What metrics truly reveal your company’s financial health? How can you use these key measurements to prevent business problems before they start? Tracking the right profitability indicators helps business owners spot market changes and budget issues early. By monitoring specific metrics in real time, companies can adapt quickly and maintain steady growth without getting overwhelmed. Keep reading to discover how to choose the right metrics and set benchmarks that will keep your business thriving.
Billy Walters’s Sports Betting System: Its History & Components
What makes Billy Walters one of the most successful sports bettors in history? How did he turn sports betting into a sophisticated, profitable enterprise? Billy Walters’s sports betting system combines advanced computer modeling with precise bankroll management. His three-part approach transformed gambling from mere chance into a calculated investment strategy. Read on to discover how Walters built his legendary betting empire.
The 2 Types of Employee Performance Data to Collect
What are the most useful types of employee performance data? What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? In one step of Aubrey C. Daniels’s management approach, you collect baseline data about your employees’ current performances. You use this data as a reference point for evaluating the effectiveness of your behavioral intervention. Check out the two types of employee performance data you should collect.
What Is Narrow AI, and How Does It Work? (Rebooting AI)
What is narrow AI? How does it operate? How does it differ from true intelligence? In their book Rebooting AI, Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis explore the state of artificial intelligence. They explain how narrow AI works, its benefits, and its shortcomings. The authors explain the mechanics of neural networks and machine learning, highlighting their widespread applications and limitations. Keep reading to uncover the fascinating details behind today’s technology and its potential future.
Why Political Predictions Shouldn’t Be Made From Polls
How useful are political polls if you’re trying to make election predictions? What else can be learned from them? Political polls collect information on how Americans are thinking about political issues and candidates. However, they should be taken with a grain of salt, as results aren’t always accurate. Here’s a look at the usefulness of polls when making political predictions.
Why Math Is Important: 5 Ways Math Plays a Crucial Role in Life
Why is math important? How do statistics affect people’s beliefs? Math is everywhere around you, even if you don’t realize it. Numbers and statistics are essential for modern-day life to make predictions, solve simple problems, and answer complex science questions. Let’s look at why math is important in everyday life.
Weapons of Math Destruction: Book Overview & Takeaways
What’s Weapons of Math Destruction about? How is math used to discriminate against people in poverty? In Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil explores the difference between benign mathematical models and dangerous ones. She also describes the negative effects that dangerous mathematical models produce. Read below for a brief Weapons of Math Destruction book overview.
The Power of Math: Making Big Predictions and Decisions
How powerful is math? What’s the difference between benign math models and dangerous math models? In Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil notes that not all mathematical models are dangerous. When implemented responsibly, mathematical models can be powerful tools that enable organizations to make effective decisions that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Below we’ll define mathematical models to show the power of math.
The Definition of a Mathematical Model (Cathy O’Neil)
What’s the definition of mathematical models? Are math models biased toward a specific group of people? In Weapons of Math Destruction, data scientist Cathy O’Neil details the insidious ways mathematical models are being used to determine everything from interest rates to prison sentences. She contends that, while mathematical models can efficiently sort through vast amounts of information, they can produce dangerous results. Let’s take a look at O’Neil’s definition of a mathematical model.
The 3 Challenges in Data Science When Using Dangerous Models
What are the main challenges in data science? How can mathematical models be dangerous? A mathematical model is a mathematical simulation of a real-world event. Three characteristics make them dangerous: they’re opaque, they don’t incorporate feedback, and they operate on a large scale. Keep reading to learn more about the challenges in data science and math models.