The Code Breaker: Book Overview (Walter Isaacson)

A woman reading a book in a study with a strand of DNA coming out of the book.

Have you heard of CRISPR and wondered what all the fuss is about? How could this groundbreaking technology change the world as we know it? The Code Breaker, a book by Walter Isaacson, explores the fascinating world of CRISPR gene editing technology. The book lays out its development, focusing on Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna’s contributions, and examines the moral quandaries and potential applications of this revolutionary scientific tool. Continue reading for an overview of this important book.

What Is CRISPR, and How Does It Work? (The Code Breaker)

What is CRISPR, and how does it work? An image of bacterial cells illustrates where this phenomenon was discovered

What is CRISPR, and how does it work? What if we could use nature’s defense mechanisms to revolutionize medicine? CRISPR, a natural biological feature found in some microorganisms, has become a powerful tool for genetic modification. Walter Isaacson’s book The Code Breaker explores its scientific background, discovery in nature, and how it functions as an antiviral defense mechanism in bacteria. Keep reading to learn what CRISPR is and how it works.

Why Border Collies Are the Best Dogs: 2 Adorable Examples

Two border collies running through a field, showing why border collies are the best dogs

Why are border collies the best dogs? Why is it so hard to get a new pet after another passes away? In their many years at the farmhouse, Sy Montgomery and her husband Howard rescued several border collies. She looks back on the lessons about love that Montgomery learned from two of them: Tess and Sally.  Here’s how two of Montgomery’s border collies ended up changing her life.

How Added Flavor Enhancers in Foods Trick Our Bodies

A grocery store aisle full of canned foods that contain flavor enhancers and other chemicals

How do flavor enhancers in foods trick our bodies and brains? Why aren’t ultra-processed foods actually foods? The process of manufacturing ultra-processed foods (UPF) destroys the thousands of molecules that comprise whole foods, effectively making them food-like substances. Part of the reason UPFs are so addictive despite this is because of their added flavorings. Here’s a look at the dangers of added flavoring in UPFs.

Who Is Jennifer Doudna? Her Life & Career (Walter Isaacson)

An image of Jennifer Doudna at the World Economic Forum

Who is Jennifer Doudna? How did she develop CRISPR technology, and how did the breakthrough launch her career? Jennifer Doudna’s journey from a curious child in Hawaii to a Nobel Prize-winning scientist is nothing short of inspiring. Her work on CRISPR, alongside colleague Emmanuelle Charpentier, has transformed the field of gene editing and opened up new possibilities in medicine and biotechnology. Read on to discover how Doudna’s early experiences shaped her career, the challenges she faced as a woman in STEM, and the intense competition that surrounded the development of CRISPR technology.

The Psychology of Change: Why It’s So Scary (Dr. Robert Maurer)

A cartoon of a sign that says "CHANGE" and a brain running away from it illustrates the psychology of change

Do you want to make changes in your life but keep running into roadblocks? Do you wonder why it’s so hard to break old habits and form new ones? In One Small Step Can Change Your Life, Dr. Robert Maurer explains the psychology of change, revealing fascinating insights into our brain’s resistance to new behaviors. Understanding how our minds perceive and react to change can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals more effectively. Keep reading to learn why change is so hard.

Who Invented CRISPR Technology? A Tale of Partners & Rivals

A microscope in a lab illustrates who invented CRISPR technology

Who invented CRISPR technology? Was it a solo effort or a collaborative achievement? The development of CRISPR gene editing technology involved multiple scientists, each contributing crucial elements. Jennifer Doudna, Emmanuelle Charpentier, and Feng Zhang played significant roles in transforming CRISPR from a natural process into a powerful gene editing tool. Read on for the fascinating story of scientific discovery, collaboration, and competition that led to one of the most revolutionary breakthroughs in modern biology.

Germline Editing Ethics: Walter Isaacson Lays Out the Debate

Three men in lab coats discuss germline editing ethics with a chalkboard in the background

Is it ethical to edit the genes of future generations? What are the potential benefits and risks of germline editing? Germline editing ethics is a complex and controversial topic. Scientists and philosophers debate the morality of altering DNA that can be passed down to future offspring. In The Code Breaker, Walter Isaacson shares arguments for and against this practice. Keep reading to explore the nuanced perspectives on this cutting-edge technology and its implications for humanity’s future.

Peter Zeihan: Oil Dependence Will Lead to Major Problems

An oil refinery surrounded by water illustrates Peter Zeihan's oil analysis

What’s the future of oil? How would global shipping disruptions affect energy supplies? According to Peter Zeihan, oil makes worldwide transportation and shipping possible, and that presents a problem. In The End of the World Is Just the Beginning, he predicts a return to regional oil markets and widespread energy shortages. He explores these potentialities and their far-reaching consequences. Continue reading to discover how oil dependence could lead to an energy crisis.

What Has CRISPR Been Used For? 3 Realized Applications

A smiling baby wearing a grey knit hat and lying on a blanket illustrates what has CRISPR been used for

What has CRISPR been used for in recent years? How has this groundbreaking technology impacted medical research and treatment? CRISPR technology has revolutionized genetic engineering, opening doors to unprecedented applications. CRISPR’s potential seems boundless. Walter Isaacson’s book The Code Breaker explores these developments in detail. Read more to dive into the world of CRISPR and its far-reaching implications for science and society.