Future VR and AR Applications in Entertainment & Education

A student using a VR headset in class

What will virtual and augmented reality be used for in the future? How will entertainment and education improve with VR and AR? According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, the ways we learn and entertain ourselves will transform dramatically due to exponential technologies. What’s more exciting is that this will be in the not-too-distant future. Continue reading for future VR and AR applications in entertainment and education.

Understanding the Causes and Effects of Global Migration

A man with lots of luggage standing in a city outside a car

What are the causes and effects of global migration? How can countries respond to the challenges of global migration? Political instability, limited economic prospects, and climate change are driving unprecedented levels of global migration. While migration can provide economic and social benefits to host nations, it can also strain public services and fuel social tension. Keep reading to learn about the benefits and challenges of the increase in global migration.

How Does Technology Improve the Environment?

A city and nature being split by a rainbow

How does technology improve the environment? Can we produce food using fewer resources? Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler argue that exponential technologies are paving the way toward a future where we can save the environment. Specifically, we can be less wasteful in the ways we produce and consume food. Find out how technology can protect the environment and reduce harmful waste.

Why Forcing Opinions on Others Only Destroys Friendships

Two friends talking in a cafe

What happens when you force an opinion on other people? Does everyone have to agree on the same thing in a group? Brené Brown says that the instinct to find like-minded people becomes counterproductive when everyone must agree on everything. This type of thinking leads to unnecessary policing and self-monitoring to make sure no one’s stepping out of alignment with the group. Continue reading to further learn why forcing opinions on others hurts friend groups.

Genocide of Indigenous People in the American Colonies

A Native American spiritual ritual by a fire

How did the genocide of indigenous people in America happen? What were the colonizers’ tactics? The genocide of indigenous people in America was accomplished through tactics of total war, a method of decimating a population to force submission. Europeans attacked women, children, and the elderly, and they took or destroyed resources. Here’s how and why European settlers committed genocide in the Americas.

The Impact of Technology on Healthcare: Better Care and Assists

A female scientist using a microscope in a lab

What’s the impact of technology on healthcare? Will robots be doing medical procedures in the future? The healthcare sector is being transformed by technology every year. According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, exponential technologies are creating a healthcare system that’s personalized, proactive, and affordable. Discover more about how healthcare is transforming with the help of new tech.

The Impact of Technology on Transportation & Travel

A man driving a self-driving car.

How does technology affect transportation? Will everyone be driving autonomous vehicles in the future? According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, advances in sensor technologies, AI, and other technologies will allow us to travel faster and farther. They’ll also create opportunities to explore and inhabit new spaces. Read below about the impact of technology on transportation.

Westward Expansion of the United States and Its Impacts

Cowboys riding horses on the frontier

What did the westward expansion of the United States look like? What were its impacts on Native Americans? The westward expansion of the United States relied on violence towards and removal of Native American nations. An example of this was the Trail of Tears, a forced migration of 16,000 Cherokees where only 50% of the people survived. Here’s what happened when Europeans moved westward in the Americas.