Michael Oher: High School Football Offers Opportunity

Michael Oher: High School Football Offers Opportunity

Who was Michael Oher, high school athlete, before he was an NFL player? How did sports help shape his future? For Michael Oher, high school at Briarcrest started out with difficult, like the rest of his academic career. But Michael Oher’s life changed when he got involved in school sports and met the Tuohy family. Read more about Michael Oher, high school, and how his luck changed.

Lawrence Taylor: The Blind Side & The New NFL

Lawrence Taylor: The Blind Side & The New NFL

Who is Lawrence Taylor in The Blind Side? What is his role in the story? Though he’s not an actual character in the story, Lawrence Taylor’s The Blind Side role helps set up the premise of the story. Lawrence Taylor was a left tackle whose size and athleticism changed how coaches, players, and even recruiters looked at football. Read more about Lawrence Taylor, The Blind Side, and how he changed football to make way for players like Michael Oher.

What Is Deliberate Practice? Achieving the Impossible

What Is Deliberate Practice? Achieving the Impossible

What is deliberate practice? Is there such a thing as innate talent or is talent a product of deliberate practice? Deliberate practice is about building your potential and making possible what was once impossible. So, what is deliberate practice, exactly? It is a slow, iterative process that involves precise measurement, competition, templates, coaches, and extreme effort. There are no big leaps or breakthroughs, just hard work. Continue on to learn more about “what is deliberate practice,” and how you can use deliberate practice methods to improve any skill.

Starting Young Gives You Time to Become an Expert

Starting Young Gives You Time to Become an Expert

How do the world’s top performers tap into their full potential? What are the benefits of starting young? What sets apart the experts from the rest of us? Studies show that top achievers, whether it be in sports, music, or neurology, all have one thing in common: they started young. When children are introduced to their field of interest in a fun and playful way and are properly encouraged, they’re more likely to become an expert in their field later in life. Keep reading to learn why starting young is the first step to becoming an expert.