Peter Drucker: Innovation and Management’s Connection

Peter Drucker: Innovation and Management’s Connection

How do management and innovation go hand-in-hand? Where does innovation come from? Managers are responsible for keeping an organization afloat. In addition, says Peter Drucker, innovation is required by managers to steer their business toward the future, which requires experimenting with new ideas. Here’s how managers can use innovation to put their business on the right path.

The Benefits and Downsides of Starting a Side Hustle

The Benefits and Downsides of Starting a Side Hustle

Why are so many Americans starting side hustles? What are the pros and cons of having a side hustle? Nearly 40% of Americans rely on side hustles to supplement their incomes as inflation has outstripped wages. While extra earnings provide a financial cushion, side hustles can negatively impact work-life balance and health. Continue reading for more insights into the downsides and benefits of a side hustle.

Perfectionism at Work: Why It Can’t Be Achieved

Perfectionism at Work: Why It Can’t Be Achieved

Can perfectionism at work be achieved? Why should employees and managers embrace imperfection? While you should always strive to be ethical in both business and life, Thou Shall Prosper by Daniel Lapin warns that you shouldn’t be scared of accidentally causing harm. In other words, you should do your best to act morally and not be a perfectionist. Continue reading to learn how you can accept imperfection.

American Work Culture: How Work Came to Dominate Life

effort and work

Is your job a big priority in your life? Do you feel pressured to work more and more? In his book The Pathless Path, Paul Millerd discusses the traditional approach to work in America. He points to the historical events that made it popular to prioritize work ahead of everything else. And, he outlines the negative consequences of prioritizing work. Read more to learn how the American work culture came about and the ways it causes harm.

How to Find Your Freelancer Niche: Take the Path of Trial & Error

How to Find Your Freelancer Niche: Take the Path of Trial & Error

How do you go about finding your niche as a freelancer? How can you be sure that you’ve found it? Paul Millerd stepped off the default career path and embarked on “the pathless path” of freelancing. He now helps others find their way. He shares two criteria that you need to look for and shares advice on how to reach those goals. Keep reading to learn how to find your freelancer niche in today’s world.

Freelancer Motivation: 3 Ways to Keep Going Strong on Your Own

Freelancer Motivation: 3 Ways to Keep Going Strong on Your Own

Do you work for yourself and find it hard to stay motivated? What untapped sources of motivation are out there waiting for you? With a traditional job, it’s easy to know whether you’re on the right track—either you’re performing well and achieving traditional benchmarks, or you’re not. When you’re self-employed, it’s a little more complicated. Continue reading to learn three sources of freelancer motivation you should tap into.

Is Prompt Engineering the Future, or Is It Dying Out?

Is Prompt Engineering the Future, or Is It Dying Out?

Is prompt engineering the future? Or is the career path quickly becoming obsolete? Prompt engineering, recently touted as the new hot job, is already changing. While some experts say that prompt engineering is still relevant, others argue that increasingly advanced and intuitive AI systems will soon make it obsolete.  We’ll take a look at the future of prompt engineering below.

3 Ways to Reset Your Attitude Toward Work and Life

3 Ways to Reset Your Attitude Toward Work and Life

How do you define success? What do you value most in life? What fears do you have about making a living? We’re taught that prioritizing work is the best or only viable life path. But, Paul Millerd says there’s a better way. To make a change, you must first unlearn convention and open your mind to alternatives. He recommends the “pathless path” of freelancing, but his advice about work attitude is widely applicable. Keep reading to learn how to reset your attitude toward work by reinventing success, facing your fears, and discovering new values.

How to Use Systems Thinking in Business

How to Use Systems Thinking in Business

How does systems thinking in business grow companies? How should you show your care to everyone in a company? In Conscious Capitalism, John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia argue that leaders and managers can ensure that everyone involved wins if they demonstrate care and use systems thinking. By doing this, you’ll understand how their business and all interested parties are interrelated. Continue reading to get a better grasp of using systems thinking in business.