What are the most humorous moments from the Bad Friends podcast? How do Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee navigate political satire? The Bad Friends duo deftly tiptoes between the somber and the silly in a new episode. They embrace their unique ability to spin yarns that leave fans in stitches while simultaneously touching on history and the macabre. Keep reading for more insight on Bad Friends’s comedy moments.
Legislation for Online Safety for Kids Faces Obstacles
What’s the holdup over legislation to bolster child safety online? What concerns do tech giants have about potential legislation? Despite growing outrage over tech giants’ failure to address child exploitation on social media platforms, federal legislation to tackle the issue has stalled in the US Senate for years. The delay has been caused by tech lobbyists, competing legislative priorities, and the challenge of balancing parental concerns with children’s rights. Below we’ll dive into what the opponents and advocates of legislation for online safety for kids say.
The Importance of Entertainment for Creativity and Inspiration
What’s the importance of entertainment? What’s the “cinema of the mind?” The hosts of Last Podcast on the Left dive into the nature of entertainment in the episode, “Side Stories: Ham Hands.” Particularly, they show appreciation for personal creative thoughts—a theme resonating with reflective listeners. Let’s look at why entertainment has such a profound effect on people.
A People’s History of the Labor Movement in America
What’s the history of the labor movement in America? Why did they organize? What obstacles have they had to deal with? Howard Zinn explains that in the decades following the Civil War, the US industrialized at a rapid pace and became a global power—at the expense of American laborers. He explores the consequences of industrialization, how laborers resisted them, and the challenges the labor movement faced. Continue reading to learn about the labor movement in America, according to A People’s History of the United States.
Serhiy Prytula & Ukrainian Civilians Are Helping Fund the War
Who’s Serhiy Prytula? How does his personal journey symbolize Ukrainian civilians as a whole? An episode of The Daily podcast explored Serhiy Prytula’s role in Ukraine’s drone campaign, showcasing diverse civilian support in the war against Russia. From fundraising success to strategic impact, Prytula’s journey embodies unity and strength—and it’s helping shape the conflict’s narrative. Keep reading for a summary of the episode, along with some helpful context and additional perspectives.
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn: Overview
How well do you know American history? Have you been exposed to all sides of it? A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn provides a bottom-up view of American history focusing on Indigenous people, Black Americans, women, laborers, and activists. In doing so, he shares an alternative perspective of significant events, themes, and historical trends in American history. Continue reading for a comprehensive overview of this major undertaking.
The Empire and the People: Howard Zinn on New Imperialism
What was New Imperialism? Whom did it benefit, and how? In A People’s History of the United States, historian Howard Zinn discusses how and why the US became an empire in the chapter “The Empire and the People.” He argues that this “New Imperialism” accomplished the goals of the elites. Keep reading to understand Zinn’s argument.
Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee’s Halloween Rituals (Bad Friends)
What are common Halloween rituals? How is Halloween celebrated differently in certain cultures? In an episode of Bad Friends, Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee dive into the different Halloween traditions they had growing up. Their discussion includes a look at other cultures that don’t necessarily celebrate Halloween with great importance. Let’s look at Santino and Lee’s interpretation of Halloween during their respective childhoods.
Is AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Possible?
What is artificial general intelligence? Is AGI possible? Does it pose a threat to humans? Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a machine intelligence that understands the world as well as humans do. Hopes and fears about artificial intelligence reaching superhuman levels of skill or giving us a society run by robots are all predicated on the idea that we can build a type of AI that’s still hypothetical. Here’s a look at what AGI is, and if it could be dangerous.
The Impossible Victory: A People’s History of the Vietnam War
How did the US involvement in Vietnam turn into a full-scale war? What tactics did the US employ? In what ways did the anti-Vietnam War movement gain momentum in the US? In the chapter “The Impossible Victory: Vietnam” of his book A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn details the complexities of the Vietnam War. He sheds light on the significant role of the draft in shaping public sentiment and resistance movements. Continue reading to get a people’s history of the Vietnam War.