Starbucks’s Social Responsibility: 3 Efforts to Make a Change

A Starbucks sign in front of grass, representing Starbucks's social responsibility

How does Starbucks help the environment and society? How was Starbucks involved in the 2008 American presidential election? Howard Schultz says that customers are drawn to Starbucks because of its commitment to social and environmental responsibility. In 2008, Starbucks took on three new social initiatives to reach out to the public and help people in need. Discover more about Starbucks’s social responsibility efforts.

Key Differences Between Democracy and Dictatorship

people behind a wire fence on the left and free people on the right depict the differences between democracy and dictatorship

How are democracies and dictatorships different? How is the size of their power base related to the way different leaders operate? In The Dictator’s Handbook, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith say the primary goal of all leaders is to get power and keep it. This is true in all political systems; the differences between democracy and dictatorship can be seen in how power is gained and who holds leaders accountable. Keep reading to understand these crucial distinctions and to gain a deeper grasp on why democracy is a superior system.

2 Ways Democracy and Economic Inequality Are Connected

people standing on stacks of coins of different heights illustrate the link between democracy and economic inequality

Is economic inequality eroding the foundations of democracy? How does the widening wealth gap affect our social fabric? Democracy and economic inequality are increasingly intertwined in modern society. We draw insights from a philosopher and an economist to understand the complex relationship between these two factors, examining how growing social divisions and reduced social mobility can threaten democratic systems. Continue reading for perspectives on this crucial issue shaping our world today.

How to Protect Democracy: 3 Strategies to Stave Off Threats

a security guard in front of a large granite building labeled "Democracy" illustrates how to protect democracy

Are you concerned about the state of democracy in your country? Do you wonder how to protect democracy in an increasingly polarized world? Shortform’s Master Guide to Threats to Democracy explores practical solutions to safeguard democratic institutions. We’ll examine several approaches that aim to strengthen democracy and foster a more inclusive political landscape. Read on to discover how you can play a role in protecting and revitalizing democracy in your community and beyond.

Bridging the Gap: 3 Potential Solutions to Political Polarization

the United States torn in two pieces of blue on the left and red on the right illustrates solutions to political polarization

Are you tired of the constant political bickering? Is there a way to bridge the divide between opposing sides? Shortform’s Master Guide to Threats to Democracy explores solutions to political polarization, offering strategies to heal deep social divisions. It presents three expert-recommended approaches to overcome the hostilities that threaten democracy’s functionality. Read on to discover how forging diverse coalitions, engaging in local politics, and finding empathy for your opponents can help mend our fractured political landscape.

Thomas Piketty: Inequality of Wealth Can Be Reduced 3 Ways

cartoon drawing of three people each holding two dollars illustrates Thomas Piketty's inequality of wealth solutions

What do you think about the growing wealth gap in our society? Should this issue be addressed? According to Thomas Piketty, inequality of wealth can be dealt with. In his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, he proposes three key economic reforms to reduce wealth inequality: a global wealth tax, increased financial transparency, and progressive taxation. Continue reading to understand Piketty’s ideas and their implications for society.

Group Consensus & the Social Pressure to Believe (Even Wrongly)

a cartoon of a group of people all sharing only one thought bubble over their heads illustrates group consensus

How does social pressure influence our beliefs and decision-making? Can large groups of people all be wrong together? In her book Being Wrong, Kathryn Schulz explores the concept of group consensus and its impact on our thinking. She discusses the challenges of independent thought and the power that social influence wields over what we believe. Read on to discover how group dynamics shape our beliefs and why thinking for ourselves might be harder than we imagined.

The 4 Major Disadvantages of City Life (The Nature Fix)

A person looking out the window of a small city apartment building, displaying the disadvantages of city life

What are the disadvantages of city life? Are city-dwellers really more stressed? How do cities affect sleep? In the book The Nature Fix, Florence Williams explains that people who live in cities suffer from excess stress, poor sleep quality, a lack of sunlight, and less empathy. While cities do offer numerous advantages for employment, socialization, and entertainment, the benefits may not outweigh the downsides. Here’s an in-depth look at the real cost of urban living.

Why You Need to Spend More Time Outside (The Nature Fix)

A person taking a walk in a city park, trying to spend more time outside

Why should you go outside more often? What can you do if you live in a city? Why are green spaces so important? In her book The Nature Fix, Florence Williams stresses the importance of spending time outdoors. Whether that means taking a walk in a city park or camping in solitude, you need to get out for your mental health. Here’s why you need to spend more time outside, according to Williams.