Are productivity and self-care mutually exclusive? How can they feed each other and even operate together? According to Grace Beverley, productivity and self-care can work together in supportive cycles. She shares four strategies that will help you be more efficient, thereby freeing up time for self-care. In turn, this energizes you to get more done. She also shows how you can engage in self-care while working. Keep reading to get these valuable strategies that can transform the way you work and live.
How to Create a Healthy Work Environment With Stability
Does your workplace support a “hustle culture?” Do you know how to create a healthy work environment? In unhealthy work environments, employees and managers work nights and weekends, practically live at the office, and attack their jobs with a frantic intensity. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson argue that this mindset isn’t necessary for an efficient business. Let’s look at how managers can encourage a work environment that isn’t built on unhealthy practices.
How to Give Employees Autonomy: 3 Tips for Managers
Why should managers give employees autonomy? Do employees need private time at work? A more relaxed workplace can be more productive than a frenzied one. As long as you give employees private time to work without being distracted, you don’t need to check in on them every minute of every workday. Let’s discuss how to give employees autonomy, according to It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.
How to Develop Employees to Their Full Potential: Use Motivation
Do you want your employees to perform at their best? How can you help employees advance in their positions? It goes without saying that an organization is nothing without the people who comprise it. The task of managers has always been to give those people direction, though the old style of top-down control is no longer always effective. Let’s look at how to develop employees to their full potential.
Machines Taking Over Jobs: A Tale as Old as Time
Are you worried that you’ll lose your job to a machine? What’s the historical precedence for this concern? Economist Robert J. Shiller points to several narratives that tap into fundamental themes that have shaped our collective understanding of past economic events. In turn, the narratives themselves come to have a profound influence on future events. One of these narratives entails machines taking over jobs. Keep reading to learn about this recurring economic narrative that provides some needed perspective.
The Benefits of Asynchronous Team Communication
Why is asynchronous team communication important? How does this type of communication facilitate deeper thinking? According to Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, many organizations hurt their employees’ productivity by creating a culture in which they’re expected to constantly check their messages. They also must be aware of the discussion going on in real-time chatrooms, but in reality, this isn’t necessary. Find out why asynchronous team communication is the better alternative in workplaces.
Peter Drucker: Knowledge Workers Make Up the US Workforce
What does the term “knowledge worker” mean? What should the goal of knowledge workers be? According to Peter Drucker, knowledge workers are employees whose primary contribution comes from subject-matter expertise that isn’t shared by everyone else in an organization. Knowledge workers are now the driving force in most, if not all, businesses and organizations. Learn how to guide knowledge workers and utilize their talents.
Managerial Decision-Making: What Does It Entail?
What’s managerial decision-making? How do you know if you’re making the right decision for the organization? It’s management’s role to make decisions based on issues affecting the whole organization. In The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker asserts that at the executive level, managers should devote their time to making strategic, broad-ranging decisions, not solving low-level problems. Continue reading to learn what it takes to make managerial decisions.
Breaking Down the Top 7 Qualities of a Good Salesperson
Do you want to boost your sales numbers? What are the qualities of a good salesperson? There’s no perfect formula that guarantees you’ll make a sale every time, but there are qualities that can push you toward success. Effective salespeople cultivate these core characteristics that improve their chances of closing a sale. Check out the seven qualities of a good salesperson and how to exhibit them on the job.
6 Qualities of an Effective Teacher That Set You Apart
Do you want to make a lasting impression on your students? What are the qualities of an effective teacher? Teachers are among the most important people in our lives. Not only do they prepare children for the real world, but they set students up for success and provide them with valuable skills. If you want to be someone who positively impacts the lives of students, uphold these six qualities of an effective teacher.