Could AI replace manual labor? Are robot workers more or less expensive than human workers? Large-language-model AI can interpret natural-language commands and convert them into sequences of commands that a robot can execute. This makes it possible to build general-purpose robots that can be told or taught how to do things like human workers—and possibly replace them. Here’s a look at how AI is taking over jobs and who is at risk.
How to Improve a Team’s Performance: Do These 3 Things
Do you give your employees regular feedback? What are ways to improve a team’s performance? To build a strong team, you must manage your employees’ performance by providing regular feedback, conducting periodic performance reviews, and enforcing discipline when appropriate. These techniques will help you enhance their overall productivity. Check out how to improve a team’s performance, according to The First-Time Manager by Jim McCormick.
The Power of Questions: Where Learning & Creativity Begin
What does the founder of eBay have in common with Isaac Newton? When are questions even more powerful than answers? Author and journalist Warren Berger says that questions are the basis of both learning and creativity. He contends that the ability to ask important questions can change our lives. It can even change the world. Keep reading to learn about the power of questions.
Workers Push Back Against Return-to-the-Office Mandates
Why are companies pushing to get employees to return to the office? Why are workers resisting their calls? What’s the future of hybrid and remote work in the US? US companies are urging or demanding that employees return to the office, but some workers are pushing back. Experts say that US work culture has permanently shifted, and that companies that work with employees to develop flexible policies will have the edge in attracting and retaining talent. Continue reading for both sides of the argument on whether or not it’s time to end remote work.
Ask “Why?” and “Why Not?” to Learn, Create, and Discover More
How often do you ask “Why?” How can asking “Why not?” lead you down exciting new paths? In A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger highlights the fundamental questions (or question starters) “Why?” and “Why not?” He explains how these words form the basis of questions that can increase your knowledge, challenge your assumptions, and invoke your creativity to solve problems. Continue reading to discover the power of asking “Why?” and “Why not?”
Ask “How” Questions to Turn an Ideas Into Realities
Do you have a lot of great ideas but struggle to execute them? What type of questions should you be asking in order to turn ideation into execution? In A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger urges us to ask important questions again as we did as kids. He discusses three “beautiful questions”—“Why?”, “What if?”, and “How?”. The “How” questions in particular have the power to help us capitalize on the creativity that the other questions produce. Read more to learn why you should ask “How” questions.
The 4 Fundamental Questions: Why, Why Not, What if, and How
Are you always that one person in the room who’s asking all the questions? Should you be? In A More Beautiful Question, author and journalist Warren Berger highlights four fundamental questions: Why, Why not, What if, and How. He calls them “beautiful questions” and contends that they form the basis of larger questions that can help you succeed in life both professionally and personally. Read more to relearn how to raise the questions you almost certainly asked all the time as a child.
How to Use the Pomodoro Technique (With Infographic)
What is the Pomodoro technique? How do you use the technique, and what are the benefits? The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that breaks work into short intervals of work and breaks. The method is designed to boost productivity and efficiency. To understand the method better, keep reading for an in-depth explanation and a Pomodoro technique infographic.
How to Prioritize Tasks at Work by Importance
How do you prioritize tasks at work? When you have limited time, how do you decide what gets done? To prioritize tasks at work, you can use the Eisenhower Priority Matrix, which takes into account both the urgency and the importance of each task. From there, you can decide what needs to be done now and what you can plan to do in the future. Learn more about managing priorities at work with these strategies from Camille Fournier’s The Manager’s Path.
Words That Change Minds: Book Overview & Takeaways
Are there people in your life you just can’t understand? Does it sometimes sound like they’re speaking a different language? In many ways, they are. Words That Change Minds, a book by Shelle Rose Charvet, contends that each individual makes sense of the world in a unique way. When two people approach the same situation with completely different frames of mind, it can cause miscommunications, conflict, and animosity. Continue reading for an overview of this book that can help you understand others as well as speak their language.