The 6 Kinds of Customers and How to Sell to Them

The 6 Kinds of Customers and How to Sell to Them

What are the six kinds of customers? What are their key characteristics? According to Brian Tracy, the author of The Psychology of Selling, there are six types of customers every salesperson should know about: 1) the reluctant customer, 2) the certain customer, 3) the analytical customer, 4) the relationship customer, 5) the directive customer, and 6) the social customer. To consistently close sales, you have to know how to tailor your sales pitch to each of these six types. In this article, we’ll take a look at the characteristics of each of the six types of customer and how can

6 Tips for Influencing Customer Perceptions

6 Tips for Influencing Customer Perceptions

What role does first impression play in sales success? What is the key to imparting a good first impression when dealing with customers? You can greatly increase the likelihood of a sale if you make a good first impression. To this end, appeal to your customer’s subconscious mind with cues that lead her to think you’re professional, in control, and an expert in your field. You can do this by harnessing the power of suggestion, which plants ideas and beliefs in a person’s subconscious mind with subtle social cues. In this article, we’ll look at some tips on how to

Level Up Your Sales Game: 3 Sales Tips for Success

Level Up Your Sales Game: 3 Sales Tips for Success

Do you work in face-to-face sales? What is the key to converting a curious prospect into a satisfied customer? Once a sales prospect has shown an interest in your product, you’ll need to engage them in a conversation that allows them to open up and tell you what exactly they are looking for. To maximize your chances of closing, follow these three sales tips for success: 1) position yourself as trustworthy, 2) ask questions, and 3) emphasize your product/service’s key benefits. We’ll discuss each of these concepts below.

Prospecting Tips to Help You Clinch More Deals

Prospecting Tips to Help You Clinch More Deals

Do you want to level up your prospecting game? What are some things you can do to increase your chances of converting a prospect into a customer? Asking a prospective customer for an appointment is probably the most stressful and least-liked aspect of selling, and it’s the part that most often causes people to leave the profession. However, the good news is that prospecting is a skill and can be learned, practiced, and honed. In this article, we’ll take a look at some prospecting tips that can make your cold calling more effective.

SUCESSs: A Simple Formula for Creative Messaging

SUCESSs: A Simple Formula for Creative Messaging

Do you have to be an amazing writer or speaker to deliver creative messaging? Is there a simple formula for effectively getting your ideas across? You don’t have to be a creative genius to communicate your message well. Chip and Dan Heath show you what to do through numerous examples of messages that have succeeded and others that have bombed. Rather than sweating over an original presentation, you can follow their “stickiness” template or even emulate someone else’s idea that worked. Keep reading to learn the formula for creative messaging.

How to Grab Attention: Introduce the Unexpected

How to Grab Attention: Introduce the Unexpected

How can you strategically grab attention and get people to listen? Can you do it without being gimmicky? To get someone to hear your message, you first have to get them to notice you. The best way to grab attention is to break a pattern and introduce the unexpected. People tune out sameness, but you can get them to tune in by changing something up. Keep reading to learn ways to grab attention.

How to Find Your Target Audience and Competitors

How to Find Your Target Audience and Competitors

How do you figure out how to find your target audience in marketing? Why is target market analysis so important? You learn how to find your target audience when you grasp the interconnection between geography, product offering, customer segmentation, distribution, and production. Geography, production, and distribution determine where you can sell your products, while the use-cases of your product offering and customer segmentation determine who you sell your products to. Target market analysis not only helps with target market identification, but it also helps you discover your competitors. Read on to learn more about how to find your target audience.

The Role of Storytelling in Communication

The Role of Storytelling in Communication

What is the role of storytelling in communication? How can storytelling help you get your message across more effectively? Stories have the power to motivate and teach. They are interesting and memorable. That’s why storytelling communication is an important aspect of making your message stick. Keep reading to learn about the power of storytelling in communication.

The Greatest Salesman in the World: The 10 Scrolls

The Greatest Salesman in the World: The 10 Scrolls

What is the purpose of the 10 scrolls in The Greatest Salesman in the World? What were the writings inscribed inside? The 10 scrolls from The Greatest Salesman in the World are the fictional medium for delivering the ten principles of selling, or more accurately, of character-building. The story “sells” the premise that becoming a great salesperson means developing a better, stronger version of yourself through good habits, discipline, perseverance, and self-control. Below is a brief summary of Og Mandino’s ten character-building lessons contained in the scrolls.

The Inverted Pyramid: Craft an Effective Message

The Inverted Pyramid: Craft an Effective Message

What is the inverted pyramid? How can the inverted pyramid approach help you communicate your message more effectively? Journalists use the inverted pyramid to prioritize the most important elements of a story. It keeps them from burying the lead. You can use this model to make sure the essence of your message gets communicated. Keep reading to learn about the inverted pyramid.