Why Is Homelessness Increasing in America? 5 Reasons

A cartoon of many homeless people, raising the question of why homelessness is increasing.

Why is homelessness increasing? What societal factors affect the homeless population? Homelessness in America has reached a high point in recent years. There are many reasons why the housing crisis isn’t getting any better, and they mainly point to systematic and policy issues. Learn more about the factors that are causing the unhoused population to grow every year in America.

How Sudhir Venkatesh Won a Gang’s Trust & Managed the Risks

a sketch of four gang members wearing winter clothes talking in an alley in a city

What does it take to truly understand a gang from the inside? How far would you go to gain that knowledge? Sudhir Venkatesh spent years immersed in the world of the Black Kings, a Chicago street gang. His experience, detailed in Gang Leader for a Day, offers a unique glimpse into gang life. He lays out the challenges and ethical dilemmas he faced during his research. Read on to dive into a world where academia meets the streets—and where trust can be both a lifeline and a burden.

What Happened to Political Discourse? Dana Perino’s Take

five demographically diverse people engage in political discourse in a coffee house

Are you tired of the constant bickering in politics? Have you noticed a decline in civil political discourse across the nation? In her book And the Good News Is…, Dana Perino explores the deterioration of political civility in America. She offers insights on reviving politeness and fostering respectful debates. Keep reading to discover Perino’s strategies for bridging the political divide and improving public discourse.

Why Should We Help Homeless People? Innovative Solutions

A man demonstrating why we should help homeless people by giving them food on the street.

Why should we help homeless people? What are innovative approaches to homelessness? Just because someone doesn’t have a home, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve human rights. The unhoused population still needs food, shelter, medicine, and clothes, just like everyone else. Let’s look at why helping the homeless will benefit everyone and the solutions to solving the housing crisis.

How COVID-19 Changed Our Lives (Schwab & Malleret)

a man working on a computer at a home with trees and a setting sun outside the window depicts how COVID-19 changed our lives

Have you ever wondered how a global pandemic could reshape our entire way of life? Was COVID-19 the catalyst for a major societal shift? In their book COVID-19, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore the far-reaching impacts of the pandemic. They outline how COVID-19 changed our lives, altering our perspectives on community, values, and nature. They also examine the potential for long-lasting changes in our behavior and priorities. Continue reading to discover how COVID-19 has put us all on a new path.

COVID-19: The Great Reset (Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret)

a bearded man reading a book in a workspace with computer monitors and a window in the background

Are you curious about how COVID-19 changed our world? What might the future look like after this global crisis? Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret tackle these questions in their book COVID-19: The Great Reset. They explore the pandemic’s far-reaching effects on various aspects of society. From economics to technology, the authors examine how this crisis reshaped our world. Continue reading for an overview of this book, and discover the challenges we face and the opportunities that lie ahead in our post-pandemic reality.

Rough Sleepers: Book Overview (Tracy Kidder)

A woman reading a book in a library next to a lamp.

What’s the book Rough Sleepers about? How did the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program transform the homeless population? In Rough Sleepers, Tracy Kidder tells the extraordinary story of the development of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The program provides medical services to the unhoused population that doesn’t have easy access to healthcare. Read below for a brief Rough Sleepers book overview.

Healthcare and the Homeless: Jim O’Connell’s Mission

A homeless man sitting in a doctor's waiting room, showing the lack of connection between healthcare and the homeless.

Is there a link between a lack of healthcare and the homeless? What initiatives have been taken to give the homeless necessary medical attention? A big problem among the unhoused population in Boston is that these people don’t have easy access to medical care. In Rough Sleepers, Tracy Kidder tells the inspiring story of Jim O’Connell’s efforts to provide healthcare for the homeless. Continue reading to learn how O’Connell changed the lives of the homeless community in Boston.

Megan Devine: 3 Grief Myths Prevalent in Our Culture (+ Realities)

a sign on a wooded pathway says "Move on already," illustrating grief myths debunked by Megan Devine

Have you ever wondered why society seems uncomfortable with grief? How can we better support those who are mourning? According to Megan Devine, grief myths are all around us—and they’re not making life any easier. In her book It’s OK That You’re Not OK, she challenges common misconceptions and offers a fresh perspective on how to approach and understand the grieving process. Keep reading to discover why our society needs to rethink our approach to grief and loss.

Feminist Masculinity: bell hooks’s Theory of a Healthier Identity

A man with a beard who is displayed the ideal version of bell hooks' feminist masculinity.

How do societal expectations shape masculinity? How can men embrace emotional authenticity and equality? In The Will to Change, bell hooks reimagines what it means to be a man. bell hooks’s feminist masculinity promotes ideals of equity, empathy, and reciprocal regard, aiming to revolutionize conventional views of masculinity. Discover how feminist masculinity can lead to personal growth, deeper connections, and a more fulfilling life.