How to Gain Respect as a Leader: 4 Key Qualities to Exhibit


Do you want your employees to listen to you? How can you gain respect as a leader? Before you can lead anyone successfully, your team must respect you, and that starts with having certain universal qualities. Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie explains that if your team respects you, they’ll be willing to follow your lead. We’ll explore the four qualities to exhibit so you learn how to gain respect as a leader.

Why Leadership Execution Skills Matter (Example + Actionables)

Why Leadership Execution Skills Matter (Example + Actionables)

Why are leadership execution skills important? What’s it like working for someone who’s an execution leader? People who lead by execution do anything possible to make their ideas a reality. This also involves making hard decisions for both themselves and the team. Continue reading to learn how to be a leader who focuses on execution, according to Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie.

The Future of Coworking Spaces: Will the Fad Continue?

The Future of Coworking Spaces: Will the Fad Continue?

What’s behind the rise in coworking spaces? What benefits do the spaces offer, and how are they adapting to users’ needs and preferences? Demand for coworking spaces is exploding globally, with a projected near-doubling of spaces by 2024 to 42,000. As coworking grows, the market will likely stratify into budget-level, moderate, and luxury tiers that cater to different audiences. Here’s a look at some predictions for the future of coworking spaces.

5 Accountability Exercises: Solve Issues & Preserve Relationships

5 Accountability Exercises: Solve Issues & Preserve Relationships

Are any of your relationships strained because of an unresolved issue? Are you afraid that, if you address the issue, the relationship will be further damaged? Accountability conversations are the discussions we have when someone breaks a promise, violates a commitment, behaves badly, or fails to meet our expectations. In Crucial Accountability, communication and management experts explain how we can have these conversations in a way that resolves the issues while preserving the relationships. Read more for five accountability exercises that will help you implement the ideas in this universally relevant book.

How to Maintain Inventory With Outside Funding

How to Maintain Inventory With Outside Funding

Why is inventory management important for small businesses? Where should you get funding to keep your business running? Once you’ve launched your product, you must maintain inventory and keep your product in stock. Running out of your product can be disastrous for your business: It prevents you from making revenue, destroys your sales momentum, and loses customer engagement. Let’s look at how to maintain inventory by receiving funding.

2 Major Benefits of a One-Person Company: Is It for You?

2 Major Benefits of a One-Person Company: Is It for You?

How quickly can your company pivot when it needs to? Do you crave independence, not just for yourself but for your business? In Company of One, Paul Jarvis advocates for one-person companies. He argues that, by owning such a business, you can exercise more control over your work and create your own schedule. Also, your company is more likely to ride the waves of external changes better than larger businesses can. Keep reading to learn about these two significant benefits of a one-person company.

Effective Feedback Discussions: 4 Ways to Avoid Defensiveness

Effective Feedback Discussions: 4 Ways to Avoid Defensiveness

Does feedback tend to bounce off your walls of defense? Do you shy away from giving feedback to others because of how they might react? Feedback can be gold. But, regardless of its value, it’s an inescapable part of life. So, it’s wise to learn how to give it, receive it, and respond to it well. In Communication Skills Training, James Williams shares advice on how to make the most of conversations that entail feedback. Read more to get four recommendations for breaking through defensiveness in order to have a constructive feedback discussion with anyone.

How to Prepare a Speech & Deliver It in 4 Simple Steps

How to Prepare a Speech & Deliver It in 4 Simple Steps

Have you been asked to speak in front of a group? Where should you start? Whether you’re in school or on the job, you’re likely to be called upon to make a presentation. You might be asked to make a toast at a wedding or a eulogy at a memorial service. Opportunities for public speaking abound, and having the skills to prepare and deliver a talk can set you apart and put you ahead. Keep reading to learn how to prepare a speech and deliver it.

Benefits of Speed-Reading: 4 Ways It Makes Life & Work Better

Benefits of Speed-Reading: 4 Ways It Makes Life & Work Better

How would your life change if you could read faster? What opportunities would open up? It’s probably obvious that speed-reading enables you to read more. But, it also can improve your focus on—as well as the comprehension and memory of—what you read, give you more joy and confidence in reading, and broaden your expertise. Let’s dive into the details of these benefits of speed-reading.