What is the Challenger Sales process? How does it work? The Challenger Sales process is a type of sales strategy that allows a rep to control the conversation, and push back against customer doubts. While many sales strategies are customer lead, the Challenger Sales process lets reps guide the conversation as they give their “teaching pitch.” Read more about the Challenger Sales process below.
Why Challenger Selling Skills Make Reps Successful
What are the challenger selling skills? Why do these skills matter? What makes the best sales reps? The Challenger selling skills are why Challenger sales reps succeed. Challengers have a certain set of natural skills that they apply, and they also use specific Challenger Selling skills to excel in a solution-based sales environment. Find out more about these skills below compared to other types of sales reps, and why Challenger Selling works.
Building Customer Loyalty With Challenger Sales
How does the Challenger Sale Model help with building customer loyalty? What strategies can you use? Building customer loyalty has traditionally been done through careful relationship building. But researcher found that the Challenge Sale Model is even more successful in building customer loyalty. Keep reading to see why.
The 5 Types of Sales Reps, And Why Challengers Win
Are there different types of sales reps? Which type is the most successful? In The Challenger Sale, the authors discuss the different types of sales reps are why one type—the challenger type—is most successful. Read more about the different types of sales reps below, and how you can learn to be a challenger seller.
SPIN Selling vs Challenger Sale Model: What’s Better?
What is the difference between SPIN Selling vs the Challenger Sale Model? Which is better? Both sales strategies work. But the main difference in SPIN Selling vs The Challenger Sale Model is that Challengers teach, while SPIN sellers ask questions. These two sales models take difference approaches, but when it comes to SPIN Selling vs The Challenger Sale Model, it will be up to the rep to decide what works for them and what works for customers.
The Challenger Sales Approach: Think Differently
What is the challenger sales approach? How can you use it to be an effective salesperson? The challenger sales approach is a sales method that focuses on challenging customers to think outside the box, and consider their real needs. The challengers sales approach is a new and nontraditional sales method—and it gets results.
Endless Chain Method: Are You Fooled by Name-Dropping?
Have you ever been approached by a salesman who knows your friend or neighbor? Maybe he claims that your friend thought you could really use the product. Or maybe a salesperson asks you to recommend someone else in the neighborhood they could call on? This is the endless chain method in action. The endless chain method is a technique in which each sales prospect is asked for referrals, creating an ongoing chain of possible customers. The endless chain technique relies on the familiarity bias, which favors people you know and like. Learn how you’re manipulated because the requester represents the
Why Do You Want What You Can’t Have? The Scarcity Principle
Have you ever bought something just because it was on sale and you didn’t want to miss the good price? What about buying something just because you think it’s rare? The Scarcity Principle of persuasion makes us want what we think we might not be able to have. The Scarcity Principle is a theory that says people find more appealing those things with limited availability. When something is or seems rare, you are more likely to want it. Learn about scarcity and how it affects your decisions.
The Liking Bias: Why You Can’t Say No to Your Friends
Have you ever found it hard to say “no” to someone you like? What if a friend or neighbor tries to sell you something? It might feel easier to just buy it than to feel uncomfortable after rejecting them. How does the liking bias influence the way you make decisions? Robert Cialdini’s Liking Principle of persuasion is a theory stating that people are more likely to grant requests from people they know and like. It also states that you’re more likely to grant requests from people you perceive to be good-looking or to like you. We’ll cover the basics of
Reciprocal Concessions: The Mirage of Middle Ground
What are reciprocal concessions? Why do you feel the need to concede something just because someone else has given on their side? Rejection-then-retreat is a tactic used to help persuade you to give in. Reciprocal concessions is a negotiation strategy that uses an unreasonable ask that is scaled back to what a person really wants. You are tricked into thinking that you “won” a hard-earned concession and give on your starting position. Learn how to see through this rejection-then-retreat strategy.