can achieve incredible things when you take on challenges that align with your strengths and passions. Edward Hallowell and John Ratey explain how and why this works in their encouraging book ADHD 2.0. Keep reading to learn how to thrive with ADHD by leveraging your natural interests.
America’s Work Ethic: The Cultural Pressure to Overwork
Is hard work a virtue? Is wealth a sign that someone’s a good person? American culture places a high value on hard work and productivity. This is a problem, according to radio journalist Celeste Headlee. In her book Do Nothing, she discusses where this value comes from. Read more to learn how America’s work ethic has been shaped over time.
How to Manage Your Emotions: 4 Steps for Better Control
Why is emotional intelligence important for leaders? How can you manage your emotions? The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership argues that to be an effective leader, you must understand and healthily manage your emotions. Failing to do so might lead you to repress and intensify your feelings, which can harm your well-being. Let’s look at how to manage your emotions so you can be the best leader for your employees.
Nancy Kline: Thinking Environments Need These 3 Qualities
Do you think better when you’re relaxed or under pressure? Does competition encourage or stifle effective thinking? In Time to Think, Nancy Kline asserts that high-quality thought requires dedicated time. It also requires the right environment. She identifies three characteristics of a setting that impact how conducive the space is to good thinking. Keep reading to learn Nancy Kline’s thinking environment recommendations.
Today’s Productivity Culture: Why We’re Obsessed With Work
Do you work more than you need to? Do you feel pressured to stay busy? Celeste Headlee writes that our modern productivity culture largely stems from changing perceptions of how valuable one’s time is and the pressure to achieve a more glamorous lifestyle. She also contends that the pressures can be even higher for women. Continue reading for this important discussion about the productivity-obsessed culture of today.
The 2 Essential Elements of an Authentic Leadership Style
What’s the importance of an authentic leadership style? What makes a leader true to themselves in the workplace? Being an authentic leader involves expressing your true thoughts and feelings, addressing problems honestly and directly with the people involved, and upholding your commitments. According to The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, these are all actions that improve team cohesion and reduce the likelihood of interpersonal conflict. Discover how to sustain an authentic leadership style that everyone will look up to.
The Negative Effects of Overworking: 3 Ways More Is Really Less
How much work is too much? Does multitasking increase productivity or lower it? Might you be addicted to technology just a little bit? In Do Nothing, radio journalist Celeste Headlee argues that, by trying to do too much, people are working less efficiently. This is because the human brain isn’t designed to multitask or work without rest. Also, the productivity culture has led to worse health outcomes and increased social isolation. Keep reading to understand the three negative effects of overworking that Headlee identifies.
When They Win, You Win: Overview of Russ Laraway’s Book
Why is there so much bad management around? How can you make sure you’re not part of the problem? In his book When They Win, You Win, employee experience expert Russ Laraway explains that employee engagement in the workforce is at an all-time low. But, it’s not the employees who are at fault; it’s their managers. Continue reading for an overview of this book that can help you become the kind of manager you want to be.
How Do You Spend Your Time? Find More Time by Tracking It
How do you spend your time? What would you discover if you accounted for every minute of your day? Radio journalist Celeste Headlee made positive changes to the way she lives and works. Now, she shares how you can live a healthier life—with ample leisure and social connection—by being more intentional about how you spend your time. Continue reading to see how this works and how you can change your relationship with time.
Why Ineffective Management Is So Common & How to Fix It
How many bad managers have you had? Are you sure you’re a good manager? What common assumption about good employees is misguided? Employee experience expert Russ Laraway says poorly trained, ineffective managers are everywhere, and they’re costing companies billions of dollars every year. However, he says he has the solution: By developing a few key leadership skills, you can greatly improve your team’s morale and performance. Read more to learn why ineffective management is so common, how you can determine your own effectiveness, and why improving your skills is easier than you might think.