The Nature Fix: Book Overview (Florence Williams)

A girl reading a book while in a hammock in the forest

Feeling stressed, depressed, or just generally unhealthy? When was the last time you spent time outdoors? In The Nature Fix book, Florence Williams explains how researchers are tapping into the healing power of nature. She shares the many proven benefits of spending time outside—and what those of us living in the urban jungle can do to reap its benefits. Continue reading for an overview of The Nature Fix.

Are Kids Growing Up Too Fast? Here’s Evidence They Are

Young girls on their phones and wearing makeup, showing that kids are growing up too fast.

Are kids growing up too fast these days? How does technology affect adolescent development? Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety warns that technology and social media are causing kids to mature earlier than they should. Not only are they more self-aware about their identities, but they’re experiencing anxiety far too soon. Here’s why children these days appear more mature than they should be.

Mental Health in Society & Media: How It’s Sensationalized

A man laughing at media on his phone while he sits in a chair

Why is the media fascinated with mental health disorders? Why have mental health diagnoses been increasing lately? In his book The Psychopath Test, British journalist and author Jon Ronson explores how the mental health sector has expanded in recent years. He also discusses the media’s sensationalism with people it finds to be “crazy” and why it’s an unfair representation. Keep reading to learn more about how mental health is depicted in the media.

Gang Leader for a Day by Sudhir Venkatesh: Book Overview

a young man reading a book in a casual setting with a plant and a window with a curtain in the background

Have you ever wondered what it’s really like inside a street gang? How does a sociologist navigate the dangerous world of urban crime? In Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets, Sudhir Venkatesh takes us on a wild ride through Chicago’s underworld. He shares his experiences embedded with a notorious gang, offering a rare glimpse into their operations and culture. Buckle up for a thrilling journey that will challenge your perceptions of both urban life and academic research.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program: A Success Story

A doctor talking to a homeless man.

What’s the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program? Who supported the program in its earliest days? In 1985, Dr. Jim O’Connell founded the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The program was able to rapidly grow thanks to the support of many politicians and partnerships with hospitals in Massachusetts. Check out how the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program came to fruition.

How COVID-19 Changed the World (Schwab & Malleret)

a globe that has been broken in several places depicts how COVID-19 changed the world

Are you prepared for the next global crisis? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your perspective on worldwide interconnectedness? The book COVID-19 by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret delves into how COVID-19 changed the world across various global systems. The authors explore how the crisis has exposed vulnerabilities, shifted international dynamics, and heightened risks for vulnerable nations. Keep reading to uncover the complex web of consequences stemming from this unprecedented global emergency.

Gang Leader for a Day: JT’s Role in the Gang & the Community

a man in a hooded jacket walking on an urban street at night in falling snow, city and vehicle lights shine in the background

What’s it like to lead a gang? Why would a gang leader take a sociology student into his inner circle? In Sudhir Venkatesh’s book Gang Leader for a Day, JT’s story provides a rare glimpse into the hidden realms of the Chicago underworld. The leader of the Black Kings gang forms a surprising bond with Venkatesh, who’s conducting immersive fieldwork. Continue reading for a fascinating sketch of a real gang leader who holds sway even beyond the Black Kings.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses: Schwab & Malleret Explain

businessmen at a conference table in front of a cityscape overlaid with graphs depict the impact of COVID-19 on businesses

Are you curious about how COVID-19 has changed the business landscape? Want to know what the future holds for various industries? In their book COVID-19, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore the impact of COVID-19 on businesses across the globe. From supply chain transformations to shifts in government influence, they share insights into the evolving economic and social landscape. Read on to discover how the pandemic is reshaping the business world and what it means for you.

How the Black Kings Gang Operates in Chicago’s Underworld

three men in hoodies walk down a city street where cars are parked along the curb on either side

Are you curious about the inner workings of a street gang? Do gangs impact their local communities in positive ways? In Gang Leader for a Day, Sudhir Venkatesh offers a unique glimpse into the world of the Black Kings gang in Chicago. He details the gang’s organizational structure, financial operations, and complex relationship with the community they both serve and exploit. Read on to discover the surprising ways in which this gang operates like a corporation and influences local life.

The Economic Impact of COVID-19 (Schwab & Malleret)

three silhouetted people looking at a digital world map on the wall illustrate the economic impact of COVID-19

Are you curious about how COVID-19 has reshaped our world? What lasting changes will we see in the economy? In COVID-19, authors Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore the pandemic’s far-reaching impacts. They examine the economic impact of COVID-19, industry transformations, and the acceleration of digital technologies. The book covers how these changes are affecting our daily lives and future prospects. Keep reading to uncover the key insights from this thought-provoking analysis.