The Future Is Faster Than You Think: Overview & Takeaways

A young man reading a book with a city in the background.

How will new technologies change our lives for the better? How will money and finance how we know it change? The world is always evolving, and now it’s changing much faster than ever before.  In The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler discuss why change and technological progress are occurring at breakneck speed. Read below for a brief overview of The Future Is Faster Than You Think.

What Is the Role of the Limbic System? Dr. Amen Explains

Many different emotions coming out of a brain

What is the role of the limbic system? What are its various components, and what does each one do? According to psychiatrist and brain health expert Daniel G. Amen, many people’s physical, mental, and cognitive problems arise from physical damage to specific regions of the brain and their associated functions. In this context, he discusses these regions in his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. Keep reading to understand the limbic system and its functions in your brain and body.

The Power of the Placebo Effect: How to Use It Like Magic

A brain dressed as a magician holding a wand

How does the placebo effect work? Are placebos limited to pharmaceuticals? How susceptible are you to them? The placebo effect is a common phenomenon in which the mind and body behave counter to reason. Rory Sutherland says you can use it in life and work. He looks at how the placebo effect works, the characteristics of effective placebos, and how the effect manifests in areas of life beyond medicine. Read more to learn about the power of the placebo effect and how to use it to an advantage.

How Is Technology Changing the World Today? 6 Major Impacts

A futuristic world where there's spaceships and flying androids in a city.

How is technology changing the world today? How will technology improve our shopping and traveling experiences? In what ways can technology reduce waste? Change is happening faster than ever. Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler envision how exponential technologies will dramatically change the world we live in, likely before the year 2030. Let’s explore six major areas where technology will have an impact.

What Do the Basal Ganglia Do? Dr. Amen Explains Their Roles

A blue glowing brain

What do the basal ganglia do? What roles do they play when it comes to your emotions, decisions, and learning? Whether you’ve ever heard of them or not, your basal ganglia make a big difference in your life. In his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, psychiatrist and brain health expert Daniel G. Amen explains how important this system in your brain is. Read more to learn what the basal ganglia do.

Technology and Shopping: Simplifying Your Retail Experience

A robot wearing an apron and working at a grocery store

Is autonomous shopping the future of retail? Will there ever be self-driving robots to deliver your goods? As technologies mature and become more widely implemented in the retail industry, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler predict that shopping will evolve. This will be done in two major ways: automated shopping and tailored personal preferences. Keep reading to learn how technology and shopping will go hand-in-hand in the future.

Future VR and AR Applications in Entertainment & Education

A student using a VR headset in class

What will virtual and augmented reality be used for in the future? How will entertainment and education improve with VR and AR? According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, the ways we learn and entertain ourselves will transform dramatically due to exponential technologies. What’s more exciting is that this will be in the not-too-distant future. Continue reading for future VR and AR applications in entertainment and education.

How Does Technology Improve the Environment?

A city and nature being split by a rainbow

How does technology improve the environment? Can we produce food using fewer resources? Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler argue that exponential technologies are paving the way toward a future where we can save the environment. Specifically, we can be less wasteful in the ways we produce and consume food. Find out how technology can protect the environment and reduce harmful waste.

The Impact of Technology on Healthcare: Better Care and Assists

A female scientist using a microscope in a lab

What’s the impact of technology on healthcare? Will robots be doing medical procedures in the future? The healthcare sector is being transformed by technology every year. According to Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, exponential technologies are creating a healthcare system that’s personalized, proactive, and affordable. Discover more about how healthcare is transforming with the help of new tech.