Technology Is Advancing Fast: Here Are 3 Reasons Why

An old man trying to figure out how to use an iPhone

How is technology advancing? What’s driving this accelerating pace of change in tech? At some point, we’ve all wondered what the future might be like. Whether you imagine it replete with flying cars or personal AI assistants, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler contend that it’s likely to become a reality soon. Let’s look at three reasons why technology is advancing so quickly.

Forced Migration of Native Americans and Settler Violence

A historic European street town

Why did the forced migration of Native Americans happen? What violence forced them to move? The forced migration of Native Americans occurred as Europeans moved westward and demanded more territory. Migration was often deadly and meant leaving sacred, ancestral homes.  Read more to see how Native Americans resisted westward expansion and how they were ultimately forced out of their homes.

The Pros and Cons of Solar Farms in the United States

A solar farm in field

What are the pros and cons of solar farms? How can developers address local apprehensions and advance larger energy objectives? Many rural US communities resist the development of solar farms, fearing their environmental impact, destabilization of local economies, and perceived inequitable returns. Solar supporters argue that the minimal risks from solar farms are outweighed by significant benefits. Here’s a look at both sides of the solar farm argument.

The US Rail System Wants to Upgrade to High-Speed Trains

A train going at high speed next to a field

What’s the history of the US rail system? Why has the US long failed to prioritize high-speed rail construction? Will there ever be a high-speed train in the US? The US Department of Transportation’s recent commitment of $6 billion to high-speed rail, fueled by the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, could ignite further development in domestic rail service. Despite the government’s renewed focus on high-speed rail, serious challenges remain. Here’s an overview of the conversation about the US rail system.

Native Americans in the 1900s: Resisting Imperialism

A US American flag on a sandy beach

What was the status of Native Americans in the 1900s? Were they still subjected to oppression? In the early 1900s, Native Americans were targeted by legislation that forced them to become United States citizens and took away their rights as indigenous nations. During this time, Native Americans also fought back and sought to secure safe places for their nations to live and thrive. Keep reading to see how things were for indigenous people in the United States during the 20th century.

Native American Struggles Today: The Right to Self-Determination

A man standing in front of two posts with arrows pointing different ways

What are key Native American struggles today? How are indigenous people fighting for justice in the 21st century? Native American struggles today are focused on the right to self-determination—for example, the right to independent governing bodies. Many see the current US policies as a continuation of the genocide at the foundation of the country. Here are some of the ways that Native Americans are still fighting for their rights.

The Childhood of Malala Yousafzai: The Family That Shaped Her

Malala Yousafzai

What was Malala Yousafzai’s family like? What values did they pass on to her? Malala Yousafzai was born into poverty in a society that valued boys over girls and religious tradition over secular education. Yet, she became a Nobel-winning activist for girls’ education. The values of her family—compassion, gender equality, education, hospitality, and compassion—shaped her life early on. Read more to learn about the childhood of Malala Yousafzai.

Patagonia’s Environment-Friendly Actions to Save the Planet

Patagonia sign

How does Yvon Chouinard use his business to help the environment? Why is Patagonia one of the most environmentally friendly businesses out there? Patagonia strives to use its influence and resources to fight the environmental crisis. Chouinard argues that businesses (like Patagonia) that use natural resources must take responsibility for the effects they have on the environment. Check out Patagonia’s environment initiative to get a better sense of its eco-friendly mission.

Malala: The Taliban in Pakistan Changed Her Life—But Didn’t End It

The official Pakistan flag flying in the air

How did the Taliban change the life of a young girl and her society? Why did she speak out against them, at the risk of her own life? Malala Yousafzai was only 10 years old when the Taliban arrived in her hometown in Pakistan. As their attacks on women’s and girls’ freedoms rapidly escalated, Malala began to speak out against them, even as she and her family faced death threats. When Malala was 15, the Taliban shot and nearly killed her. Read more to learn about Malala, the Taliban in Pakistan, and why they’re such fierce enemies of each other.