Christianity in the 20th Century: A Gender-Based Critique

A half full congregation of a Christian church service inside.

How did Teddy Roosevelt help shape American Christianity? What impact did the wars of the 20th century have on the American church? As a professor of history and gender studies at Calvin University, Kristin Du Mez shares a new perspective on the history of American Christianity. She traces the evolving concept of masculinity within evangelicalism throughout the last century. Keep reading to get Du Mez’s take on American Christianity in the 20th century.

The Future Is Faster Than You Think: Overview & Takeaways

A young man reading a book with a city in the background.

How will new technologies change our lives for the better? How will money and finance how we know it change? The world is always evolving, and now it’s changing much faster than ever before.  In The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler discuss why change and technological progress are occurring at breakneck speed. Read below for a brief overview of The Future Is Faster Than You Think.

America Before Colonization: Dispelling Myths With Evidence

A sprout growing on the forest floor

What was it like in America before colonization? How did Native Americans live? America, before colonization, was a collection of richly developed, sophisticated nations that cultivated the land and lived sustainably. When you look at evidence of how people lived, you can see how the idea that indigenous people were uncivilized is a myth. Keep reading to see how Native Americans lived and why it matters to have an accurate historical picture.

How Is Technology Changing the World Today? 6 Major Impacts

A futuristic world where there's spaceships and flying androids in a city.

How is technology changing the world today? How will technology improve our shopping and traveling experiences? In what ways can technology reduce waste? Change is happening faster than ever. Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler envision how exponential technologies will dramatically change the world we live in, likely before the year 2030. Let’s explore six major areas where technology will have an impact.

Technology and Shopping: Simplifying Your Retail Experience

A robot wearing an apron and working at a grocery store

Is autonomous shopping the future of retail? Will there ever be self-driving robots to deliver your goods? As technologies mature and become more widely implemented in the retail industry, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler predict that shopping will evolve. This will be done in two major ways: automated shopping and tailored personal preferences. Keep reading to learn how technology and shopping will go hand-in-hand in the future.

A History of Christian Masculinity: From the Victorian Era to Trump

A man standing outside a church with a Christian cross.

How have Christians perceived masculinity over time? What influences have shaped these views? In Jesus and John Wayne, Kristin Du Mez argues that evangelicals endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election because he was the paradigm of militant masculinity that became orthodox among evangelicals in the last century. She traces the history of Christian masculinity from the Victorian era on. Read more for Du Mez’s historical assessment of American Christian masculinity.

Why Did Settlers Come to America? The Colonial Mindset

A wooden ship with sails representing the Mayflower

Why did settlers come to America? Where did the colonial mindset come from? Settlers came to America because they felt superior to Native Americans and wanted to secure their wealth for themselves. If you look at where European settlers came from, you can see how racism and poverty paired together to feed colonization. Keep reading for more on the reasons behind European colonization.

Future VR and AR Applications in Entertainment & Education

A student using a VR headset in class

What will virtual and augmented reality be used for in the future? How will entertainment and education improve with VR and AR? According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, the ways we learn and entertain ourselves will transform dramatically due to exponential technologies. What’s more exciting is that this will be in the not-too-distant future. Continue reading for future VR and AR applications in entertainment and education.