Marketing Freebies: Don’t Fall Into the Trap

Marketing Freebies: Don’t Fall Into the Trap

Why are marketing freebies so dangerous? Why will we almost always choose “free” even if there’s a more logical option? We are psychologically attracted to anything that’s free, that’s why marketing freebies are such powerful tools. Even attaching the concept of “free” to a purchase can trigger you to irrationally spend more money on whatever it is. Keep reading to learn more about the power of marketing freebies.

4 Tips for Introducing a New Product Into the Market

4 Tips for Introducing a New Product Into the Market

Are you entertaining the idea of introducing a new product? What are some tips for making your product launch go as smoothly as possible? Introducing a new product to your audience can be nerve-wracking. Fortunately, there are some strategies to help you ensure that your product launch is as successful as possible. Here are some tips to bear in mind as you are introducing a new product to your audience.

5 Tips for Creating an Irresistible Marketing Offer

management style

How do you create a marketing offer? What are the key elements of an effective marketing offer? A good marketing offer can boost your sales more than the most expensive promotional campaign can. A successful offer consists of three elements: 1) alignment with your audience, 2) enticing promise, and 3) the right timing. Here are five tips for creating a marketing offer that hits all three.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Explained

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Explained

What are the 22 immutable laws of marketing? Are you following these laws in your company? What could you be doing better? The most successful companies are the ones with the highest-quality products and biggest marketing budgets, right? Wrong. It’s not quality and products that determine a company’s success, it’s marketing. Keep reading to learn about The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.

3 Customer Experience Strategies That Hit the Spot

3 Customer Experience Strategies That Hit the Spot

What is meant by customer experience? What can you do to elevate your customers’ experience with your brand? What are the most effective customer experience strategies? Customer experience is your customers’ overall perception of their experience with your business. The following customer experience strategies will help you craft an experience for your customer that goes above and beyond. Here are three customer experience strategies that hit the spot.

The Law of Leadership: The First Brand Is the Default

The Law of Leadership: The First Brand Is the Default

What are the first two immutable laws of marketing? Why is it so important to enter a market first? The first two of The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing are the Law of Leadership and the Law of Category. The Law of Leadership says that the first entry in a market will be more successful than its followers. Similarly, the Law of Category says that if you’re too late to be the first on the market, then you should create a new category of an existing product. Keep reading to learn more about the first two laws of marketing.

Start Small, Aim Big: 3 Ways to Grow a Small Business

Start Small, Aim Big: 3 Ways to Grow a Small Business

Do you want to grow your small business but not sure where to start? What are some viable growth options for a small business with a limited budget? Growing your business usually isn’t as hard as starting it. Below we will share two ways you can grow your small business in an effective and manageable way. Here are three ways you can grow your small business.

Do You Know the Key to Small Business Profitability?

Do You Know the Key to Small Business Profitability?

What is the key to small business profitability? What are some things you could do to amp up the profits of your venture? In order for your small business to survive, you must be able to make a profit. Ensuring the profitability of a small business can be boiled down to two principles: 1) be mindful of what you spend your money on and 2) keep thinking of ways to generate more income. Read about the two basic principles of small business profitability.