Woke Science: How the Left Masks a Lack of Consensus

Woke Science: How the Left Masks a Lack of Consensus

Is some science being canceled? If so, why? What issues are being targeted? Douglas Murray says that woke ideology harms free speech in a number of ways, not the least of which is in scientific discussions. He argues that science hasn’t corroborated many of the core assumptions now associated with Leftist views of certain topics, but the ideology presents these assumptions as settled facts. Continue reading to learn about “woke science,” according to Murray.

Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Sam Harris’s Apparent Paradox

Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Sam Harris’s Apparent Paradox

If free will is an illusion, are we responsible for our behaviors? Can we just blame external factors for our misdeeds? Many argue that, if we throw free will out the window, moral responsibility goes with it. Sam Harris rejects free will as a reality and asks us to consider moral responsibility in that context. And, he contends that embracing the illusory nature of free will actually helps us think and act in more ethical ways. Read on to understand Harris’s intriguing view of free will and moral responsibility.

Linking Culture and Economy: 3 Values That Affect Wealth

Linking Culture and Economy: 3 Values That Affect Wealth

Why do Protestant nations generally have more wealth? Why did the American South develop more slowly than the North? It’s no secret that some countries and regions have more wealth than others, but it’s not always obvious why that is. Proponents of cultural theories of inequality argue that three cultural values contribute to whether a nation is rich or poor. These are work ethic, openness to new ideas, and public trust. Read more to learn about the intriguing connection between culture and economy.

Consumerism and Mental Health: How Are They Related?

Consumerism and Mental Health: How Are They Related?

Does consumerism negatively affect your mental health? Does shopping distract you from the difficulties of life? It might be surprising to learn that consumerism has a negative effect on your mental health. While buying things can be satisfying, it also prevents you from solving real issues that need to be addressed. Here’s how consumerism and mental health go hand in hand, according to The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts.

Is Climate Optimism Toxic or Helpful?

Is Climate Optimism Toxic or Helpful?

What is climate optimism? Which is the best approach to climate change: denialism, doomism, or optimism? When thinking about the future of Earth, some people brush off any concerns (denialism) while others feel terrified and helpless (doomism). There’s another approach—climate optimism—but its advocates say we must choose the right kind of optimism to prevent the most catastrophic consequences of climate change. Continue reading to learn about climate optimism and it’s effects.

The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil: Book Overview

The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil: Book Overview

How fast is technology advancing? What do these changes mean for humanity? The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil predicts a technological shift so profound that it will change everything about our lives, how society functions, and even what it means to be human. Kurzweil calls this the “technological singularity.” Continue reading for an overview of a book that should have our attention.

Why the Rapid Advancement of Technology Is Exponential

Why the Rapid Advancement of Technology Is Exponential

When was the last time you upgraded your phone? How different is it from the previous version? Ray Kurzweil predicts a point in the future when technological progress will be so great that, for all practical purposes, it will appear infinite. We have to use our imagination to picture a world with such dramatic rates of change, but Kurzweil started looking at this in the 1970s. Read more to learn about the exponential nature of the rapid advancement of technology.

AI Is Taking Over Jobs—Here’s How & the Jobs at Risk

AI Is Taking Over Jobs—Here’s How & the Jobs at Risk

Could AI replace manual labor? Are robot workers more or less expensive than human workers? Large-language-model AI can interpret natural-language commands and convert them into sequences of commands that a robot can execute. This makes it possible to build general-purpose robots that can be told or taught how to do things like human workers—and possibly replace them. Here’s a look at how AI is taking over jobs and who is at risk.

Body Language Across Cultures: How Does It Differ?

Body Language Across Cultures: How Does It Differ?

How can we understand body language across cultures? Can you make sure that your use of body language is culturally sensitive? Body language customs are different across cultures, especially in reference to levels of appropriate eye contact and the use of hand gestures. By understanding these differences, you can become more aware of how you’re coming across to others. Read more about the differences between body language cues across cultures.

What Is the Technological Singularity? Ray Kurzweil Explains

What Is the Technological Singularity? Ray Kurzweil Explains

What is the technological Singularity? What’s the Catch-22 about our ability to understand it? According to computer scientist Ray Kurzweil, the Singularity of technology could lead to a future in which we use genetics to reprogram the body, we have the power to digitally augment our brains, and we even live forever. He explains this exponential progress in The Singularity Is Near. Keep reading to understand this profound technological shift that could change everything.