The Effect of Endocrine Disruptors on Testosterone in Your Body

A man playing basketball outside represents endocrine disruptors' effect on testosterone

How do endocrine disruptors cause a decline in testosterone? How does testosterone travel through the body? Testosterone plays a big part in your physical and mental health. But, in the presence of estrogenics—one of the known endocrine disruptors—testosterone decreases rapidly, which can lead to major problems. Continue reading for more information on the effect of estrogenics on testosterone.

Estrogen in Plastic: You May Be Drinking Harmful Estrogenics

A plastic Coca-Cola bottle and a plastic water bottle illustrate the harms of estrogen in plastic

Is there estrogen in plastic? How does the presence of estrogenics in water bottles affect your health? There are two types of estrogenics found in plastic bottles: phthalates and Bisphenol A & S. These chemicals pose a potential health risk to consumers, but there’s hardly any work being done to remove them. Keep reading to learn about the effects of harmful estrogen in plastics.

Endocrine Disruptors in Cosmetics: Are Makeup & Soap Harmful?

A woman applying makeup with a brush illustrates the harms of endocrine disruptors in cosmetics

Is every type of sunscreen or cleanser good for your skin? Are there endocrine disruptors in cosmetics? Estrogenics are a category of endocrine disrupters that interfere with your hormones, targeting estrogen receptors. Unfortunately, even though sunscreen and soap are essential skincare products, endocrine disruptors are commonly found in them. Discover more about endocrine disruptors in cosmetic products.

Estrogenic Chemicals Found in Food, Cosmetics, Plastic, & More

Plastic bottles in a trash can beside a paper bag illustrate the pervasiveness of estrogenic chemicals

How many estrogenic chemicals are in our food? Are estrogenics used in herbicides? According to Anthony G. Jay, estrogenics can be found in various sources from plants and fungi to artificial food coloring and plastic additives. Understanding the origin and function of each of these estrogenics helps us comprehend their impact on our health and the environment. Continue reading to learn about some common places where you’ll find estrogenic chemicals.

What Can Cause Hormone Imbalance? Investigating Estrogenics

What can cause hormone imbalance? A man with an unknown illness lies in a hospital bed

What can cause hormone imbalance? How do estrogenics mess up your hormones? Anthony G. Jay writes that an estrogenic is a chemical that mimics estrogen—a hormone that your body naturally produces. Estrogenics come from a variety of sources. When you come into contact with them, they can affect your health in significant ways. Here’s how estrogenics cause hormone imbalance.

How Do Trees Survive Winter? The Science Behind It

Trees in the winter covered in snow and a stream flows through the forest

How do trees survive in winter? How can they withstand the cold? In what ways do trees cooperate? Trees live on little more than sunlight, water, and the nutrients they draw from the soil. They respond to changes in the seasons and weather even the harshest winters. Recent research indicates they may be less solitary than they appear, and may help each other survive the cold. Here’s a look at the science behind how trees survive winter.

Why Are Endocrine Disruptors So Dangerous to Your Body?

Why are endocrine disruptors so dangerous? A closeup of a chemical compound under a microscope illustrates the science.

Why are endocrine disruptors so dangerous? How do estrogenics mimic estrogen? An estrogenic is a chemical that mimics estrogen, which is a hormone that your body naturally produces. Estrogenics, which are just one category of endocrine disruptors, come from a variety of sources and can affect your health in significant ways. Let’s look at how estrogenics work within our bodies and the characteristics that make them especially damaging.

The Psychology and Science Behind Losing Weight

An overweight man running on a treadmill, showing the science behind losing weight.

What’s the science behind losing weight? What psychological elements do you need to consider on your weight loss journey? On 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Layne Norton and Tom Segura explore the complexities behind dieting and weight loss. They discuss the physical and psychological aspects that inform our eating habits and the strategies to manage them. Read below for an in-depth view of the psychology and science behind weight loss.