Do you have a jerk at home or work? Is there a way to protect yourself from them, short of avoiding them altogether? According to Robert I. Sutton, sometimes distancing yourself from jerks isn’t possible; you might be forced to be around them for extended periods. When a lot of interaction with a jerk is unavoidable, you can lessen their power over your mental state by changing your mindset. Continue reading to learn how to protect yourself from toxic people.
How to Avoid Toxic Coworkers (or Minimize Interactions)
Are there people who are making your work life miserable? Have you considered changing jobs just to get away from them? Your work time constitutes a big chunk of your life. The people you work with can make this time pleasant and productive or difficult and distracting. In The Asshole Survival Guide, Robert I. Sutton offers practical advice on how to avoid toxic coworkers or reduce your interactions with them. Read more for strategies that can vastly improve your work life.
How to Deal With Toxic People at Work: 4 Practical Approaches
Are toxic people making your workplace intolerable? Are you afraid that confronting them will make things worse? Just as there’s no one definition of what makes someone toxic, there’s no one way to deal with a toxic person. You must judge for yourself what strategies will be best depending on the situation and the people involved. Keep reading for some practical advice on how to deal with toxic people at work from organizational psychologist Robert I. Sutton.
Overemployment: Why Many Americans Are Working Multiple Jobs
Why are many Americans working multiple jobs at once? How does overemployment impact workers and employers? What’s the future of overworking in the US? Overemployment—working multiple jobs simultaneously—is a growing trend that’s enabling some Americans to significantly increase their incomes. While providing clear financial upsides, prolonged overemployment can negatively impact professionals’ mental health, job security, and relationships with employers. Here’s a look at the upsides and downsides of overemployment.
How to Accept Negative Feedback: Insights From Julie Smith
How skilled are you at objectively assessing the negative feedback you get? Do you know how to use it to your advantage? Or, does negative feedback just make you want to crawl into a hole? Negative feedback is hard. Perhaps you’ve experienced the shame that can accompany performance appraisals, customer reviews, captive audiences, or frank conversations with loved ones. But, there’s a way to find value in what people think of you, even when it stings. Continue reading to get advice on how to accept negative feedback from Dr. Julie Smith, Brené Brown, and Dale Carnegie.
3 Signs That Toxic Behavior in the Workplace Is a Problem
Are some of your coworkers jerks? At what point should you address their behavior? The first step to confronting toxic behavior in the workplace is determining the full context of the situation. Sometimes, it’s not worth it or necessary to take any action. But, sometimes it’s critical. If the situation meets certain characteristics, you need to address the behavior. Continue reading for tips from organizational psychologist Robert I. Sutton.
Assholes at Work: Robert I. Sutton’s Tips on What to Look Out For
Do any of your coworkers disrespect you? Do they make you dread going to work? In The Asshole Survival Guide, organizational psychologist Robert I. Sutton explains how to identify assholes at work. He also discusses three research-backed ways their behavior hurts the people around them. Continue reading for Sutton’s valuable insights.
Art Perfectionism: Tips From Elizabeth Gilbert & Julia Cameron
Is “good enough” not good enough for you? Are your standards unrealistically high? Are you willing to produce something that’s not all that great? Whether you create paintings, blog posts, music, or hairstyles, you have a personal standard. You might also tend to set that standard too high. We’ve pulled together some advice on how to overcome art perfectionism from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Read more to get some encouragement—and perhaps a needed adjustment in your standards.
3 Blocks to Creativity and How to Overcome Them
Do you feel stuck in your artistry? What’s standing between you and what you want to produce? Are you blocking your own creativity? A major step in cultivating artistry is overcoming negative thoughts and behaviors that block your connection to the creative force. Julia Cameron discusses three major barriers that prevent people from reaching their artistic destiny: perfectionism, limiting beliefs, and addictions. Let’s look at these blocks to creativity and how to overcome them.
40 Career Questions: Assess Your Job & Plan Your Next Moves
Are you content in your career, or are you itching to make a change? Are you worried about where the job market is headed and wonder how to maintain a competitive edge? Your job is a big part of your life. The more thoughtful and strategic you are about it, the more rewarding it can be. We’ve put together 40 career questions that will help you evaluate your career, assess your professional self, navigate career challenges, and plan for a second career. Continue reading for these questions that could set you up for greater success and fulfillment.