Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown: Book Overview

A man reading in a forest

What’s Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown about? What does it mean to truly belong in society? It’s natural to want to fit in and be a part of a social group, but sometimes people lose who they truly are to do so. In Braving the Wilderness, Brené Brown says that people should focus on expressing themselves for who they are, rather than giving themselves up for social acceptance. Read below for a brief overview of Braving the Wilderness.

What Is the Hedonic Treadmill and How Do You Get Off?

A woman seductively looking at her reflection in a mirror.

What is the hedonic treadmill? How can you get out of the cycle of constantly chasing after more? The hedonic treadmill is a behavioral pattern where people chase after happiness but never feel content or satisfied once they get what they want. To get off the treadmill, you have to slow down and practice gratitude and appreciation for the simple things in life. Take a look at how to approach your own negative patterns.

Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness Quotes on Individuality

A girl reading beside a tree

What does it mean to find true belonging? What does Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness say about forcing your opinions on others? Braving the Wilderness claims that finding like-minded people can be damaging to your self-esteem and acceptance. This is because people tend to throw away their own beliefs to fit in with the crowd, losing a sense of self. Learn more about the concept of true belonging with Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness quotes.

John Maxwell’s 5 Leadership Principles for Today’s World

A leader standing confidently with his employees in the background of a city.

Do you make a deliberate effort to improve as a leader, or do you just expect it to happen over time? Do you have moral authority in the eyes of your team? John Maxwell’s leadership principles have inspired and equipped thousands of leaders over the years. In his book Leadershift, he shares wisdom designed to help leaders break free from outdated notions and methods of leadership and thrive in today’s world. Read more to learn five principles that John Maxwell lays out in Leadershift.

How to Stop Feeling Nervous: Tackling Basal Ganglia Dysfunction

A worried man with a beard in front of a window

Do you experience unwarranted or excessive nervousness? Do you bite your nails or have other compulsive habits? Psychiatrist and brain health expert Daniel G. Amen argues that basal ganglia dysfunction might be to blame if you’re nervous or worried much of the time. He discusses the symptoms and shares several treatments that could calm your nerves. Keep reading to learn how to stop feeling nervous by addressing basal ganglia dysfunction.

The 3 Best Self-Care Tips by Mel Robbins and KC Davis

A woman holding the mirror as she looks in the reflection

Are you getting enough rest? What are Mel Robbins’ recommended self-care tips? Life can be exhausting when you have to focus on work, cleaning your home, and making time for your social circle. When you feel like giving up, The Mel Robbins Podcast stresses that you should take time to care for yourself. Here are the best self-care tips that’ll help you cope with life’s obstacles. 

Prefrontal Cortex Dysfunction Symptoms & Remedies (Dr. Amen)

An orchestra playing in a concert hall with lights shining on them.

Would you like to be more organized? Are you easily distracted? How can listening to Mozart help? Your prefrontal cortex oversees your executive function. If it’s not hitting on all cylinders, you could experience difficulty with focus, directions, emotions, learning, managing daily life, and more. Dr. Daniel G. Amen discusses ways to identify and address prefrontal cortex dysfunction. Read more to learn about the symptoms of—and treatments for—prefrontal cortex dysfunction.

Resilience in Mental Health: Huberman Lab’s Tools for Strength

A brain working out at the gym

Do you want to be more emotionally resilient? How do the seasons affect people with depression? In an episode of Huberman Lab, Dr. Andrew Huberman delves into the significance of structured mental health tools for building emotional resilience. He stresses that well-managed self-care practices can preempt emotional crises, especially for those with seasonal depression. Discover more about the impact of resilience on mental health improvement.